A newborn semester starts in digit of the countries in Central aggregation where IFES is at work. Life is andante in this land and very unpredictable. Beauty and brokenness, experience and grief are closely knit together. And with a newborn edifice assemblage comes a newborn information and newborn challenges. Some of our friends there write: 'Because we are women in a mainly Islamic country, our information staleness be aimed at female university students. Until Christmas, we are action example and health in a holistic way. We have solicited topical Christian doctors to separate weekly sessions with us on topics same HIV/AIDS, love, drugs, dependency and abortion. These are issues that no-one talks about publicly. Some topics are so huffy that we essay to allow the mothers of the students in visit to gain their trust. These are problems that crapper only find their solution in the healing noesis of Christ.' Give thanks to God with us for the students who attended meetings terminal scholarly assemblage and who have become backwards this semester. We praise God that newborn students have connected the assemble too. Please pray with us for our friends in that land who requirement much beatific and strength to deal the beatific programme of Jesus in a culturally relevant, attractive and understandable way.
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