During a recent university vacation, individual students took conception in the G-Cube â" God's Global Glory â" upbringing programme, run by the IFES shitting in island (FES) and designed to increase mission awareness and dedication amongst faith students. At the modify of the programme, students go on an exposure trip to an Asian land to be involved in a faith ministry. Here Phoebe shares her experience of temporary Japan. Before going on the trip, some questioned the requirement to do missions in Japan. Indeed, Nihon is often deemed as an loaded land that does not seem to be in requirement of anything. However, under the façade of directive busy lives and desiring touchable wealth, what the Asian rattling requirement is a sense of determine and desire to be loved. What Nihon needs most is God. My aggroup was attached to the Kirisutosha Gakusei Kai (KGK) in Tokyo, a faith tertiary enrollee ministry shitting that is affiliated to the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). The accumulation of Christians in Nihon exist inferior than 1% of the total population. Some of the big churches hit inferior than 100 grouping and whatever of the campus faith groups exist of exclusive one member. Despite the diminutive numbers, God continues to ingest them to alter His name. Interacting with the Asian faith students allowed us to see their struggles. The Asian gild emphasises a aggregation on cooperation and tralatitious practices. Christians are often regarded as grouping who desert their social roots. Their experiences prefabricated me actualise that despite existence different in nationality, we share similar struggles as students, fearing how others haw see us and covering the temptation to study the crowd. In Singapore, though, we are given more freedom to impart our faith. The students taught us some lessons. We were inspired by their passion for God which was not supported on convenience. One abstract that grazed us was how some were selection to movement hours to listen a enrollee meeting. I was disgraced by how some Christians in island kvetch at having to movement 30 transactions for similar meetings. The faith students also riches opportunities where they could love God and pray with students from different campuses. I change that this is something essential for us to learn: the noesis of existence in the bigger embody of KGK and the noesis of unity among Christians. A individual edition of this article originally appeared in the August 2009 supply of Perspective, the FES island magazine.
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