Saturday, July 4, 2009

Americas group suspends Honduras

Supporters of President Zelaya territory in Tegucigalpa, 4 July

Ousted President Manuel Zelaya has vowed to convey to Honduras on Sunday, despite existence threatened with arrest.

In a speech on the regional TV channel, Telesur, Mr Zelaya said he would come along with several other presidents.

Mr Zelaya, who was unnatural out by the military on Sunday, criticised the body of the interval polity and described them as traitors.

The Organization of dweller States is retentive an extraordinary conference and is due to balloting to alter Honduras.


Ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya speaks during a advise word in Panama City on July 2, 2009.

"I am organising my convey to Honduras... This is the convey of the president elected by the ruler will of the people," he said, occupation on his accumulation to join him "without arms" on his achievement in the top Tegucigalpa.

Already, thousands of his supporters are heading for the capital's airport, the BBC's Stephen Gibbs reports from Tegucigalpa.

In the recorded transcription that was sent to Telesur, Mr Zelaya warned the newborn administration of interval leader Roberto Micheletti that the planetary accord had overturned against them.

"I address you, the takeover leaders, traitors, 'Judases' who kissed me on the disrespect exclusive to afterwards provide a great expiration to our land and our democracy... Your actions will not go forgotten because the planetary courts will hit to try you for the kill that you are carrying out in our country, in suppressing rights and repressing our people."

The Honduran interval polity says it acted within the accumulation and has the championship of the majority of the population.

Emergency session

Earlier, the leader of the romish Christian faith in Honduras titled on the ousted president not to convey from exile, in visit to refrain provoking what he titled a "bloodbath".

Officers deploy in Tegucigalpa 4 July

Cardinal accolade Rodriguez said nobody had been killed since Mr Zelaya forfeited power, and he appealed to him to check his actions, before it was too late.

The presidents of Ecuador and Argentina, Rafael Corea and Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, hit said they would accompany Mr Zelaya when he returns to Honduras on Sunday.

The Honduran polity says that collar warrants hit been despatched to all frontiers.

The land is decent progressively polarised, our correspondent says.

Each period there are accumulation demonstrations, both in hold and against the government.

Mr Zelaya, whose enemies accuse him of seeking to preserve his conception by altering the Honduran constitution, has garnered comprehensive planetary support.

The Organisation of dweller States is meeting in emergency conference to debate whether to bill sanctions against Honduras.

The assemble is also probable to alter Honduras, after the caretaker polity refused to restore President Zelaya.

The interval rulers hit renounced the OAS charter in an apparent pre-emptive move, but an OAS authorised said the renunciation was not valid, since the Honduras polity were not a lawful government.

Bomb hits church in Philippines

BBC map

A assail wind outside a faith in the gray land has killed at small digit mortal and scraped at small eight, the grey says.

The expeditionary directly blamed the move in the municipality of Cotabato on an Islamist crusader group, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.

The assemble has been offend to establish a removed Islamic state.

One of its leaders denied some involvement in the attack, locution there was no churchlike offend in the south.

A expeditionary spokesman, Col Jonathan Ponce, said rapscallion MILF militants were suspected of planting the bomb.

"The rebels are getting desperate and they are no longer choosing their targets," he said.

"They are now attacking even places of worship."

But a leader of the MILF, Mohaqher Iqbal, denied his assemble had been participating in the attack.

"Who needs a Christian-Muslim conflict" he told Reuters programme authority in a ambulatory sound book message.

"There's no churchlike offend in the south. We're offend for our right of self-determination. We're only defending our people and our communities."

Zelaya vows to return to Honduras


Supporters of President Zelaya march in Tegucigalpa, 4 July

Ousted President Manuel Zelaya has vowed to convey to Honduras on Sunday, despite being threatened with arrest.

In a style on the regional TV channel, Telesur, Mr Zelaya said he would come along with several another presidents.

Mr Zelaya, who was unnatural out by the military on Sunday, criticised the body of the interval polity and described them as traitors.

The Organization of dweller States is holding an exceptional conference and is expected to balloting to alter Honduras.


Ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya speaks during a press conference in Panama City on July 2, 2009.

"I am organising my convey to Honduras... This is the convey of the chair elected by the ruler module of the people," he said, occupation on his mass to tie him "without arms" on his achievement in the top Tegucigalpa.

Already, thousands of his supporters are heading for the capital's airport, the BBC's author Gibbs reports from Tegucigalpa.

In the recorded transcription that was dispatched to Telesur, Mr Zelaya warned the new brass of interval cheater Roberto Micheletti that the planetary accord had overturned against them.

"I come you, the coup leaders, traitors, 'Judases' who kissed me on the cheek exclusive to afterwards provide a great expiration to our land and our democracy... Your actions module not go unnoticed because the planetary courts module hit to try you for the kill that you are carrying out in our country, in suppressing rights and repressing our people."

The Honduran interval polity says it acted within the accumulation and has the backing of the majority of the population.

Emergency session

Earlier, the cheater of the Roman Catholic faith in Honduras titled on the ousted chair not to convey from exile, in order to refrain provoking what he titled a "bloodbath".

Officers deploy in Tegucigalpa 4 July

Cardinal accolade Rodriguez said nobody had been killed since Mr Zelaya forfeited power, and he appealed to him to analyse his actions, before it was likewise late.

The presidents of Ecuador and Argentina, Rafael Corea and Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, hit said they would accompany Mr Zelaya when he returns to Honduras on Sunday.

The Honduran polity says that collar warrants hit been despatched to every frontiers.

The land is decent increasingly polarised, our newswriter says.

Each period there are mass demonstrations, both in hold and against the government.

Mr Zelaya, whose enemies accuse him of seeking to preserve his conception by altering the Honduran constitution, has garnered broad planetary support.

The Organisation of dweller States is gathering in emergency conference to speaking whether to bill sanctions against Honduras.

The group is also probable to alter Honduras, after the caretaker polity refused to restore President Zelaya.

The interval rulers hit renounced the OAS charter in an manifest pre-emptive move, but an OAS official said the rejection was not valid, since the Honduras polity were not a lawful government.

African move on Bashir dismissed


Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir at the individual Union summit in Libya

The individual Union's (AU) selection not to support collar Sudan's chair module not affect the International Criminal Court's work, its functionary says.

Luis Moreno Ocampo told the BBC Omar al-Bashir was ease a wanted man and that it was up to apiece individual land to end whether to collar him.

Mr Bashir was indicted over questionable atrocities in Darfur in March.

But on weekday an AU meeting in Libya united a partitioning locution they would not co-operate in his arrest.

In a statement, the AU pointed out that its request to the UN Security Council to delay Mr Bashir's instrument had been ignored.

Mr Ocampo told the BBC that the AU selection was no victory for Soudan or Mr Bashir. "No-one is locution he's innocent," he said.

He said apiece of the 30 individual states that subscribed up to the leaders accord establishing the suite would hit to end for themselves whether to collar the African leader.

And he additional that exclusive the Security Council could alter or displace the instrument against Mr Bashir, not the ICC.

The suite has indicted the African chair on two counts of war crimes - designedly leading attacks on civilians and hostility - as substantially as five counts of crimes against humanity, including murder, ravishment and torture, all related to the offend in the Darfur region.

He denies the allegations, locution the land has a responsibility to fight rebels.

Charity plea over kidnapped pair

Refugee tents in Darfur, March 2009 (image from Medecins Sans Frontieres)

An Goidelic aid miss has been seize by an brachiate association in Kutum in the Darfur location of Sudan.

Sharon Commins, 32, and Hilda Kawuki, a 42-year-old Ugandan were employed for the Goidelic benevolence Goal.

The port blackamoor had been employed in the location for a year. A African section guard was also seize but later free by the unidentified gunmen.

The Goidelic Department of Foreign Affairs said the embassy in Cairo was urgently work the situation.

Goal honcho executive John O'Shea said the women had been seize by a group of sextet brachiate bandits.

He said they had been employed in a chanceful part of Soudan where some brachiate gangs operated.

Irish President Jewess McAleese has expressed unfathomable anxiety at the disappearance of Ms Commins.

"The President has conveyed to the Commins kinsfolk her fervent wish that Sharon module be returned to country as presently as possible, along with her colleague, Ms Hilda Kawuki," a spokeswoman said.

It is the third instance external aid workers hit been seize in Darfur since March.

The UN says 300,000 grouping hit died and more than digit meg fled their homes since conflict erupted in 2003 between black-African protest groups and the Khartoum government.

Tower block blaze victims named


Police have titled five of the six victims killed in a blast at a tower country in south-east London.

Helen Udoaka, 34, and her three-week-old girl Michelle died mass the blast which poor discover at the 12-storey Lakanal Estate in Camberwell.

The another threesome titled are Dayana Francisquini, 26, Filipe Francisquini, 3, and Empress Hickman, 31. The ordinal mortal relic unidentified.

Police are treating Friday's blast as suspicious until a drive is determined.

About 30 grouping had to be saved from the building as the blast spread. Another 120 were evacuated.

Police said the blast started on the ninth floor. All those who died were on the 11th floor.

Ch Supt Wayne Chance, from the Metropolitan Police, said: "We would always treat a status same this as suspicious because we don't know the cause... in the prototypal instance."

Fatal flats fire 'is suspicious'

In Pictures: author shape blazeThe shape country ablaze

Investigations are low way into the drive of a shape country blast that mitt six grouping dead, including a three-week-old child and two children.

Fire bosses believe it module verify "weeks if not months" to establish how the blaze, in south-east London, happened.

About 30 grouping were saved from the blast at the 12-storey Lakanal House on the Sceaux Gardens Estate, Camberwell.

More than 100 firefighters tackled the blaze, which is thought to hit started in a stairwell, at 1620 BST on Friday.

The bodies of a six-year-old female and two adults were institute at the scene. The three-week-old baby, a seven-year-old child, and a blackamoor were after pronounced departed in hospital.

Hotspots search

Eyewitnesses described how the tragedy has mitt grouping in the Atlantic "shocked".

A author Fire Brigade (LFB) spokesman said preliminary investigations hit been carried discover at the scene by two specialist teams.

"They module be working alongside our firefighting crews," he said.

"There are ease hotspots in the scheme which could reignite if we don't terminate them properly."

He addicted inquiries could "take months" to complete.

Up to 20 grouping were condemned to threesome topical hospitals, 18 of whom were after discharged.

"We were rattling afraid because we couldn't walk - we were locomotion finished the smoke"

Nancy Kanu, residentScene of the fire

Fifty other grouping were unnatural to yield their homes and were condemned to an crisis centre, ordered up by Southwark council in nearby Welton Hall.

Firefighter Paul Glenny, who tackled the blaze, said: "I've been in the employ for 30 years, and I've never seen anything same it.

"The blistering weather and the fact that people's windows were unstoppered made the blast what it was."

Carol Hunter, who lives in a building that backs onto Lakanal House, described hearing a "huge bang and then flames were everywhere".

"It was horrible. We saw lots of children conflict on the windows to intend discover and families screaming," she said.

"There was even bottom sheets tied unitedly hanging discover of windows with grouping threatening to move out. We saw embody bags reaching out. I change sick."

Nancy Kanu, who lives on the ordinal floor, said she saw respiration reaching in finished her pane and in the stairwell.

Speaking from the crisis centre, in Bushey Road, she said: "We were rattling afraid because we couldn't walk - we were locomotion finished the smoke.

"My miss was there with her three-day-old baby, who is today pain breathed problems and I was there with my two kids."

'Tragic situation'

Architect Alastair Bowden, 31, who lives nearby, said he could wager several floors had been affected.

"It's quite hammy to wager a shape country on fire," he said. "It has shocked everyone.

"People don't think there's much of a community in Camberwell but there is. I think it module be change strongly locally."

Harriet Harman MP, whose constituency includes the shape block, said it was "clearly a very sad situation".

"People rest stabilize but it's a very perturbing situation," she said.

"I hit uttered to the blast polity and they hit yet to refer the drive of the fire.

"The important immediate concern is for the grouping who hit died and for the grouping conflict for their lives in hospital."

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Digger used in cash machine theft

Police back

Thieves hit used a organisation to vanish a change organisation from a supermarket in County Fermanagh.

The pillage at the class at Clones Road, Newtownbutler, was reported to police at most 0430 BST on Saturday.

After removing the machine from the shop, the robbers set the organisation on blast and made soured in a white container with cash.

Police hit appealed for anyone with aggregation to occurrence them.

Friday, July 3, 2009

North Korea 'tests more missiles'


North Korea has tested digit short-range missiles, South Asiatic media report, as anxiety mounts in the location that a long-range effort could be days away.

It test-fired added kindred missiles early this week and has incurred firm UN sanctions since holding a second underground thermonuclear effort in May.

The latest missiles were fired from a humble near Wonsan into the Sea of Japan, South Korea's accumulation ministry said.

They are believed to be Scuds with a arrange of 500km (312 miles).

A South Asiatic accumulation official said Saturday's tests were of greater anxiety than Thursday's, as the missiles had a such greater range.

The BBC's Evangelist Sudworth in Seoul says the launches are seen there as part of North Asiatic efforts to progress up the tension.

Japanese and South Asiatic media have reportable that North Korea haw be preparing to move added long-range ballistic missile.

There are fears that North Korea is trying to display thermonuclear warheads diminutive enough to put on long-range missiles.

After six-nation talks aimed at curbing North Korea's thermonuclear ambitions broke downbound early this year, Pyongyang said it would "weaponise" its plutonium stocks and move enriching uranium for a light-water thermonuclear reactor.

On 12 June the UN Security Council authorised a partitioning allowing inspection of air, sea and realty shipments in and discover of North Korea suspected of carrying illegal arms and weapons-related material.

The North has said it module impact any interception of its ships as a declaration of war.

No Suu Kyi meeting for UN chief

Ban ki-moon, left, talks with Gen Than Shwe 3.7.09

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is ordered to stop a ordinal gathering with Burma's crowning expeditionary leaders.

Mr Ban has asked to foregather jailed contestant cheater Aung San Suu Kyi, and says he is awaiting a state while he remains in the country.

In his prototypal gathering with General Than Shwe, Mr Ban asked for the promulgation of all Burma's political prisoners.

Ms Suu Kyi's effort on charges of breaking the cost of her concern collar was delayed again on Friday.

A BBC newswriter says these delays declare Burma's expeditionary rulers haw be having ordinal thoughts most the trial.

Two-hour meeting

Mr Ban's two-hour gathering with Gen Than Shwe took locate in the far administrative top Nay Pyi Taw on Friday.


  • 1988: Junta comes to noesis after crushing pro-democracy uprising
  • 1989: Martial accumulation declared; contestant NLD cheater Aung San Suu Kyi put low concern arrest
  • 1990: NLD wins elections; result rejected by the ruling junta
  • 1995: Suu Kyi freed from concern arrest; movements restricted
  • Sept 2000: Under concern collar for disagreeable to escape movement curbs
  • May 2002: Released unconditionally
  • May 2003: Detained after conflict between NLD and ingroup forces
  • Sep 2003: Home after surgery, low trenchant concern arrest

UN chief's big gamble

Why is ingroup afeard of Suu KyiAung San Suu Kyi (1996)

"I told him [Gen Than Shwe] that I desired to foregather her [Aung San Suu Kyi], but he told me that she is on trial," Mr Ban after told reporters.

"I told him that this is my proposal, and this is important, and I am inactivity for their reply."

Mr Ban said he had been assured that elections planned for 2010 would be "held in a fair, free and transparent manner".

The UN chief's ordinal gathering with the Burmese cheater is scheduled for Sat farewell and after he is due to attain a speech outlining his exteroception for Burma.

If Mr Ban is allowed to foregather Ms Suu Kyi, he would be the prototypal UN helper generalized to do so.

Ms Suu Kyi, a philanthropist Peace laureate, has spent such of the time digit decades in situation or low concern arrest.

She was transferred from concern collar to situation in May after an dweller Negro swam to her shore house. She faces up to fivesome years in slammer if convicted.

Next year's elections are conception of the expeditionary government's "roadmap to democracy," but critics feature they module be a sham fashioned to alter the generals' four-decade appendage on power.

Opposition activists feature Ms Suu Kyi's effort is fashioned to ready her discover of the artefact until after the elections.

Six killed in tower block blaze

Scene of the fire

About 100 firefighters are tackling a blaze in a country of flats in south-east London.

A author Fire Brigade spokesman said grouping are believed to be exclusive the building in Havil Street, Camberwell.

Firefighters using breathed apparatus were titled to the scene at about 1620 BST on Friday, the spokesman added.

About 18 blast engines and doc equipment are existence utilised to tackle the blaze in the 12-storey block, which is believed to have begun in a stairwell.

The blast brigade spokesman said the blast is believed to be in the communal areas between floors quaternary and 11.

African Union in rift with court


breaking news

The individual Union is ending its co-operation with the International Criminal Court after it charged Sudan's chair with war crimes.

Omar al-Bashir is accused over questionable atrocities in the Darfur region.

Reports from an AU meeting in Libya said the delegates agreed a evidence locution they would not co-operate in the "arrest and surrender" of Mr Bashir.

The African polity has been conflict rebels in Darfur since 2003, amid repeated claims of war crimes.

Prince and PM praise soldiers' bravery

Lt Col prince Thornoloe and Trooper Joshua Hammond

Gordon emancipationist and the Prince of Wales have paid tribute to two soldiers killed in Afghanistan.

The Prime Minister said "the full country" would be mourning the deaths of Lt Col prince Thorneloe and Trooper Joshua Hammond.

Col Thorneloe, of the 1st Battalion Brittanic Guards, was the maximal ranking tar to be expire in state since 1982.

Prince Charles, who is colonel-in-chief of his regiment, said the news of his modification was "completely heartbreaking".

He said: "As you can imagine, the shock and horror that has strained the full of the regiment kinsfolk was quite dramatic.

"I was afraid to feature the small most both deaths, Trooper Hammond as well."

The prince added said his hunch was with the soldiers' families. "It's completely heartbreaking. The full battalion is suffering," he said.

Mr emancipationist said: "They were rattling professional soldiers, they were serving in Afghanistan in the most arduous terrain.

"Lt Col Thorneloe was someone I know, someone I worked with, someone I admired."

He said Col Thorneloe - the most grownup nation Army tar to be killed in state since the Falklands War in 1982 - showed enthusiastic bravery and leadership.

He added: "I would also aforementioned to transfer on my condolences to his kinsfolk and also the kinsfolk of Trooper Hammond, who was a rattling brave teen man."

Col Thorneloe, 39, from Kirtlington, nearby Oxford and Trooper Hammond, 18, from Plymouth, died in the aforementioned explosion in Helmand domain on Wednesday.

It brings the sort of nation deaths in Afghanistan since 2001 to 171.

Deadly military crash in Pakistan

Pakistani helicopter

Up to 26 Asiatic section organisation are feared dead after an army transport eggbeater crashed in the tribal location of Orakzai, military officials say.

Maj Gen Athar Abbas told the BBC the eggbeater crashed on the abut of the Khyber and Orakzai tribal region.

The cause of the break is unclear, though officials said the most probable account was a theoretical failure.

The break comes as a suspected US drone accomplish in South Waziristan killed at small 10 militants, officials said.

The BBC's Mike Wooldridge in Islamabad says it is understood the MI-17 eggbeater had been air backwards to Peshawar from the Asian abut location when the pilot put discover a Mayday alert.

Map locator

The eggbeater then came downbound "in a belligerent area" where it was fired upon by militants, according to officials.

Troops were dispatched in and exchanged fire with the insurgents.

Military officials said that an enquiry into the break would be carried out.

The north-west of Pakistan is currently the scene of heavy conflict between the Asiatic army and Taleban militants.

Fighter planes are reportable to hit been offensive suspected Taleban positions in South and North Waziristan.

Unnamed info officials said the drone attack in South Waziristan had targeted a militant upbringing facility.

The location - on the Asian abut - is dominated by Pakistan's most senior Taleban cheater Baitullah Mehsud.

Secrecy rulings 'taking too long'

National Archives

Complaints about unloved Freedom of Information requests are attractive likewise long to resolve, campaigners say.

People whose FOI requests are overturned down crapper communicate for a judgement from the aggregation commissioner.

But the Campaign for FOI said it took an average 19.7 months to supply conventional notices - one took nearly quaternary years.

The commissioner's duty said exclusive 10% of cases resulted in a conventional notice and said they were employed to speed up their response.

The Campaign for Freedom of Information inform analysed 500 selection notices issued up to March 2009 and institute the average delay in supply them was 19.7 months.

'Major threat'

It institute 46% of notices took between one and digit eld to issue, 25% took digit to threesome eld and 5% - or 23 cases - took more than threesome years.

One, a upset lodged in April 2005 from someone who desired West Yorkshire Police to promulgation a inform on armament crime, did not hit a conventional notice lodged until March 2009 - nearly quaternary eld later.

The report's authors over that the delays were "sufficiently earnest and distributed to represent a major threat to the FOI Act's effectiveness and open certainty in it".

They said it was attractive so long the example aggregation strength be outdated and grouping would be place soured making requests.

"Finally if polity intend that they crapper safely keep aggregation for individual eld before the commissioner compels disclosure, a eld may do so deliberately, meet to buy time," they said.

The Information Commissioner's Office said the vast majority of complaints were dealt with without having to resort to a conventional selection notice - but the 10% that did so took individual "than we would like".

A spokesman said FOI was so popular they were getting much more complaints referred to them than prognosticate and were making changes to "resolve the increasing drawing of complaints as quickly and expeditiously as possible within the resources available to us".

"Last period we published a newborn FOI strategy outlining how we will hold more cases informally and shorten the size of selection notices," he said.

He additional that open polity had to be more "proactive" in disclosing authorised information.

Andre talks about break-up pain

Peter Andre and Katie Price

Peter Andre says his break up with model Katie Price has been "the poorest some months" of his life.

The vocaliser was conversation most the separate to Chris Moyles on his Radio 1 breakfast show.

He said: "There's a aggregation to it. I definitely knew what I had to do. I'm apparently never mentioning the reasons, but there's not meet digit reason."

Peter Andre and Katie Price declared their change on 11 May after three-and-a-half years of marriage.

The celebrity unify married on 10 September 2005 at Highclere Castle in Berkshire.

Peter Andre became stepfather to Katie Price's son, Harvey, from her previous relation with player Dwight Yorke.

The pair also have two children of their own, Junior and Princess Tiaamii.

Peter Andre told Chris Moyles there wasn't some quantity he and Katie Price would intend back together.

He said: "No. No, what's finished is done. Let's not block the fact there are farther large problems in the world.

"But when you are in your possess situation it feels like the biggest problem in the world.

"The hardest taste that's happened discover of every of this is espousal and when you crapper accept it then you crapper move forward. I'm going through the espousal stage, which is very difficult."


Peter Andre also admitted that his children were the most essential thing in his chronicle and were what kept him crushed during his change from Katie Price.

"They're awesome. They provide you a significance of stability. They make you humble," he said.

"They definitely ready you fit. It's the prizewinning conception of my life."

The pair got unitedly after appearing on I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! in 2004.

They then appeared on their possess reality exhibit Katie & Peter: The Next Chapter and released a charity album of duets in 2006 called A Whole New World.

Peter Andre says he saw Katie Price for the prototypal time since their separate terminal week.

"It was brief. When it's for the children, for a separate ordinal there, you meet don't conceive most anything really. You meet intend on with it."

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Palaeontologists uncover three new dinosaur species

An artist's notion of the carnivorous theropod Banjo (image: inhabitant Age of Dinosaurs)

Australian palaeontologists say they hit discovered threesome newborn dinosaur species after examining fossils dug up in Queensland.

Writing in the book PLOS One, they exposit digit of the creatures as a fearsome beast with threesome super slashing claws on each hand.

The another digit were herbivores: digit a gangly giraffe-like creature, the another of stocky physique same a hippopotamus.

The fossils date backwards nearly 100m eld to the region of the punctuation period.

They were institute in rocks known as the Winton Formation.

Beyond velociraptor

Queensland Museum palaeontologist, histrion Hucknell, said the carnivore, Australovenator wintonensis, was even super and more alarming than velociraptor prefabricated famous in the period Park movies.

"The cat of his time, Banjo was reddened and agile. He could separate downbound most prey with ease over unstoppered ground," he told reporters.

The dinosaurs hit been titled after characters in Australia's famous song, Waltzing Matilda.

The carnivore has been titled titled after Banjo Patterson, who composed Waltzing Matilda in Winton in 1885, the Sydney Morning Herald production explained.

Clancy, Witonotitan wattsi, was a gangly slim animal, patch Matilda, Diamantinasaurus matildae, was more stocky and hippo-like.

These digit plant-eating, four-legged sauropod species are newborn types of titanosaurs - the largest animals ever to achievement the earth.

Banjo and Matilda - possibly beast and his prey - were institute buried unitedly in a 98m assemblage older billabong, or adynamic pond.


The find was published in the public access book Public Library of Science One, and was declared by Queensland Premier Anna admiral at the inhabitant Age of Dinosaurs Museum of Natural History in Winton.

She said the discoveries were a major insight in the technological discernment of past chronicle in Australia.

Museum Victoria palaeontologist, Evangelist Long, said the finds were "amazing".

The production quoted him locution that the finds place state backwards on the planetary transpose of big dinosaur discoveries for the first instance since 1981, when the brainstorm of Muttaburrasaurus, a super four-legged herbivore that could side up on digit legs, was announced.

The newborn species will be part of the inhabitant Age of Dinosaurs Museum of Natural History low cerebration in Winton. This aims to concern the world's largest assemblage of inhabitant dinosaur fossils when it is complete in 2015.

Fans and foes pray for ill Aquino


Corazon Aquino present primary mass for 25th anniversary of muder of economise Benigno Aquino, 17 August 2008

Former Filipino President Corazon Aquino has mitt her fate to God, her kinsfolk has said, suasion group to substance prayers for her health.

The Aquino family, daylong dominant in Filipino politics, said she had been battling cancer for a year and a half.

She has refused boost chemotherapy or other scrutiny treatment against colon cancer, her communicator said.

Mrs Aquino became president when the 1986 People's Power uprising deposed past Nipponese Ferdinand Marcos.

The blackamoor of past Senator Benigno 'Ninoy' Aquino, she was catapulted from domesticity to run a country deeply separated after eld of military law and communist insurgency.

She battled individual coup attempts against her rule, protected the country's neophyte ism and free semipolitical prisoners. But she was often criticised for weakness before overseeing a smooth transition to President Fidel Ramos in 1992.

In past years, she has campaigned against past President carpenter 'Erap' Estrada, but then resigned with him to join protests against incumbent President Gloria Arroyo over allegations of vote-rigging and corruption.


Now 76 eld old, wife Aquino was fresh hospitalised "because of her expiration of appetite, caused by fluid build-up in her breadbasket area," her kinsfolk said.

"We remain in complete consortium in God's unbounded healing power," the family's evidence said.

"Our kinsfolk wishes to impart the Filipino grouping for your prayers and outpouring of fuck and concern for our mother," the evidence said.

"She has and always module be a blackamoor of faith, a fighter, a maker of wish and rousing for every of us, not meet her kinsfolk but our entire nation as well," the evidence said.

At the move of a program of regular group to pray for wife Aquino's health, Mr Estrada and past first Mohammedan Imelda Marcos offered their prayers.

"I asked every these grouping to substance prayers to her. I have peace in my heart and am comfortable with the truth. I am praying for her innocuous recovery," wife Marcos said as she handed out bags of rice at a northern Manila slum to celebrate her 80th date on Thursday.

The murder of wife Aquino's husband, Ninoy, in 1983, led to distributed street protests that culminated threesome eld after in the Marcos regime's demise.

Deedee Siytangco, wife Aquino's publicist, told reporters wife Aquino remained semiconscious and stable.

No pain no gain

WHO, WHAT, WHYThe Magazine answers...

Andy philologue was represented doing a fantastic kind of upbringing as he embattled for his Wimbledon quarter-final, what looked aforementioned a press-up with a kick. What was the point of it

Much has been prefabricated of Andy Murray's reinforced pace and living on the court, and his new, more honed physique.


  • Plyometric upbringing that builds noesis in the muscles
  • It mainly entireness the chest and triceps

And seeing the pictures of the Scot's face, crooked in discompose as he tried to execute a series of complicated press-ups low the counselling of his individualized simulator Jez Green, it wasn't hornlike to wager how he's got there. Through discompose and hornlike work.

Although the photographs showed him attending to defy gravity by elevating his legs patch doing a press-up, philologue was in fact move his legs up in the expose as he pushed his embody absent from the ground.

So what was he doing

WHAT MUSCLES ARE BEING WORKEDMurray kicks his legs up in the expose and as his legs fall to the connector he pushes his bunk embody off the ground. Which muscles are attractive the strain

  • 1: Pectorals (the chest)
  • 2: Deltoids (front of shoulders)
  • 3: Triceps
  • 4: Transversus abdominis (part of the set hooligan group)
  • Hidden from view, the serratus preceding low the cavity is also existence worked
Andy Murray

It's commonly famous as the "donkey-kick" press-up, says Simon Richman, a physical upbringing pedagogue in the Army.

"It's quite an explosive movement. You do the squawk when you're down, then near up as your legs are reaching backwards downbound to the ground.

"I wouldn't recommend it for beginners"

Simon Richman

"It's such more intense than a connatural press-up. You requirement such more capableness to hold yourself, so it's a such more modern press-up."

The pectorals (chest) and the triceps do most of the work, he says, but the deltoids (front of the shoulders) and the set muscles - a super group of deep-lying muscles in the body helpful for balance - are also existence exercised.

The explosive capableness of the donkey-kick crapper be replicated by clapping your safekeeping as you advise upwards, and doing the blast behindhand your backwards is modify harder, he says.

Andy philologue in 2008

The Army tends to ingest a difference of press-ups in its training, and there are whatever variations, such as "the frog" and "the seal" (also famous as the Hindoo or the club bomber), says Mr Richman, a member of nation Military Fitness.

"We wouldn't ingest the donkey-kick that such because the squawk up in the expose arches the backwards and crapper put push on the spine.

"It's not a controlled press-up and you crapper intend the aforementioned noesis in a blast press-up. If finished incorrectly, you're unstable for a cypher so I wouldn't recommend it for beginners."

No discompose no gain

This kind of upbringing is titled plyometrics, says individualized simulator Ryan Bull. "It involves shortening and lengthening the muscles at pace to create noesis and create more force.

"It's ordinarily used on modify embody exercises, so for example footballers do plyometrics for their legs.


  • A regular conception of the BBC News Magazine, Who, What, Why Aims to respond whatever of the questions behindhand the headlines
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"You crapper ingest it on the bunk embody but it's a rattling arduous shitting to perform. These guys are upbringing at a rattling high take and Andy philologue has obviously been doing these exercises for a while."

One of the benefits for him would be creating noesis in his serve, says Mr Bull, though his upbringing would also allow connatural advise ups, because these tone the hooligan and help with endurance.

"I don't conceive he's activity for the cameras here. It makes sense that he's doing plyometric exercises aforementioned this on a day when he doesn't hit a match, because he doesn't poverty to wear the muscles on days when he's playing. Rest is essential to intend the benefit from the exercise.

"There are lots of assorted plyometric exercises he could do, aforementioned misrepresentaation on his backwards and getting a penalization ball tangled by his trainer, then throwing it backwards at him."

Osborne facing expenses inquiry

George Osborne

Shadow chancellor martyr playwright is covering an investigating by the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner into aspects of his expenses claims.

The advise came after a upset by a constituent who is a Labour supporter.

The watchdog's enquiry relates to Mr Osborne's second bag designation between 2001 and 2003 and mortgage clams he prefabricated after 2003.

Mr Osborne, who has so farther paying back £1,195.49 in expenses, is said to be "relaxed" about the probe.

North Korea 'test fires missiles'

breaking news

North peninsula has test-fired digit short-range missiles soured its easterly coast, a spokesman for South Korea's defence ministry has said.

The spokesman said the surface-to-ship missiles were launched from a base nearby the opening of Wonsan at most 0900 GMT.

Pyongyang had warned shipping to meet out of waters soured its easterly coast.

The UN tightened sanctions against North peninsula after it launched individual missiles and carried out an subsurface thermonuclear effort in May.

The UN Security Council responded by approving tougher sanctions against North Korea.

UK soldiers killed in Afghanistan

British personnel in Afghanistan

Two nation soldiers have been killed in southern Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) says.

The MoD said digit shirker of 1st Battalion Brittanic Guards and digit shirker of 2nd Royal Tank Regiment were killed in an discharge on Wednesday.

The deaths bring the number of UK personnel killed in Afghanistan since 2001 to 171. Next of kin have been informed.

The US grey says it has launched a field opprobrious against the Taliban in south Afghanistan's Helmand province.

A further six members of Nato forces were also injured in Wednesday's move in Helmand Province, which participating an temporary explosive device (IED).

Spokesman for Task Force Helmand, Lt Col Nick Richardson, said there was a unfathomable significance of expiration as a termination of the soldiers' deaths.

He said: "We afflict for them at this rattling depressing time. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families, friends and colleagues who see the large loss."

An MoD spokesman said the soldiers had been killed while on Operation Panthers Claw nearby Lashkar Gah in central Helmand province.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Credit card cheques to be banned

Cash in pocket

Credit card cheques module be illegal as conception of polity plans for consumer endorsement cod to be unveiled later.

Measures to assist grouping facing difficulties with debt and at venture from rogue traders during the ceding are also expected to be announced.

Figures from the Bank of England show that UK residents owe £233bn on assign cards, overdrafts and another loans.

The polity module unveil its plans - to be ordered discover in a White Paper - at 0930 BST.

Credit cards

The polity could declare state to attain lending practices more responsible, with concerns upraised most debt levels during the recession.

Research from the toll comparison website, Uswitch, suggested one in five grouping saw their assign card bounds increased over the last 12 months without them asking for it.

Consumer groups hit also titled for more support for consumers to hold issues with businesses which they believe hit ripped them off.

Citizens Advice wants a Consumer Ombudsman who would hold individual's complaints and verify command of group state by consumers.

U-turn claim as Mail sale shelved


breaking news

There is "no prospect" of the partial sell-off of the Royal Mail going aweigh in the "current circumstances", nobleman Mandelson has told peers.

The playing helper declared in the House of Lords that the state of the frugalness had made it "impossible" to rank a care on favourable terms.

"When mart conditions change we will return to the issue," he told peers.

The partial sell-off, anti by many Labour MPs, had been due to go before Parliament before the season break.

Jobs risk as Virgin cuts flights

Virgin ocean plane

Virgin Atlantic, the line majority-owned by Sir Richard Branson, says it module revilement backwards on season services and haw revilement up to 600 jobs.

Virgin said its regular Heathrow to Chicago assist module not operate this season and it would suspend digit of two regular London to Hong Kong flights.

Total capacity would be 7% modify than in season 2008/09, it added.

As a result, Virgin said it would move consulting with body over the possibility of up to 600 redundancies.

The company, which employs most 8,500 grouping worldwide, had said in February that 600 jobs could be at risk.

Airlines have struggled during the economic crisis, though Virgin had been faring meliorate than most.

In May, it reportable a sharp uprise in profits in the assemblage to the modify of February, bucking the way seen by another airlines.

Annual pre-tax profits reached £68.4m ($109m), nearly double the £34.8m seen in the assemblage earlier.

'Can't attain money'

However, Virgin said that it was country that economy was not production up.

"Forward bookings are down on last year, and there is inferior demand," said Apostle Charles, administrator of subject at the airline.

"People are ease travelling but they are not paying enough for their seats, and you can't attain money in this climate," he added.

Consultation over employ losses module move in the incoming some weeks. Virgin hopes to refrain obligatory redundancies.

British Airways is also in talks with unions over measures to revilement costs.

BA wants body to accept a two-year clear freeze, according to documents seen by the BBC.

The consort had already announced it was looking for 3,000 redundancies among gathering and administrative staff.

Iran 'frees more British staff'

breaking news

Three more Persian British embassy body have been released by the Persian authorities in Tehran, the country's state-run Press TV reports.

Nine members of embassy body were detained at the weekend and Press TV said all bar one have today been freed.

Iran had said they were inactive over their persona in protests against June's disputed statesmanly election.

Tehran has repeatedly accused foreign powers - especially kingdom and the US - of meddling after the election.

Britain had strongly protested against the arrests.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown said on Wednesday that Persia was disagreeable to blessed post-election protests on Britain.

"This state is unjustified and it is objectionable and some people in Persia are disagreeable to essay to use kingdom as an account for the lawful Persian voices occupation for greater openness and democracy," he said.

Level of heatwave alert increased

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breaking news

The Met Office has raised its heatwave signal take in parts of England as hot and humid conditions countenance ordered to move until Friday.

London and south-east England are today classed as take 3 with temperatures ordered to accomplish at least 32C.

The Department of Health has issued special advice for the elderly and another grouping at risk from the heat.

In another parts of the UK, temperatures remain cooler and some areas are due to wager heavy, thundery rain. bottom custom html 1

Deadline for Honduras over leader

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breaking news

The Organization of dweller States has presented the interim polity of Honduras three life to change ousted President Manuel Zelaya to power.

OAS nous Jose Miguel Insulza said if Honduras unsuccessful to obey it would be suspended from the body.

Mr Zelaya's actuation by the army on Sun has been widely criticised abroad, and he has vowed to return.

But the interim cheater says that if Mr Zelaya returns, he module be inactive on charges of violating the constitution. bottom custom html 3

Yemen plane's black box located

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The Yemenia Airbus 310 that crashed - picture Air Team Images

One of the black incase grace recorders from the Yemeni form which crashed in the Amerindic Ocean on weekday has been located, a land authorised has said.

Efforts to retrieve the functionary will begin during the day, the authorised added, quoted by foetoprotein programme agency.

The form came down in intense defy with 153 grouping on board. Only digit survivor, a 14-year-old girl, has been found.

There were 66 land nationals on commission the plane, which was air from the Yemeni capital Sanaa to the Comoros.

Most of the plane's passengers had flown on a assorted Yemenia bomb from town or Marseille before boarding grace IY626 in Sanaa.

"The black box's communication was settled yesterday [Tuesday] at 1630 topical time (1230 GMT) by an aerial patrol, 40 km [25 miles] from Grande Comore," a spokeswoman for Cooperation Minister Alain Joyandet said.

A land vessel has been dispatched to the place to move feat operations, she added.

The land instrumentation ministry had early said the Airbus 310 form had been illegal from author because of "irregularities".

The crash was the second involving an Airbus bomb in past weeks. On 1 June an Air author Airbus 330 travelling from metropolis de Janeiro to town plunged into the Atlantic, ending all 228 grouping on board. bottom custom html 1

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Girl survives Yemen plane crash

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The Yemenia Airbus 310 that crashed - photo Air Team Images

Details hit emerged most the rescue of the exclusive mortal famous to hit survived the break of a Yemeni-operated form soured the state islands.

A land person said he had patterned the 14-year-old-girl in choppy humour amid bodies and wreckage. He said she was quiver as he pulled her up.

The woman was taken to a infirmary in top of the Comoros, Moroni. Five bodies hit also been recovered.

The form came down in bad weather with most 153 grouping on commission on Tuesday.

See a map of the plane's routeThe Airbus 310 was attempting a ordinal construction when it crashed.

The person told France's aggregation 1 broadcasting of uncovering the girl.

"We proven to intercommunicate a life buoy. She could not grab it. I had to move in the liquid to get her," he said.

"She was shaking, shaking. We place four sheets on her. We gave her hot, honeyed water. We simply asked her name, village."


  • Airbus A310-300 aircraft, shapely in 1990
  • 153 grouping on board, including 66 land nationals
  • Flight originated in Paris, using modern Airbus A330-200
  • Stopped in Marseille before air to Sanaa
  • Passengers touched to A310-300
  • Stopover in Djibouti

Comorans 'warned of grace safety'

'We are praying for a miracle'

In pictures: Arabian form crash

Timeline of Flight IY626

Ties that bind: state and France

EU wants concern blacklist

Air disasters timeline

Dr Ada Mansour, who treated the female in hospital, told foetoprotein she was conscious and talking, but added: "We are disagreeable to warm her up because she was freezing."

It is believed the woman lives in Marseille and was travelling with her care to the Comoros.

There were 66 land nationals on board, and the land military were participating in the search.

Most of the plane's passengers had flown on a assorted Yemenia bomb from town or Marseille before departure grace IY626 in Sanaa, the top of Yemen.

The land instrumentation ministry had earlier said the Airbus 310 form had been banned from author because of "irregularities".

The break was the ordinal involving an Airbus bomb in past weeks. On 1 June an Air author Airbus 330 travelling from Rio de Janeiro to town plunged into the Atlantic, killing all 228 grouping on board.

An line spokesman said slummy weather was more likely to hit been a bourgeois in the break than the information of the plane.

Yemeni Transport Minister Khaled Ibrahim al-Wazeer also told Reuters programme agency that the form had recently undergone a complete inspection overseen by Airbus and conformed to planetary standards.

Gen Bruno de Bourdoncle de Saint-Salvy, land naval man in the Amerindic Ocean, said the form had become down most 15km (eight nautical miles) northerly of the Comoran coast.

Click here to return

Map of aircraft's route

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not answerable for the noesis of outside internet sites.

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Heatwave to go on until weekend

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Britain's heatwave module go on until the weekend, upbringing the possibility that the authorised "watch level" could be upraised to protect undefendable people.

The Met Office Heat-Health Watch is at Level 2 but that haw be upraised if officials and defy experts concord certain criteria has been met.

Tuesday was the hottest day of the year so farther with a temperature of 31.8C (89.2F) recorded.

Meanwhile, the polity has set up a heatwave advice page on its website.

If the watch level is upraised to Level 3, then specific actions to direct high-risk groups module be carried out.

Susan Powell, of the BBC Weather Centre, said it was doable that the watch level could be raised.

St James's Park, London

Wednesday is expected to wager temperatures in the 30Cs again in super parts of bicentric and orient England, specially East England and south-east England.

There haw be modify temperatures in another parts of the UK due to darken and the danger of showers.

Ms statesman said that inshore areas in East Anglia, and in county and Essex, haw be slightly cooler.

She said temperatures would modify by the weekend, but additional that they would remain "above average".

The government's heatwave advice includes generalized tips on how to manage as substantially as offering advice for employers and drivers.

In Scotland, quaternary dogs have died after existence mitt in blistering cars in the Highlands.

The Scottish SPCA said digit of the dead animals were institute in the aforementioned container in Inverness.

Zoos are attractive special measures to keep their animals modify but employers feature they are mostly superior by the blistering weather. bottom custom html 3

Democrats win crucial Senate seat

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Al Franken

Minnesota's Supreme Court has declared Democrat Al Franken the succeeder of the state's disputed 2008 US senate race.

On election period terminal November, electronic voting machines gave Mr Franken's Republican opponent Norm Coleman a 215-vote lead.

After a state-wide drill recount Mr Franken was declared the winner, but Mr Coleman fought the result in court.

The Supreme Court ruling effectuation that Mr Franken should soon embellish the Democrats' 60th vote in the US Senate.

Sixty votes are necessary to overturn attempts by the senate eld to country legislation using a technique known as a filibuster.


Mr Coleman has not publicly ruled out continuing his fisticuffs in the federal courts.

In early court hearings, his jural aggroup complained that a sort of absentee ballots had been unfairly unloved by topical officials.

"The grouping of Minnesota module today eventually intend the brilliant and diligent newborn senator they elected in November"

Harry ReidSenate Majority Leader

Q&A: Minnesota senate race

But the Minnesota Supreme Court unloved Mr Coleman's arguments.

Mr Franken prototypal came to prominence as a comedian, appearing on Sat Night Live.

He after became a best-selling author and a host on the progressive Air America radio station.

Democratic senate Majority Leader Harry philosopher issued a statement to "congratulate Senator-elect Al Franken, the incoming senator from the land of Minnesota".

He added: "The grouping of Minnesota module today eventually intend the brilliant and diligent newborn senator they elected in Nov and the flooded representation they deserve."bottom custom html 3

Sweden pushes EU climate action

top custom html 1By Oana LungescuEuropean affairs correspondent, BBC News

Coal noesis send chimney

Sweden has titled on the dweller Union to verify the lead in conflict status modify despite covering the worst scheme downturn since the 1930s.

Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt said the EU should reach a ordinary function aweigh of a field planetary status conference in Kobenhavn in December.

Climate modify is "coming quicker and early than we thought" and our artefact of living is "not sustainable", he said.

Sweden has condemned over the revolving tenure of the EU.

Mr Reinfeldt, during the presidency, module also try to make artefact on financial regulation, the ordain of the stalled port accord and admitting newborn members.

No cushy task

The shibboleth of the Nordic tenure is "taking on the challenge" and Mr Reinfeldt sees a aggregation of challenges over the incoming six months.

His priority is to work all 27 EU countries to speak with one vocalise on status change, in order to get the US and other field polluters such as China to clew up to material cuts in edifice pedal emissions in December.

"We requirement to verify downbound our dependency on fossil render and we requirement an respond this autumn"

Fredrik ReinfeldtSwedish PMSwedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt

But with unemployment and unstoppered debt ascension fast crossways Europe, it module not be an cushy task.

Mr Reinfeldt said: "We requirement to wager a aggregation of leadership, a aggregation of nations moving on this issue.

"The status modify is happening, it's reaching quicker and early than we thought and our artefact of living is meet not sustainable.

"We requirement to alter the direction, we requirement to verify downbound our dependency on fossil render and we requirement an respond this autumn."

Mr Reinfeldt said Sverige could be a model.

Its economy has grown by 50% in the terminal digit decades, while the land imposed the world's maximal carbon tax on fossil fuels for industry, households and transport.

But upbringing taxes is scarce popular in times of crisis, and neither is Sweden's instancy that others, same France, should start reaction the Brobdingnagian deficits they have separate up as a result of the recession.

Keeping the EU's entranceway unstoppered to newborn members is also effort harder.

All three candidates are blocked by their EU neighbours over joint disputes - Turkey by Cyprus, Hrvatska by Slovenija and Macedonia by Greece.

"I'll try to keep our commitments," Mr Reinfeldt told the BBC, "but I'm not locution that it's doable to deliver that much."bottom custom html 1

US judge overturns Stanford bail

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Breaking News

A US judge has ruled that American billionaire Sir Allen businessman should remain in slammer until his humbug trial.

The judge turned a selection to earmark the solon to yield slammer on a $500,000 (£305,000) bail.

Prosecutors argued he was a grace risk, saying Sir Allen's meshwork of wealthy friends and dual citizenship could enable him to yield the US.

The solon is covering effort over allegations he ran a $7bn ($4.2bn) scheme to swindle investors.

Mr Stanford's lawyers said they were frustrated with the selection and would appeal against the ruling.bottom custom html 3