Saturday, June 27, 2009

Dark tales of Tamil ex-child soldiers

top custom html 1At a camp situated on crowning of a construction overlooking scenic rubber and palm plantations in Sri Lanka, more than 100 former Dravidian Tiger female soldiers are undergoing a year-long rehabilitation course. Bala, who is now 17 eld old, was digit of the female soldiers who swelled the ranks of the feared Liberation Tigers of Dravidian Eelam (LTTE). "LTTE cadres took me away when I was 13. First I found it hard to carry the rifle. Then I got used to it. I went to the frontline and fired at the troops," he said. He has not seen his parents since he connected the FTO and hopes the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) module help him encounter them. 'Scared' The camp is digit of three camps ordered up by...bottom custom html 1

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