Friday, September 12, 2008

Handlebar restaurant - Chef Ramsey

After endure week’s touchy-feely adulation fest, this anniversary gets us aback to the Kitchen Nightmares we apperceive and love. This anniversary Gordon is traveling to Mt. Sinai, New York to appointment The Handlebar. The Handlebar is endemic by Billy, a above architecture worker, and his beleagured wife.

Despite the actuality that the 18-table dining allowance is abandoned a lot of nights, and the actuality that they’re on Kitchen Nightmares, Billy and his wife are abashed as to why Ramsay thinks they accept a problem. They anticipate they’re aliment is great, their chef is great, and aggregate is alive well. While they accept no self-awareness, their chef, Melissa, in fact does.

“I anticipate hiring me wasn’t necessarily the best idea.”

I’m not in fact abiding why Melissa is arch chef at The Handlebar. She says she never capital to be a chef, and I may accept misheard this, but it articulate like she just took the job to be abreast a guy she was dating. She realizes that she’s not a artistic chef and that the aliment is about crap. Of course, with four altered menus, you can’t in fact apprehend one getting to baker all of that well.

“Seafood crepe. Yeah. That’s seafood crap.”

Ramsay comes in and has his anterior cafeteria and the weirdest affair happens—he brings Billy over to acquaint him how acceptable the Clam Chowder is. He says it’s adorable and “perfect for a winter’s day.” I couldn’t accept it; I in fact had to rewind and accomplish abiding I heard it right.

Ramsay, however, hasn’t in fact absent his mind. He ordered the seafood crepe, and it included apery backtalk meat. I candidly had no abstraction that apery crabmeat was even acclimated alfresco of grocery abundance sushi, but there you go. Even added abashing was the filet mignon fondue that Ramsay orders. They gave him hot oil in a fondue pot and had him abysmal fry his filet mignon. None of this fabricated any faculty to me, or Ramsay, for that matter.

“We’ll go to defalcation cloister and accord it all up.”

Ramsay goes to Billy and gives him his assessment; namely that The Handlebar’s capital botheration is its food. Billy is in fact addled by this remark, adage he’s never gotten complaints about the aliment before, so he never would accept estimated that that’s what their botheration was. Really? The aliment was never on your account of culprits if you anticipation of affidavit your restaurant was failing? Huh. Interesting. Did you apperceive that sometimes if clouds ample up with baptize it causes rain? Just a tip for approaching reference.

“We’re aperture with a apple-pie fridge and a advantageous attitude.”

While the aliment may be The Handlebar’s better problem, the kitchen is its a lot of abominable one. Like abounding baby restaurants, the antecedent owners didn’t absolutely accumulate up on the cleaning. The botheration is, that if Billy took it over a year ago, neither did he. As a result, there is grease and crud that has been architecture up back the Reagan administration. That, accumulated with the added approaching botheration of adulteration aliment everywhere, makes it difficult to adore your next meal out after apperception what’s ambuscade in the walk-in.

“There was no allotment of me that capital Chef Ramsay here.”

Not alone is Billy not self-aware in the slightest, but he butts active with Ramsay over everything. Even admitting he keeps on adage how abundant of an able Ramsay is and how abundant he respects him, Billy doesn’t wish to apprehend a individual affair he has to say. At one point, he gets so affronted that he calls his wife and tells her that they’re affairs the abode and just traveling to defalcation court. His wife soldiers on anyway, and eventually Billy comes around.

“Can you amuse stop talking to my parents this way?”

On the aboriginal night that they’re open, things do not go well. Ramsay cooks up some specials which advertise well, but it’s not absolutely abundant to accomplish a acknowledged evening. Melissa gets in fact in the weeds and humans delay for hours after getting fed, authoritative them testy. I’m not in fact abiding what happened, but the barter in fact alpha angry with anniversary other. It’s in fact insane.

“What’s a Gastropub?”

As allotment of the redesign, Ramsay tells the agents at The Handlebar that they are now traveling to be Long Island’s aboriginal Gastropub. Nobody knows what that means, but Ramsay explains that it’s a pub with an accent on quality, reasonably-priced food. It seems to be a acceptable fit.

“Twisted Sister’s Dee Snyder!”

I like to anticipate that Ramsay and Dee Snyder just adhere out all of the time. In any case, Ramsay assertive Snyder to appear by for the relaunch. He drives a motorcycle into the restaurant, which has to breach at atomic a brace of OSHA and Health Code regulations. He tells the assemblage that they can bid on the bike with al gain traveling to The March of Dimes.

“There’s one affair in there that I anticipation was in fact unchangeable: and that was Bill. And we even managed that.”

The relaunch was a success, as it consistently is, and Ramsay walks abroad satisfied. However, I accept a cheating suspicion that the changes at The Handlebar may not last. Melissa never capital to be a chef and you can change the card all you want, but if the admiration isn’t there, success usually isn’t either.

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