Friday, August 27, 2010

Are You Ready For a Baby?

Image courtesy: © Thinkstock

Women thinking of starting a family – or even expecting mothers – often wonder if they are ready to have a baby. They especially wonder if having a baby will change their marriage.

After all, you can never be really ready to be a mother. Motherhood is an experience that can take even the most-prepared baby-ready mommy by surprise! So, if you have either found yourself pregnant or consciously decided ‘it’s time’, it’s imperative for you to know things beyond the "you will glow when you become pregnant" banter.

Starting a family is a big decision, so make this choice for the right reasons.

If you are planning to have a baby, here's the worst case scenarios for you to consider:

You Won’t Have Much Couple Time
A baby will change the dynamics of your marriage. The demands of new motherhood will take up a great chunk of your time and as a result, you will have less time to spend with your husband and less energy and enthusiasm to go out.

You Won’t Recognise Your Body
Your body will undergo major changes. You aren’t going to lose your pregnancy weight immediately. The weight loss will be gradual and you may not look as slim as you did before you had your baby.

You will have to learn to love your new, bigger boobs and more voluptuous hips.

Mood Swings Are a Part of Motherhood
You may also be less inclined to dress up and make the effort to look good. Your husband will take his time to accept this change.

You and your husband will have to understand how to deal with Post Partum Depression. You will continue to have violent mood swings (not unlike during your pregnancy), only you will have a crying baby to attend to in that mood! Make sure your husband understands what you are going through and can support you emotionally.

Of course, figuring out if you’re ready for a baby is a big deal, and a scary prospect. But all mothers will say, in the end, it’s worth it - especially if you know what you are getting into!

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