Friday, July 3, 2009

Prince and PM praise soldiers' bravery

Lt Col prince Thornoloe and Trooper Joshua Hammond

Gordon emancipationist and the Prince of Wales have paid tribute to two soldiers killed in Afghanistan.

The Prime Minister said "the full country" would be mourning the deaths of Lt Col prince Thorneloe and Trooper Joshua Hammond.

Col Thorneloe, of the 1st Battalion Brittanic Guards, was the maximal ranking tar to be expire in state since 1982.

Prince Charles, who is colonel-in-chief of his regiment, said the news of his modification was "completely heartbreaking".

He said: "As you can imagine, the shock and horror that has strained the full of the regiment kinsfolk was quite dramatic.

"I was afraid to feature the small most both deaths, Trooper Hammond as well."

The prince added said his hunch was with the soldiers' families. "It's completely heartbreaking. The full battalion is suffering," he said.

Mr emancipationist said: "They were rattling professional soldiers, they were serving in Afghanistan in the most arduous terrain.

"Lt Col Thorneloe was someone I know, someone I worked with, someone I admired."

He said Col Thorneloe - the most grownup nation Army tar to be killed in state since the Falklands War in 1982 - showed enthusiastic bravery and leadership.

He added: "I would also aforementioned to transfer on my condolences to his kinsfolk and also the kinsfolk of Trooper Hammond, who was a rattling brave teen man."

Col Thorneloe, 39, from Kirtlington, nearby Oxford and Trooper Hammond, 18, from Plymouth, died in the aforementioned explosion in Helmand domain on Wednesday.

It brings the sort of nation deaths in Afghanistan since 2001 to 171.

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