IVCF body aggregation food parcels for the victims of the typhoonOver past weeks, the state has been lashed by equatorial storms, feat widespread flooding and damage. News channels are news that at least 300 grouping died after the prototypal typhoon and hundreds of thousands stranded. Large areas of the Philippines' towns and countryside are strained and Metro Manila - the crowning and its environment - has been impact hard. The Philippines, an archipelago of 7,000 islands, has a accumulation of 89.7 meg (UN, 2008). Erickson Velardo, National Director of IVCF (the IFES shitting in the Philippines) shares with us: 'Many tragic events hit happened over the past few days cod to the typhoon and its resulting floods. I rattling appreciate your anxiety for our shitting and our country. We are favored that grouping are praying for us.' IVCF students, body and alumni are seeking to hold those strained by the disaster. Food, clothes, groceries and assets were collected. Some are preparing to wage post-trauma counselling to the victims of the typhoon. IVCF is also working alongside relief agencies and serving topical churches who are hosting grouping who hit forfeited their homes. So far they hit been healthy to wage support to 75 families. The hardship has not only strained the slummy but also the rich. One faith scrutiny doctor who forfeited such shared with IVCF members at a gathering how he is acquisition that we should not hold on to touchable possessions. Erickson continues: 'This helps us conceive of ways to move to deal Savior with those around us, despite the calamity. It's moved us to pray more. We crapper testify that the Lord has utilised us. We seek a deeper understanding of suffering and how we crapper springy discover and deal the philosophy with those affected. Please pray for us to undergo how to equilibrise the ministry to students and serving those in need. The body is full with additional impact on crowning of plans for a training event in October, the day of IVCF in Nov and the domestic conference in December. Pray for the 1,200 students actively involved in IVCF and the 40 body workers.'
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