Why Google's Acquisition Of AdMob Isn't Just About Advertising Google acquired ambulatory ad meshwork AdMob for $750 million in stock. There is a lot of reflection on why Google is purchase AdMob, but the manifest think is that Google wants more candid admittance to what they are sporting hard on--that ambulatory is the incoming great business medium. They've made a Brobdingnagian bet on ambulatory with Android--which is an manifest advise to possess the ambulatory see ad market, but today they've got their hooks into the ambulatory pass ad mart as well. But what some strength be missing could be the large think Google ( GOOG - programme - grouping ) bought AdMob: the data. With the acquisition of AdMob, Google today has admittance to usage accumulation of some of the most popular ambulatory apps--especially the apps in the iTunes App Store. For iPhones. If Google is attractive on Apple ( AAPL - programme - grouping ) for ambulatory OS mart share, they just scored a Brobdingnagian combative advantage. Google module know more info than ever most how grouping are using iPhone apps, how they are engaging with business within those apps, and users' loyalty to those apps. Dashboards same the above exclusive provide a pane into the first of the defence that Google is probable most to do on their ambulatory phone competition. There has already been lively conversation most just how such of our personal accumulation Google has admittance to. Now, modify if you don't possess an Android phone, Google module be healthy to collect data. Until there is sufficiency ambulatory pass business to delude to create healthy-enough revenues (Shazam, anyone?), it haw be the admittance to the accumulation that generates the large convey on Google's investment. Source - http://www.forbes.com/2009/11/10/google-admob-schafer-cmo-network-schafer.html --------------- @ Hot Current News Trends | Latest News | Breaking News
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