Saturday, September 13, 2008

What Obama Needs to Do in the Final Sixty Days: Avoiding President Palin

Democrats about the country accept been growing added afraid over the endure week, and for acceptable reason. If there was a bright bulletin from Denver, it was reflected in the animadversion of around every analyst on television afterwards Obama's arresting speech: "Wow, Obama can bandy a punch." He bare the allegation of the Bush administering and the Republican Affair for what they did to the country, and he bare to appearance that it can be powerful, and speaks for itself and not just a antecedent of inspiration. If there is addition bulletin that he has the ability to narrative. As we accept heard of the kind, "Wow, how big story" - based on the belief and Michele Barack Obama said of himself and the belief of Bo and Joe Biden said Obama antipodal presidential candidates, with a breach from the eyes arresting Michele - who are themselves in the history of Republicans approved to ability over them to say that it is a cold, hard, acrimony atramentous woman (the aforementioned history, they accept talked about Hillary Clinton if she was aboriginal Dame, with the circling of the ancestral accomplish arsonists).

It was not just the "liberal media elite" who responded to a anniversary in which Democrats assuredly told a sustained, coherent, anecdotal about how the Bush administering and the Republican Affair had pillaged our abridgement and larboard the country added abandoned and alarming in the apple (although they larboard out some acute data Americans should accept heard about, like the amazing arrangement of innocent humans to ache accommodation in the Middle East), about how McCain represents the aforementioned bootless credo of the Bush years, and about who Barack Obama absolutely is and how he intends to lead. By the end of the convention, Obama had opened up an 8-point advance in the Gallup Polls, a abrupt adverse to the two-point arrears with which he began the assemblage afterwards three months of declining to action any anecdotal at all and adamantly abnegation to go afterwards McCain while McCain was application him as a punching bag, hitting him with one anecdotal afterwards addition (Obama is a celebrity, an elitist, an above guy who is too big for his breeches, a tax and absorb liberal, anyone who doesn't put country first, anyone who doesn't allotment "our" values, not one of "us").

But the political panorama can change rapidly, and this one did the moment the assemblage concluded and the Obama attack absitively to resume cutting scenes from its aftereffect to the Kerry campaign, "President Palin's Revenge" (which itself was a bad accommodate of "Dukakis, Tanks but No Tanks"). They already had all the footage they bare from the summer: no absolute anecdotal about their candidate, no anecdotal about their opponent, abnegation to acknowledgment attacks, anemic performances in televised interviews, poor use of surrogates on television (if they were even present), alteration positions in means that attenuate the candidate's anecdotal of authenticity, and an disquietingly poor achievement on Rick Warren's pseudo-debate with McCain. This was banal Democratic footage.

So afterwards a anniversary of Republicans biting the Democrats, deriding anybody who isn't one of them (especially the dark-skinned, alien Obama) as un-American, anti-life, elitist, adverse to "small boondocks values," and egotistic or destructive (putting himself, something, or some group--perhaps atramentous people?--other than "Country First"), McCain has now opened a 4-point advance in the Gallup Acclamation a allotment of registered voters. That's not even factoring in McCain's advantage a allotment of "likely voters," which is higher; or the percent of voters who accurately assumption the chase of the being on the added end of the buzz if the pollster calls and acclimatize their acknowledgment if she sounds black, or the added percent who would vote for a atramentous man in accessible (as they did in Democratic caucuses) but whose benumbed (and added conscious) prejudices appear if they vote in private, generally demography forms such as, "I just don't apperceive Obama," "Something about him makes me uneasy," "I'm not abiding I can assurance him," "I anticipate he's absolutely a Muslim," or "He accept to accept ashore with that Reverend Wright all those years for a reason."

Fortunately these numbers are volatile, and the Obama attack seems to accept absitively that it's time to run an breach afresh at atomic allotment of the time (with a new ad debuting bygone in beat states advancing McCain's "maverick" status). With all the factors traveling for Democrats this year (their all-encompassing advance over Republicans afterwards 8 years of corruption and bribery charcoal in the bifold digits) and the added absorbing candidate, the acclamation should about-face aback again, at atomic to parity.

But McCain shouldn't accept gotten a 10-point bang from his brusque convention, and this acclamation shouldn't be close. What happened in one abbreviate anniversary was both absolutely anticipated and absolutely avoidable. Just hours afterwards a Democratic Assemblage that reignited Democratic activity and started to beat those beat voters who just weren't abiding about Obama, the Obama attack had abandoned aggregate it should accept abstruse from its success of Denver--most chiefly that you never bead your gloves, and that you never let the added ancillary ascendancy the narratives--and had alternate to the aforementioned bootless strategies that gave us Presidents Dukakis, Gore, and Kerry, strategies Democratic consultants accept anesthetized from bearing to bearing like a ancestors antique abstemious with hemlock.

The alone explanation, the Obama attack McCain, appear afterwards his acclamation - and the alone absolute account that he had until bygone "No Nonkonformist ad - was a acknowledgment of the affable congratulations. If George Stephanopoulos has a catechism about Obama in his abilities this weekend and Keith Olbermann has aswell on Monday, Obama ausgewichen, alert as if it was Obama, not McCain, who should be defensive, that a being , Which is not authorised beneath the billow of an investigation, the belief and was even as McCain, clumsy itself with the associates of his own affair and in Alaska, How Bush, an afraid accord with the truth.

Why can't McCain e-mail? Boston Globe said in 2000

The earlier today, Barack Obama campaign has an ad attacker John McCain, not to know how an e-mail. Your team of crack research apparently never heard of Google or Lexis-Nexis, but not Jonah Goldberg. He discovered McCain, why not with a keyboard - his torturers ensures that it is not possible. The Boston Globe reported that eight years ago:

McCain is emotional in the words of the families of the military need for food stamps or veterans lack health care. The outrage comes from inside: McCain serious war injuries prevent hair comb, a keyboard, or tie their shoes. Friends McCain in miracles, encyclopaedic knowledge of sport. It is a great passion - Ted Williams is their hero - but it can not raise his arm over the shoulder to start a baseball.

After Vietnam, McCain has Ann Laurent, a physiotherapist to help re flexibility in the leg, which had been frozen in a position of a broken knee. It was the only way it is hoped, again his career as a leaflet of the Navy, but Laurent said that the treatment, taking twice a week for six months, was extremely painful.

"It was, it would be not less," said Laurent, rejoiced with McCain, the Navy when he physics. "I have never seen such a tenacity and determination."

An fun to be a hero of war or serious injury - a move without problems, the team O. Talk about the illiteracy IT! T is not someone on the Obama campaign know what they are doing? It is not always to this that the man who can not lift his arms over his head, perhaps a natural barrier with a computer?

If what happens when it hits the reduction gloves, they should perhaps hold in the future.

Update (AP): I'm not sure how it access to the Internet, the wounds, but it seems to be some form of access. From NYT an interview in July:

Q: What if all websites does not regularly do you see?

Mr. McCain: Brooke and Mark me to show Drudge, of course, all clocks in the world, for good or bad, Drudge. Sometimes I see politically. Sometimes Real Politics, sometimes.

(Mrs. McCain and Mrs. Buchanan intervene the two: "The blog Meagan!")

Mr. McCain: I beg your pardon, the blog of Meagan. And we are also the blogs of Michael and May, that you are not in the newspaper, the only part of your blog.

Q: But is it that you are online for you?

Mr. McCain: they go for me. I am of online learning to myself, and I will have that down fast enough, the entry on myself. I do not expect to be a great communicator, I do not expect my own blog, but I am more in computer science, the point where I can get the information that I need - including during my daughter blog in the first place, especially others.

Maybe it's possible the mouse, allowing the access of the preferred locations for him?

Update (ed.): Jonah Goldberg is an excellent point in an update:

Lord knows that I believe that the chicken-hawk arguments are stupid. And I do not think that the fact that Obama never served in the army would be directed against him and for themselves. But how is it stupid to the Obama campaign to argue that McCain is unreservedly to President's, since it is not possible, cyber-security issues based on the fact that there is never an e-mail if the McCain campaign can just as easily Obama can say, 't understand first order, questions of national security, because it's never been a currency from current flight schedule, ordered men in the battle, or against an enemy? In other words, someone prepared to be a commander-in-chief better, click on "send" on AOL or the fight against war?

Indeed, Obama not only all these arguments and fair?

Update II: Ace notes that Forbes magazine noted the inability of McCain in 2000, also:

In some ways McCain is a natural candidate of the Web. President of the Senate of the telecom sub-committee and the Senate of the United States savviest technologist, McCain is a faithful Ingrown the e-mail. The ritual is the night to read his mail with his wife, Cindy. The injuries when he was a prisoner of war in Vietnam to make painful for McCain to knock. Instead, it is necessary that the replies his wife types on a laptop computer. "It is a whiz on the keyboard, and I'm so busy," admits McCain.

As it is difficult for a campaign to find them before a display of interfering?

Friday, September 12, 2008

America Lyrics

1960 lyrics
5Th Avenue lyrics
All Around lyrics
All I Think About Is You lyrics
All My Life lyrics
All Night lyrics
Always Love lyrics
Amber lyrics
Amber Cascades lyrics
And Forever lyrics
Another Try lyrics
Are You There lyrics
A Christmas To Remember lyrics
A Horse With No Name lyrics
A Horse With No Name (Correction) lyrics
A Horse With No Name (Live) lyrics
Baby It’s Up To You lyrics
Bell Tree lyrics
Brothers And Sisters lyrics
Bull-unicorn-woman lyrics
California Dreamin’ lyrics
California Revisited lyrics
California Revisited (Everyone I Meet Is From California) lyrics
Call Of The Wild lyrics
Can’t Fall Asleep To A Lullaby lyrics

AM means ??

A.M. stands for ante-meridiem, which is from Latin for “before the Sun has beyond the line.” And p.m. agency post-meridiem, which is from Latin for “after the Sun has beyond the line.” But what band are they talking about? If you attending on a lot of apple maps, you’ll see accumbent breadth curve and vertical breadth lines. These curve acquiesce you to define any abode on Earth. The breadth curve are aswell alleged meridians. So if you’re continuing at a acme band and the Sun is anon overhead, it’s apex at that spot. Before it arrives overhead, it’s a.m. After the sun is overhead, it’s p.m. Our Time class has lots added advice about how time is calculated!

Handlebar restaurant - Chef Ramsey

After endure week’s touchy-feely adulation fest, this anniversary gets us aback to the Kitchen Nightmares we apperceive and love. This anniversary Gordon is traveling to Mt. Sinai, New York to appointment The Handlebar. The Handlebar is endemic by Billy, a above architecture worker, and his beleagured wife.

Despite the actuality that the 18-table dining allowance is abandoned a lot of nights, and the actuality that they’re on Kitchen Nightmares, Billy and his wife are abashed as to why Ramsay thinks they accept a problem. They anticipate they’re aliment is great, their chef is great, and aggregate is alive well. While they accept no self-awareness, their chef, Melissa, in fact does.

“I anticipate hiring me wasn’t necessarily the best idea.”

I’m not in fact abiding why Melissa is arch chef at The Handlebar. She says she never capital to be a chef, and I may accept misheard this, but it articulate like she just took the job to be abreast a guy she was dating. She realizes that she’s not a artistic chef and that the aliment is about crap. Of course, with four altered menus, you can’t in fact apprehend one getting to baker all of that well.

“Seafood crepe. Yeah. That’s seafood crap.”

Ramsay comes in and has his anterior cafeteria and the weirdest affair happens—he brings Billy over to acquaint him how acceptable the Clam Chowder is. He says it’s adorable and “perfect for a winter’s day.” I couldn’t accept it; I in fact had to rewind and accomplish abiding I heard it right.

Ramsay, however, hasn’t in fact absent his mind. He ordered the seafood crepe, and it included apery backtalk meat. I candidly had no abstraction that apery crabmeat was even acclimated alfresco of grocery abundance sushi, but there you go. Even added abashing was the filet mignon fondue that Ramsay orders. They gave him hot oil in a fondue pot and had him abysmal fry his filet mignon. None of this fabricated any faculty to me, or Ramsay, for that matter.

“We’ll go to defalcation cloister and accord it all up.”

Ramsay goes to Billy and gives him his assessment; namely that The Handlebar’s capital botheration is its food. Billy is in fact addled by this remark, adage he’s never gotten complaints about the aliment before, so he never would accept estimated that that’s what their botheration was. Really? The aliment was never on your account of culprits if you anticipation of affidavit your restaurant was failing? Huh. Interesting. Did you apperceive that sometimes if clouds ample up with baptize it causes rain? Just a tip for approaching reference.

“We’re aperture with a apple-pie fridge and a advantageous attitude.”

While the aliment may be The Handlebar’s better problem, the kitchen is its a lot of abominable one. Like abounding baby restaurants, the antecedent owners didn’t absolutely accumulate up on the cleaning. The botheration is, that if Billy took it over a year ago, neither did he. As a result, there is grease and crud that has been architecture up back the Reagan administration. That, accumulated with the added approaching botheration of adulteration aliment everywhere, makes it difficult to adore your next meal out after apperception what’s ambuscade in the walk-in.

“There was no allotment of me that capital Chef Ramsay here.”

Not alone is Billy not self-aware in the slightest, but he butts active with Ramsay over everything. Even admitting he keeps on adage how abundant of an able Ramsay is and how abundant he respects him, Billy doesn’t wish to apprehend a individual affair he has to say. At one point, he gets so affronted that he calls his wife and tells her that they’re affairs the abode and just traveling to defalcation court. His wife soldiers on anyway, and eventually Billy comes around.

“Can you amuse stop talking to my parents this way?”

On the aboriginal night that they’re open, things do not go well. Ramsay cooks up some specials which advertise well, but it’s not absolutely abundant to accomplish a acknowledged evening. Melissa gets in fact in the weeds and humans delay for hours after getting fed, authoritative them testy. I’m not in fact abiding what happened, but the barter in fact alpha angry with anniversary other. It’s in fact insane.

“What’s a Gastropub?”

As allotment of the redesign, Ramsay tells the agents at The Handlebar that they are now traveling to be Long Island’s aboriginal Gastropub. Nobody knows what that means, but Ramsay explains that it’s a pub with an accent on quality, reasonably-priced food. It seems to be a acceptable fit.

“Twisted Sister’s Dee Snyder!”

I like to anticipate that Ramsay and Dee Snyder just adhere out all of the time. In any case, Ramsay assertive Snyder to appear by for the relaunch. He drives a motorcycle into the restaurant, which has to breach at atomic a brace of OSHA and Health Code regulations. He tells the assemblage that they can bid on the bike with al gain traveling to The March of Dimes.

“There’s one affair in there that I anticipation was in fact unchangeable: and that was Bill. And we even managed that.”

The relaunch was a success, as it consistently is, and Ramsay walks abroad satisfied. However, I accept a cheating suspicion that the changes at The Handlebar may not last. Melissa never capital to be a chef and you can change the card all you want, but if the admiration isn’t there, success usually isn’t either.

Kanye West arrested at Los Angeles Airport - Hot news

Kanye West's awfully arbitrary atmosphere above over Thursday, consistent in his arrest for allegedly allowance accident a paparazzo's camera on the attic at Los Angeles International Airport.

Police arrested the music superstar anon afore 8 a.m. He and his manager, Don Crowley, were appointed for analysis of abomination vandalism, although prosecutors will actuate what accuse they ability face.

West was appear from badge aegis by Thursday afternoon. Blair Berk, who was retained as his attorney, said she couldn't animadversion on the incident.

Clips of the video attempt by the celebrity account website TMZ shows West and Crowley avaricious the camera from a photographer, who is babble "Police! Police!" and "Help me!" Afterwards they wrest it away, it appears that the administrator smashes the camera to the ground, and the rapper follows by slamming down a flash.

Crowley is again apparent accosting the TMZ videographer who's cutting the footage. The video camera was torn in the affray afore aegis intervened, the Web website reported.

The video starts mid-confrontation, and doesn't appearance how it began or what ability accept acquired it to escalate.

Los Angeles International Airport agent Marshall Lowe said West and Crowley were appointed to lath a flight to Honolulu, Hawaii on Thursday morning. They had not yet accomplished a aegis screening checkpoint if the argument began.

The airport is a accepted atom for the paparazzi, who frequently bolt shots of Britney Spears and added celebrities accession and abrogation Los Angeles.

Charles Davis, who solicits alms donations at the airport, said he witnessed the incident, and that West was "attacked" by paparazzi, and the rapper "just dedicated himself."

"I allocution to him all the time," Davis said. "He's a actual nice gentleman. Actual nice. He gives acceptable donations to advice children. He's got a good, affectionate heart. I've gotten his autograph several times. I just don't see why he was arrested. The man just put the camera too abutting to his face. I don't accusation him."

Davis said he didn't anticipate the camera was destroyed.

"It was just agape out of the man's hand," he said.

Lowe said badge at the airport interviewed assemblage and that West and Crowley were again beatific to a adjacent Los Angeles Badge Department base for booking. West larboard that badge base in a atramentous Chevrolet Suburban by midafternoon, cloistral by umbrellas so that photographers couldn't get a shot. He did not accord a account to reporters.

West, who rocketed to distinction in 2004 with his anthology "The College Dropout" and follow-ups "Late Registration" and "Graduation," has become acclaimed for his atmosphere tantrums, skewering anybody from MTV to President Bush while the cameras rolled.

But afore the Thursday adventure at LAX's Terminal 4, his abounding blowups had consistently been exact — authoritative account rather than badge blotter.

West appeared at the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday night, which was captivated at the Paramount Studios lot in Hollywood. His achievement of a new song assured the appearance and represented a adaptation with the arrangement afterwards a high-profile altercation endure year.

After not acceptable any awards at the VMAs in 2007 admitting several nominations, West declared to reporters that he would never acknowledgment to MTV. The year before, he comatose the date at the MTV Europe Music Awards and unleashed an expletive-filed abuse afterwards his video "Touch The Sky" bootless to win an award.

In 2005, West abundantly chastised President George W. Bush during a civic telethon to accession funds afterwards Hurricane Katrina addled by saying, "George Bush doesn't affliction about atramentous people."

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Stylish hair dos for everyone !!

September 11, 2008 - HeadKandy drywall blow in extensions - introducing new hair extensions product, which brings Celebrity hair to the masses.

Many years of advantageous hair abundant locks on bright cardboard ornamentierte were replaced by a account of celebrities like Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears and Madonna. The admirable hair styles are not consistently finer and accustomed sciences, as they appear, you can blow assured , the all-inclusive majority of accomplished hair on the red carpeting was through animal hair extensions. HeadKandy has been kept dry, the abstruse of this amazing cat-and-mouse for abounding years and accept now gone accessible with the barrage of a blow in Hair Extension, is actual blubbery and accord that Celebrity style.

Craig Heaven, Hair Addendum of experts and administrator of the foundation, generally abaft the scenes and the admeasurement of the cutting of accoutrement in the hair extensions appearance relentlessly able for the lens of the camera. "I accept blow in her hair extensions bound and calmly expand, the hair of my accomplished application contour of customers. It is alive, abaft the scenes, we are ambidextrous bound hair and architecture changes, so aggregate accept to be perfect, the camera, I can actualize admirable after-effects in a few abnormal with the blow in Hair extensions. If humans anticipate "Hair Extensions", they anticipate automatically "length!" There's added than hair extensions that you visit, access it the added length. If I accept a accumulation calm HeadKandy Hair Extensions, it is actual advance in the array and agreement and duration, the blazon of hair shades and nuances to arise big-ticket and luxurious, the better instant-style is achieved. The chump has not added accustomed circadian hair ... they are in the appearance of hair! "

In contempo years, Hair extensions can amount a baby fortune, and calmly into the thousands. Craig Heaven noticed the charge to accommodate hair extensions, and he has done absolutely that. "Many of my barter capital these styles hair appearance to the day, they wish their hair to attending like in circadian life, as he is from the camera. HeadKandy I asked my hairstyle, my a lot of sets in a blow in her hair That the extensions. They went to the aperture as fast as they come, I noticed that it was time to yield the a lot of important extensions of the hair. I HeadKandy team, we accept formed harder to ensure the prices down and affordable to make. We accept the added extension, so the hair shine. Also on this day, I coquette a little diva of my customers, they are afflictive with the actuality that a ample artery girls can accept hair so admirable that the celebrated and glitterazzi! "

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Step 1:

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Step 2:

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Step 3:

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Ike throughout the Keys around, but the interests of the Gulf Coast

Rewritten Article

Key West, Florida - The association of the Florida Keys apprenticed a blow of abatement Monday as a angry storm Ike turns in a westerly administration on the alley abroad from lowland island states in the channel. But the bank of the Gulf countries, looked advanced to see if the storm was gunning for them.

The meteorologists of the National Blow Center warned that afterwards the alteration in the Gulf of Mexico about on Tuesday evening, Ike could landing the United States at the weekend abreast the bound with Texas, Louisiana, maybe not abroad from Houston.

Texas Governor Rick Perry told disasters in 88 countries with storm and adapt for the 7500 National Guard members.

In Louisiana, area bags may be larboard afterwards afterwards Blow Gustav proposed in the endure week, Gov. Bobby Jindal alleged on the association in the camps of food, water, batteries and added abatement goods. The State is aswell advancing for the shelters and accomplish affairs for the trains, buses and aircraft in cases area an aborticide of littoral areas will be advised in the week.

"It is still too aboriginal to the eviction, but it is not too aboriginal to accomplish abiding that you of food, baptize and batteries. It is not too aboriginal to ascendancy your car," says Jindal.

With the storm on a new track, keyboard officials, an adjustment of aborticide ends on Monday. In the backward afternoon Ike, to a Class 1 storm and a blow to the alternation of the island, has been dropped.

Ike supply, is still able rain and wind, and the authorities appropriate that the citizenry had left, until Wednesday. You said that those who remained abaft should abide inside, and tourists accept to delay for the weekend. About 20000 tourists on the larboard ancillary on the weekend, if he looked like Ike could beforehand to a achievement directly.

Many bounded storm-hardened just formed on the agriculture as they usually _ bubbler water. Key West association are a accumulation of resistance, ancestors who accept lived the storms. They usually yield a delay and see position.

"We the humans accept lived actuality for years. We are interested, but we still anticipate it is OK," says 80-year-old Barbara aide at the dog walk. "And we see the acclimate anticipation for today and it seems aggregate is OK."

The companies are not so lightly. It was the additional time in a ages larboard in the anniversary masses. The tourists is aswell accustomed to abjure from the keyboard endure few months in beforehand of the close storm Fay, and their starting point, a hit in the basal line. Erachten tourists absorb about $ 175 per day in the Keys. With some 20000 fled to accord with Ike, which is about 3.5 actor U.S. dollars for anniversary day on which it is not over.

"I anticipate they accept the weapons a little too soon. They accept killed," said Deborah Dietrich, the administrator of a bakery about empty. "The catechism of whether we ruin by the hurricanes or not, there are the ruin."

Dietrich said the bakery croissants from France would acceptable bout the $ 300 in sales for the weekend. They are usually added than $ 6000 per day on boilerplate weekend afterwards a storm is imminent, she says.

Monroe County Mayor Mario Di Gennaro said that he had no remorse, to say the tourists and association from the city-limits afore Ike, but he has recognised that these commands are expensive. He was the appearance of the Keys companies absent about 10 actor U.S. dollars due to the evacuations of close storm Fay endure month.

Ike roars aground in which de Cuba is Sunday evening, alarming houses in charcoal and sending after-effects breach on residential property. On Monday afternoon, Ike had accurate best wind speeds of about 100 mph. The storm was proposed to Havana aboriginal Tuesday.

The storm aboriginal proposed the Turks and Caicos Islands and the southernmost islands of the Bahamas as a agency of class 4 hurricanes, off the bank of bald and roofs of the barrio destroyed. At atomic 61 bodies were dead if he was pelted Haiti.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency was ambiguous of the calendar for the evacuations forth the coast. It would be of at atomic 24 to 48 hours, until the admiral accept a clearer abstraction of the ambition Ike _ obstacles, admiral and the 48 hours afore a storm of the apprehension occur.

"This places us in the middle, again we should in the busline of persons," Glenn Cannon, the arch of FEMA adversity relief, said Monday.

In the accepted models to predict, Jindal said, it does not the affectionate of affected accumulation evacuations, Gustav, emptied of a lot of of southern Louisiana, including New Orleans. A curfew, which was set up as Gustav access was triggered by the New Orleans admiral on Monday.

With Ike, the littoral communities accessible to storm surges and ample areas in the south-west of Louisiana, could be appropriate to seek ambush from their homes.

"By and large, they anticipate that is about one to three adventitious that the storm off the bank of Louisiana," Jindal said. "We do alone in the affliction case scenario".

Will Weissert Associated Press writers in Cuba, Ben Fox in Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands, Jennifer Kay in Miami, Eileen Sullivan in Washington, Deborah Hastings in Key West and Melinda Deslatte in Baton Rouge, La. contributed to this report.

Reby Sky

Reby Sky is in the account as she was afresh active as quarterback for the Tampa Breeze in the Lingerie Football League.

The alliance consists of 10 teams, with the division blame off on Friday. The LFL division will accompany with the NFL’s schedule, and of course, the Lingerie Bowl is now aback in abounding swing. And as Reby said:

“It’s not just us bouncing around. We’re traveling to be kick butt.”

Reby Sky Biography

As a biography, Reby Sky, aka Rebecca Reyes, was built-in on August 6, 1986 in Flushing, New York, so her age is 22. She is 5′5″ and weighs 105 pounds. She abounding Mary Louis Academy and the LaGuardia School of Music and Art and the Performing Arts, and was accomplished in ballet, theater, and classical piano.

Reby is a above Playboy archetypal - accepting airish for the mag in July 2007, and has graced the pages of several magazines including STUFF, Esquire and Supermodels Unlimited.

She runs the website and has appeared on television as a bedfellow host on Midnight Spike on SPIKE-TV, Date Patrol and Faking It (TLC).

She was bedevilled in April for afraid arrest in December 2007, if she was pulled over for a torn appendage light. She was bedevilled to one year of acquittal and had to complete 48 hours of association service.

And what she says is ,"Um ... I was born in New York? ;-) Well, technically I could have been either a Giants or Jets fan, but I guess I always just felt drawn to the GMEN, even when I was tiny, which is weird, because the rest of my family either doesn't care for football, or root for the Cowboys," said Reby when explaining why she's such a huge Giants fan. "I remember being the only girl in my class in elementary school into football, and I rocked my Giants jacket during recess every day."

Come on Guys, You just cant lose !

Virginity for sale

For sale: a attenuate one-of-a-kind item. Can alone be acclimated once. No refunds. And allotment are impossible.

That's not absolutely the bulletin getting put up on the Internet by a 22-year-old apprentice in San Diego, but the absorbed is the same. What is the woman affairs over the common web to the accomplished bidder? Her a lot of admired possession: her virginity.

The seller, application the pseudonym "Natalie Dylan," is acquisitive to accession abundant money to pay for her apprenticeship and has annihilation abroad of amount to offer. So she affairs to accord the champ a night to bethink at a bounded brothel.

"Natalie" explains she's becoming her bachelor's amount in women's studies and wants to go for her master's in alliance and ancestors therapy. But to do that, she needs money.

eBay banned the 'item', so she acclimated a bounded brothel area he sister works to put her action online. "I don't anticipate auctioning my virginity will break all my problems," she told a U.S. amalgamated TV show. "But it will actualize some banking stability. I'm accessible for the controversy, I apperceive it will appear along. I'm accessible to do this."

She again adds this justification. "We reside in a backer society. Why shouldn't I be accustomed to capitalize on my virginity?"

How abundant does one night with this adolescent woman cost? She hopes to accomplish $1 actor from her endeavour, conceivably extensive a bit. Many are already criticizing the bell-ringer for her blatant achievement - including her mother, a fourth brand abecedary said to be black with her decision.

But the buyer of the atom area the final behest - and the final act - will yield place, doesn't see it that way.

"I anticipate it's a amazing idea," counters Dennis Hof, buyer of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch. "Why lose it to some guy in the backseat of a Toyota if you can pay for your education?"

It's not bright if the 'auction' ends.

9 - 11 memorial page

Today marks the 7th anniversary of the 9 - 11 tragedy when the twin towers were brought down by the terrorist attacks. Down below is the time line of the sequence of happenings...

7.58 - United Airlines Flight 175 to Los Angeles leaves Boston's Logan Airport with 65 people on board, including five suspected hijackers.

8.01 - United Airlines Flight 93 to San Francisco leaves Newark Airport in New Jersey with 45 people on board, including four suspected hijackers.

8.02 - American Airlines Flight 11 to Los Angeles leaves Boston's Logan Airport with 92 people and five suspected hijackers on board.

8. 10 - American Airlines Flight 77 to Los Angeles leaves Washington DC's Dulles Airport with 64 people on board, including five suspected hijackers.

8.28 - An air traffic controller hears one of the hijackers speaking from the cockpit of Flight 11, saying: "Don't do anything foolish. You are not going to get hurt. We have other planes."

8.43 - Two F-15 fighters take off after authorities confirm that Flight 175 has also been hijacked.

8.46 - Flight 11 crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center.

9.03 - Flight 175 crashes into the south tower of the World Trade Center.

9.10 - President George Bush is told of the attacks. He had been reading to children in a classroom.

9.29 - Eyewitnesses report seeing people jumping from the Twin Towers.

9.40 - Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon in Washington DC, causing the collapse of a five-storey section of the building and killing 190 people inside.

9.58 - A passenger from Flight 93 makes an emergency call saying: "We are being hijacked!"

10.03 - Flight 93 crashes 80 miles south east of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Its intended target was believed to be Washington.

10.05 - The south tower collapses, 62 minutes after being hit.

10.29 - The north tower collapses. The death toll was feared to be as high as 20,000 but gradually dropped to about 2,800.

A memorial is being erected at the place where the twin towers stood majestically.

The Depart of Defense Web site describes the memorial units as being “at once a glowing light pool, a cantilevered bench and a place for permanent inscription of each victim’s name.” The park was designed to create an atmosphere of “peace and remembrance.”

The groundbreaking statement on the memorial’s entry stone reads: “We claim this ground in remembrance of the events of Sept. 11, 2001 to honor the 184 people whose lives were lost, their families, and all those who sacrifice that we may live in freedom. We will never forget.”

A dedication ceremony was held the morning of Sept. 11 for invited guests, and the memorial will be open for the public beginning at 7:00 p.m. that evening. The memorial will be open 24 hours a day, 7 days week year-round. Visitors are encouraged to use public transportation; parking is not available.

Plans for a memorial in New York City at the Word Trade Center site are underway, with an expected completion date of 2011. A Pennsylvania memorial, commemorating the lives lost in Flight 93, also is scheduled to be completed by 2011.

Negligence awarded with termination - PA Consulting

PA consulting's contract with the Home office was terminated after the company lost a stick memory, containing data on 84000 offenders.
PA Consulting's point was that the breach of security should be assigned to the individual, that the data downloaded, and not its internal processes. Its ironical that PA consulting is with the government to implement the national identity scheme,

"The loss of data on this project was because of the inability of the people. A single employee was in breach of the Palestinian Authority and the security of information furnished process," a spokesman for PA Consulting, said in a statement.

"The Chief Executive responsible for this work was dismissed Pennsylvania not to have our well-defined."

The spokesman claimed that the company had reviewed all since his government and the private sector, the contracts of sensitive data, which they found and will be "fully consistent with the strong political and procedures".

But the Home Office has yet to assess the expert's recommendations to reassure its data on practices in the field of security, and pointed out that the loss will be much more impact for PA Consulting to lose, JTrack that the contract.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said that the Home Office will now examine all contracts, which it with PA Consulting, as well as with the private sector of sensitive data.

"The lessons from this incident, generally applied, in collaboration with the suppliers on the markets to sensitive data," said Smith.

PA Consulting was received by the Home Office last year to the perpetrators, richer by the system of criminal justice.

The JTrack programme for the provision of services to combat the tools to the perpetrators.

The officials of the government, are now working with the Authority to take the program back into the house. The Home Office is expected that all maintenance of the system and the user training programmes will be under their control by December.

Smith has a comprehensive report by the Commission for information about the loss, and argued that the PA Consulting failed to make his contract.

The interior minister argued that the loss of data is a "low risk" for the prisoners, because their data is already public.

"All human beings have police national IT IDs, that is, they were guilty of an offence in open court," she said.

The government said that he did not say whether their detention was lost.

"We have carefully examined the benefits please contact the people concerned and concluded that the risks outweigh the advantages. There is more potential to aggravate the situation that the slowdown," said Smith.

PA Consulting could have a point here, that the whole company cannot be shadowed by the negligence of one single person here. But when its comes to the higher level you are taken to task as an enterprise and not as an individual. And the reward for negligence is deserved termination !!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Evacuations at Brazoria County

Looks like the hurricane is vulnerable and the climate watchers are expecting for it to turn back anytime and hit tem hard at the Texas region. But climate is anything like luck, you are only sure that it will change and the climate watchers are not too sure if they could give the go sign for the evacuation step to prevent a huge loss of life as hurricanes returning from the hot gulf are very strong and we are just like rag dolls in the path of a mad child ;)

The pressure of staring down Hurricane Ike is on as the storm moves across the Gulf of Mexico on an uncertain path that has officials along the Texas coast waiting to decide which communities need to evacuate — and when.

As of late Tuesday, Ike seemed set on coming to Texas, but it remained too early to know whether it would make landfall this weekend somewhere between Corpus Christi and Palacios, drop down into the Rio Grande Valley, or even make a hard turn that would bring it closer to Houston.

"When they get in the Gulf, they tend to do weird things, so we're going to keep watching it," said Francisco Sanchez, of Harris County's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. "We do have a bit of a sigh of relief."

Even if the storm doesn't head directly to Houston, its winds and rains still could be dangerous, said officials, who cautioned residents not to let their guards down.

"We are still in the monitoring stage now," Houston Emergency Center spokesman Joe Laud said. "There is always that chance it could turn back east."

Houston is staying in regular contact with emergency-operations centers across the region, he said.

Six National Guard C-130s were to begin today flying some hospital patients out of Corpus Christi. And about 1,000 special-needs residents there who would otherwise be unable to evacuate were tentatively scheduled to start boarding voluntary evacuation buses this afternoon.

Corpus Christi officials were huddling over whether to pull the trigger on an obligatory exodus.

"It is a real fine balancing act," Ted Nelson, a spokesman for Corpus Christi's Emergency Operations Center, said of trying to decide if people should leave.

"Hopefully, we will wake up in the morning, and Ike has decided to turn around and disappear ... or has decided to go to some sparsely populated section of land and doesn't bother anybody."

There was similar hesitation in Brazoria and Galveston counties, where officials were watching the storm and waiting for more updated predictions.

Corpus grabs supplies

Kenneth "Doc" Adams, the Brazoria County emergency management coordinator, said he expects mandatory evacuations of some coastal areas in his county will be ordered today unless the storm changes its path.

Galveston Mayor Lyda Ann Thomas said she was not yet ordering a general evacuation but was considering a limited evacuation of residents on the low-lying western end of Galveston Island.

In Corpus Christi, which for much of Tuesday was in the center of Ike's projected path, residents made a run on storm supplies as they stocked up on bottled water, batteries, plywood and other items.

National Guard crews who honed their skills in Iraq are expected to begin air shuttles between Corpus Christi and the Bryan-College Station area today.

"They train for wartime, but it works very well for people who can't take a three-hour bus ride and want to get out of the way of a hurricane," Lt. Col. Greg Perry said of crews that are trained to handle critically ill patients while airborne.

About 800 evacuation buses and convoys of military vehicles rolled into staging areas, where they were put on standby to move closer to the coast as needed. About 550 more buses are available.

Gov. Rick Perry authorized as many as 7,500 members of the Texas National Guard to be called to duty, and state workers prepared highways for the possibility of large-scale evacuations.

"Hurricane Ike is making its way to the Gulf as we speak, and it is imperative that residents pay attention to this storm, heed warnings from their local leaders, and take the steps necessary to protect their families, homes and businesses," Perry said.

Evacuation lane opening

Starting this morning, a special evacuation lane will be opened along Interstate 37 that links Corpus Christi to San Antonio and can accommodate 3,900 vehicles per hour. Should an evacuation be ordered and the need for a contraflow lane emerge, that number would double with all lanes dedicated to northbound traffic.

An evacuation from Corpus Christi, the Rio Grande Valley or other areas would involve convoys of buses past what are normally immigration checkpoints manned by federal agents.

The Associated Press reported Tuesday that federal authorities gave assurances they would not check people's immigration status at evacuation loading zones or the inland checkpoints. U.S. Customs and Border Protection would not immediately confirm any shifts in operations due to the storm.

Brazoria County emergency officials said late Tuesday that unless Ike takes a more northerly and easterly track than expected, the only evacuations that will be needed in the county will be in flood-prone coastal areas.

In Surfside Beach, some homes were boarded up Tuesday, but there were few signs of worry. Most homeowners were waiting until today or Thursday to see whether the Brazoria County beachfront town will be threatened by Ike, Mayor Larry Davison said.

"There were a few people boarding up and getting stuff off the ground," Davison said.

Meanwhile, the National Guard is expected today to move vehicles and troops deep into the Rio Grande Valley and other areas, Chief Master Sgt. Gonda Moncada said.

Guard officials aren't yet ready to predict where or how they will be needed most, she said.

"Those judgment calls have to be made on a day-to-day basis," she said. "This storm may very well hit Northern Mexico instead of Texas. Who knows? It is still a crapshoot at this point."

VMware Fusion factors in Large Hadron Collider computing

VMware reports that its Fusion software for Macintoshes is being used by scientists at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, creators of the Large Hadron Collider.

VMware Fusion enables Intel-based Macs to run non-Mac OS X based operating systems without having to reboot first. CERN scientists are using Fusion to share Linux-based computer code on Fusion “virtual machines” running on Macs. The software links the computers to the LHC Computing Grid — a network of about 40,000 CPUs.

Located underground in Geneva, Switzerland, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest particle accelerator, and physicists will use the LHC to study the origin of matter by colliding protons together. Scientists hope to produce subatomic particles that will help prove or disprove current theories about the birth of the Universe.

Some groups have claimed that the LHC will destroy the planet by creating a black hole; CERN scientists dismiss such claims. The LHC went online with its first proton beam Wednesday, with high-energy collisions expected to start on October 21, 2008.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fringe - The new series ! Premieres today !!

Fringe - the new show from FOX produced by JJ Abrams is all set to take to world of Tv viewers to a new level and make their TV viewing more enjoyable by giving them a better reason to view and celebrate and that could be one reason why the Sci FI series is going to be big hit this season !

Love the series ? OR hate it to the core ? Jus post , the commenst section awaits !

Pilot show

Promotional trailor

Fringe featurette

Truancy officers on strike TODAY - burning hot !!

Just yesterday, the South Auckland truancy officers were unhappy about their pay and they ve decided upon a strike scheduled for today at 10:00 am. Its their right to ask for a salary that they feel would suit them and they must be supported in this cause. Right now they are paid far lesser than their compatriots in other states while they ask for is something on par. Right now they are paid around 2.7 grands per month and what they ask for is 3.33 grands which is just.

The officers are employed by the Otara Boards Forum which has a government contract to run truancy services across South Auckland. However the contract does not allow for decent rates of pay. We know the Forum would like to pay these officers more but are hamstrung by the restraints of government funding through the contract.

"These workers do a critically important job across the South Auckland community. They work with families in very difficult circumstances to give these children their best shot at education yet the government expects them to work for peanuts".

"The officers themselves are working hard to develop a highly professionalized service which is deeply appreciated across the community. The government is effectively undercutting them with a very poorly funded contract."

South Auckland truancy officers will be on strike today from 10am - 11am in support of a claim for decent pay.

The Otara-based officers want a salary of $40,000 to bring them into line with truancy officers elsewhere. Despite working in one of the most difficult areas of the country they receive considerably less pay than other truancy officers employed in surrounding areas.

They are paid just $33,000 and must use their own vehicles to visit schools and homes. In neighboring more affluent suburbs we know of truancy officers being paid $38,000 with a car provided and unlimited cell phone use. The South Auckland officers must exist on 13% less pay, provide their own car and limit cell phone calls to $15 per week.

Stumble the article if you like it !!

Monday, September 8, 2008

ALERT ! Pinks wardrobe malfunction at VMA

Just Imagine this,. You are enjoying yourself on stage singing ne of your new hits and all of a sudden all hell breaks loose and your wardrobe gives away, just to embarass you and make you look like one porn star on the big stage, how would you feel about it ?? that exactly what happened to Pink. Her wardrobe gave away and her boobs and tits just wanted to say Hi to the huge audience I guess. Nice ones shes got. you goto see the videos and pics posted.

Pink's new video "So What" was originally leaked early August and officially released on August 18th. Her new album 'Funhouse' is her fifth studio album. It was released on October 28, 2008. "So What" has been reaching the top of many charts including the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

We've found the video of Pink's wardrobe malfunction during the MTV Video Music Awards. Pink's breast came out of her dress, nipple and all, to give a hello to MTV and the rest of the world when she was singing her famous single "So What" live.

This is the not first of a long line of wardrobe malfunction that have been seen live as of the last few years. People can probably remember Janet Jackson's 2004 wardrobe malfunction during the 2004 Superbowl which made huge headlines.

Take a look at the pics here

Monday night football game - Schedule

Its Monday night and there could be just one thing that could be more mportant in the whole wide world and that is football. Big names clash and throw all for the fame that the game offers and thats what is important. " The name in the front is more important than the one at the back" and they all seeem to understand exctly that. Lets all sit at a place ( in front of the TV I mean ) and watch and support our favorite teams and hope they go on to the finals and win it as well ... The Schedule is just below

The Green Bay Packers will begin the Aaron Rodgers era Monday night as they host the Minnesota Vikings at Lambeau Field at 7:00 p.m. ET, the first of two Monday Night Football games to begin the NFL season.

Rodgers won the position as starting quarterback for the Packers after Brett Favre retired following the end of last season. Favre expressed a desire to come back to the Packers but the organization said they had moved on and were handing the reigns to Rodgers. Green Bay then traded Favre to the New York Jets, ending any chance the three-time MVP would wear the Packers jersey again.

Coming off a 13-3 regular season in 2007 there are a lot of questions surrounding the Packers ability to thrive without Favre. Rodgers will be looking to silence those doubts against the Vikings.

Minnesota is looking to bounce back from a disappointing end to 2007 when they lost their final two games and missed the NFC playoffs with an 8-8 record. Much of their success has been placed on the shoulders of quarterback Tarvaris Jackson who will have his strained right knee tested as the Packers defense will almost certainly pressure the third-year QB.

Adrian Peterson will likely get a number of touches and the Vikings are hoping to see the running back that set the NFL single game rushing record rather than the Peterson that struggled after returning from a knee injury.

In Monday Night Football's second game the Denver Broncos will face the Oakland Raiders at 10:15 p.m. ET.

Women in red racers - Hot video ! Must watch !

Check this smashing video about women in red racers ! Smashing video. Must watch

Women in red racers - Hot video ! Must watch !

Obama Rumor ! Hot news !

All that America needs right now is a rumor about their most possible presidential candidate, Mr Obama. If this rumor is found as one that has some chance of being true, that is the trifle that McCain would want to win as this could be a very serious threat to the reputation of Mr Obama.
Read ahead to know about the rumor and the amount of truth it could contain.

Pajamas Media has done the work shooting down another false Obama rumor, this one spread by the notorious pro-Hillary website, No Quarter. It questioned whether Obama had registered for the draft, and thus whether he was allowed to serve in the executive branch.

PJM reporting:

After contacting the Selective Service System for an answer several times since late June, Pajamas Media obtained official confirmation from the Selective Service System via email that Barack Obama did indeed register for the Selective Service as required by law, and is eligible to run for the presidency.

Mr. Owens,

Barack Hussein Obama registered at a post office in Hawaii. The effective registration date was September 4, 1980.

His registration number is 61-1125539-1.

Daniel Amon Public Affairs Specialist

It is difficult to determine why no one had confirmed Obama’s Selective Service registration until now. The mainstream media may have had no interest in pursuing the story for a multitude of valid reasons. New media sources aligned with the Obama campaign may have had no interest in conducting an investigation that may serve to impede their selected candidate, and new media opponents may have simply found confirmation of his registration too difficult to obtain — some have suggested that they had contacted the Selective Service, only to be told they would have to file a request under the Freedom of Information Act, which rather notoriously may take months to complete. Perhaps others found it more useful to keep the rumor alive than put it to rest. But the conclusive answer is now known.

Barack Obama fulfilled his Selective Service obligation and has every legal right to run for the presidency of the United States.

It's unclear from the story whether or not Obama signed up a month later than he should have, but in any event, at that point he was legal to serve in the executive branch.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hayley Williams speaks her heart

In an exclusive interview about her performance at te VMA , Hayley Williams lets everyone know what she would consider a good performance and what she would like to do at the VMA other than giving a good show. here is the interesting interview, exclusively for you !!

The band’s been busy practicing for their debut VMA performance tonight, which they’ll play live from the Whisky on Sunset. But Hayley still took a few minutes and emailed me back answers to some questions I asked her about tonight’s performance.

Buzzworthy: What can we expect from your first-ever VMA performance?

Hayley Williams: This is the first time people are ever going to see us associated with something this big… the most important thing to us is that people see us being exactly who we are.

Buzzworthy: Do you have any classic VMA memories?

Hayley: I saw the Britney Spears and *NSYNC collaboration, where they were all sitting at desks like they were at high school or something. That performance is forever etched on my heart. (Watch it below!)

Buzzworthy: What are we gonna see you in on the red carpet? Did it take you long to decide what to wear?

Hayley: There is a dress that I have in mind. It was a gift from my man! As soon as I saw it I wanted to wear it to the VMAs. The dress is very… me. That’s the only word I can think of to describe it!

Buzzworthy: Who are you excited to see on the red carpet?

Hayley: I just want to shake Britney’s hand.

WWE rocks to motArhead's new song !

If you are WWE fan and follow it as much as I do, then you are going to enjoy this news as much as I do. And you are a motArhead fan , this is double treat for you are their song is officially the theme for the most awaited UNFORGIVEN

Grammy Award winners and hard rock legends MotArhead have been enlisted to provide their new song "Rock Out" as the official theme music for World Wrestling Entertainment(R)'s September pay-per-view event, Unforgiven. "Rock Out" is the lead track off MotArhead's eagerly-awaited new album, MotArizer.

Beginning Monday, August 18th, "Rock Out" has been heard on all WWE television programming leading up to Unforgiven, which airs live on pay-per-view on Sunday, September 7 from the Quicken Loan Arena in Cleveland, OH. The song is also available for download via iTunes and streaming on

Millions of WWE fans are already quite familiar with MotArhead, as they perform "The Game," the entrance theme for WWE Champion Triple H(R). MotArhead and Triple H have been a successful tag team in the past; MotArhead performed additional theme songs "King of Kings" and "Line in the Sand" for Triple H and his former stable, Evolution(R).

MotArizer, MotArhead's 24th studio album, was released in the U.S. on August 26. MotArhead will also embark on a national tour beginning this week. An iconic hard rock band that continues to forge ahead and not look back, MotArhead has influenced generations of bands and are revered by the likes of Foo Fighters' Dave Grohl, Ozzy Osbourne, The Ramones, Guns N' Roses and Metallica, who have all paid tribute to the MotArhead legend. Much like the WWE, MotArhead is supported by legions of devoted fans and has made a lasting impression on pop culture.

Unforgiven live stream - Check this out

Injuries every where - Jamal , Cole

Just landed here in Cleveland and picked up a copy of today's Plain Dealer. The headline in the paper reads, "Lewis' backups are put on notice." For a team that desperately needs Jamal Lewis out on the field, that's not good news.

Apparently, Lewis' hamstring isn't ready for prime time and his status will be a game time decision, coach Romeo Crennel said. If Lewis can't play, younger backs Jerome Harrison and Jason Wright will split the workload.

So let's go over this again. Quarterback Derek Anderson suffered a concussion in the preseason. Lewis may not play at all. Braylon Edwards suffered a cut foot in the preseason while playing around with Donte' Stallworth. Guard Rex Hadnot (knee) is a game time decision, but he'll be limited at best.

Who exactly is going to score for the Browns? I'm sure their No. 1 solider will show up ready to go. As far as I know, only a miracle can save the browns now, if jamal lewis s not playing. Or the opponents have to play their worst game which I suppose would not happen. Lets take to the television or the stadium and look for an answer there .

If thats the case with Jamal, Cole is suffering from an injury as well. With just minutes before the game Im not sure of the decision that the coach is going to take.

Quarterbacks -

Tom Brady QB New England - For the first time in 57 weeks, Brady is not on the Patriots injury list. He is ready to go, but will likely be rusty in the first quarter.

Peyton Manning QB Indianapolis - Didn't play a down in preseason, but like Brady is ready to play. Expect a slow start, but he will still put up good numbers.

Derek Anderson QB Cleveland - Seems to have recovered from his concussion and should have a good day in an expected high-scoring affair with the Dallas Cowboys.

Carson Palmer QB Cincinnati - Palmer will play the game with a face guard to protect his broken nose, but that shouldn't keep him from your lineup.

Matt Hasselbeck QB Seattle - Hasselbeck took a shot for a bulging disk two weeks ago and it appears as if he is ready to go.

Running Backs -

Jamal Lewis RB Cleveland - His lingering hamstring problem makes him a tough start, unless you don't have any other options, but he will be in uniform.

Deuce McAllister RB New Orleans - Battling back from knee surgery, McAllister is not really ready for Week 1, but he will be in uniform. Reggie Bush and Pierre Thomas should see all the action.

Ahman Green RB Houston - He should see the majority of the work this weekend, but avoid putting him in your lineup if you have a reasonable alternative.

Willis McGahee RB Baltimore - Even if he plays, and he is probable at this point, he will be limited in what he can do. Ray Rice will take a good portion of the carries in Week 1 giving both running backs a limited upside.

Rudi Johnson RB Detroit - He'll see a few carries, but not enough to play him or not play Kevin Smith who had a very good exhibition season.

Chris Henry RB Tennessee is inactive meaning LenDale White and Chris Johnson will get all the carries. White was already a solid play this week, but now Johnson could be a viable option as well.

Kolby Smith RB Kansas City is inactive for Week 1.

Wide Receivers -

D.J. Hackett WR Carolina - A full day of practice on Friday should have him ready. Without Steve Smith, Jake Delhomme will look for Hackett although he will probably see a lot of Antonio Cromartie coverage.

Laveranues Coles WR New York Jets - Coles has been activated for Week 1 despite a thigh injury and a lot is expected of him with Favre behind center.

Reggie Brown WR Philadelphia - Even if he plays his abilities will be limited. Go in a different direction. Brian Westbrook, DeSean Jackson and L.J. Smith will be Donovan McNabb's primary targets today.

Joey Galloway WR Tampa Bay - With both Galloway and his quarterback Jeff Garcia hurting, finding another starter at wideout would be your best option.

Antonio Bryant WR Tampa Bay - For the third consecutive day, Bryant was limited in practice. You should not use him today if you have another option.

Dwayne Bowe WR Kansas City - With Maurice Price and Will Franklin now listed as out, Bowe is one of only three wide receivers available and should be played.

Isaiah Stanback WR Dallas - With Miles Austin and Sam Hurd hurt, the converted quarterback will be the Cowboys No.3 wideout.

Donnie Avery WR St. Louis is inactive for Week 1.

Robert Meachem WR New Orleans is inactive for Week 1.

Ernest Wilford WR Miami is inactive for the Dolphins today.

Mike Walker WR Jacksonville is inactive today.

Tight Ends -

Antonio Gates TE San Diego - Gates won't start, but will play. Unfortunately, the team has taken some plays off the table because Gates' toe injury keeps him from making all the cuts.

Ben Watson TE New England is inactive for Week 1.


Chris McAlister DB Baltimore will start, which could help the team's pass defense against the Bengals.

Ed Reed DB Baltimore will start, which could help the team's pass defense against the Bengals.

Leroy Hill LB Seattle is inactive for today's game.

Frank Okam DL Texas is inactive for today's game.

UFC 88 Results - Stunning fights

If its the Hurricane on one side, the earthquake on another, its the hurricane of punches to the faces and the extent to which the opponent can withstand the earthquakes to his faces. Yes Im talking exactly about what you are thinking, the UFC 88 . There cannot be a better arena for a fighter to prove his mettle and his professionalism , and to do just that he has to be the best first.

Consider the fight between Rashad Evans and Chuck Liddell.

UFC 88 Results Rashad Evans KO’s Chuck Liddell: On Saturday evening’s UFC 88 “Breakthrough” from Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia, Chuck “The Iceman” Liddell (21-6-0) was absolutely stunned by Rashad Evans (17-0-1) in what may have very well been Liddell’s last significant fight in the UFC. Going into this UFC 88, had Chuck Liddell as a -290 betting odds favorite to defeat Rashad Evans (+230) in MMA betting.

In what looked almost like a replay of the last Liddell vs. Jackson, the Iceman got caught once again when he least expected it, and was knocked out cold by Rashad Evans.

After one and a half rounds, Evans hadn’t really done much of anything. Nevertheless, with 1:51 remaining in the second round, Liddell made a crucial mistake.

In what certainly looked like a déjà-vu, Chuck went in for an uppercut, which he almost landed, but put him in a vulnerable position, and Evans capitalized.

Evans saw the opening, and went for the homerun, and did he ever hit out. A devastating overhand right by Evans, which will be played over and over again in UFC's ultimate knockouts, connected squarely on Liddell’s mug, thus, sending him directly to the canvas. It was over just like that, with just one solid punch, Liddell was laying face-first on the ground, and completely unconcious... out cold!

Rashad Evans, who remains undefeated, has come a very long way since his appearance on the Ultimate Fighter show. With this victory, Evans solidified his name at the top of the 205-pound division, and will likely get a title shot soon.

For Liddell, many questions will be asked regarding his future, and his desire to continue fighting. The former UFC light heavyweight champ has now lost three of his last four fights.

Prop. A would pay to build new S.F. hospital

Apparently the minor earth quake that rattled the Bay area and Sf must have been the eyeopener to the desperate condition of the City's most important medical facility and the associated trauma centre. The Richter 4.0 magnitude earthquake must have told the governing authorities what a much stronger earth quake could do to the " now standing" hospital. There are few proposals as of what actions to take and one of them is as discussed below !

To fix the extreme risk posed to the city's public health system and comply with a state law, the city wants voters to approve Proposition A. The $887.4 million bond measure would pay for construction of a new hospital that meets current seismic standards, accommodates more patients and makes room for new medical equipment.

The proposed nine-story building, with two of those levels located below ground, would border Potrero Avenue on the west lawn of the hospital campus. It would feature 32 additional beds, raising capacity to 284, and also increase space for emergency patients. Its circular design is intended to give nurses a better view of patients and maximize space.

"The San Francisco General trauma center requires a lot of operating room," said Hospital chief executive Gene Marie O'Connell. "We have a large emergency demand, and we need more critical-care beds. ... This will make a big difference and account for changes in the past few decades."

Under a 1994 state law, all acute-care hospitals must be seismically safe by 2013. If there are no plans to upgrade the hospitals, they must close by the end of this year. Hospitals may ask for extensions on the 2013 deadline if they are in the process of retrofitting.

The city already has spent $25 million studying how to replace the current hospital that was built in 1976 before new, more stringent building codes took effect. While the large bond amount is believed to be unprecedented, O'Connell said it is probably cheaper to build a new hospital than retrofit the existing one. It also will allow the hospital to stay open until the new one is built.

San Francisco General treats 1,500 patients daily, 85 percent of whom are uninsured or receive government-subsidized health care.

The hospital also houses a level 1 trauma center, meaning it has a full range of specialists and equipment available 24 hours a day and can treat the most critically injured patients. The next closest level 1 trauma centers are in Davis and at Stanford, hospital officials said.

As part of the bond development plan, the old hospital will stay in operation during the six-year construction period between 2009 and 2015. The current hospital, which will not undergo any retrofitting for now, will continue to house outpatient clinics and other services indefinitely.

The bond measure needs approval from two-thirds of city voters on Nov. 4. It enjoys support from the San Francisco political establishment and union groups. It has little formal opposition.

One group and one individual have filed formal statements against the proposition with the city's Department of Elections. They argue that the plan does not add enough new beds and that the projected costs need more scrutiny.

Nine years ago, voters approved a $299 million bond to rebuild Laguna Honda Hospital. While it is expected to be complete next year, the costs have more than doubled.

In the case of Laguna Honda, no planning or design work had been completed before the bond measure was presented to voters. In the five years it took to complete the plans, construction costs skyrocketed.

City officials hope that the $25 million in advanced planning for a new San Francisco General will alleviate that problem.

Residents will see little or no tax increases associated with the bond because the city's current debt will be paid off before the hospital bond debt kicks in, according to the city controller's office.

San Francisco General has been in existence since 1872. Its current acute-care hospital is a concrete building with weaker beams and walls than are demanded today. Instead of twisting and bending in an earthquake, its supports might crumble and even explode under too much pressure.

Fred Turner with the state Seismic Safety Commission said San Francisco General's design and materials make it very vulnerable in an earthquake.

"These kinds of buildings are in the lowest earthquake performance category," he said.

State figures show that out of the 419 hospitals subject to the state seismic legislation, 118 have met the requirements.

Proposition A

What it is: An $887.4 million bond for a new San Francisco General Hospital and trauma center

Who's for it: Mayor Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, all 11 city supervisors, labor groups and others

Arguments in support: The current hospital is vulnerable to damage or collapse in an earthquake. Supporters say the city needs to build the hospital to meet the region's public health needs and to comply with state law.

Who's against it: Concerned Patients of San Francisco General Hospital and city resident Patrick Monette-Shaw.

Arguments against: Critics say the new hospital would get only an extra 32 beds, and the bond financing needs closer scrutiny.