Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Truancy officers on strike TODAY - burning hot !!

Just yesterday, the South Auckland truancy officers were unhappy about their pay and they ve decided upon a strike scheduled for today at 10:00 am. Its their right to ask for a salary that they feel would suit them and they must be supported in this cause. Right now they are paid far lesser than their compatriots in other states while they ask for is something on par. Right now they are paid around 2.7 grands per month and what they ask for is 3.33 grands which is just.

The officers are employed by the Otara Boards Forum which has a government contract to run truancy services across South Auckland. However the contract does not allow for decent rates of pay. We know the Forum would like to pay these officers more but are hamstrung by the restraints of government funding through the contract.

"These workers do a critically important job across the South Auckland community. They work with families in very difficult circumstances to give these children their best shot at education yet the government expects them to work for peanuts".

"The officers themselves are working hard to develop a highly professionalized service which is deeply appreciated across the community. The government is effectively undercutting them with a very poorly funded contract."

South Auckland truancy officers will be on strike today from 10am - 11am in support of a claim for decent pay.

The Otara-based officers want a salary of $40,000 to bring them into line with truancy officers elsewhere. Despite working in one of the most difficult areas of the country they receive considerably less pay than other truancy officers employed in surrounding areas.

They are paid just $33,000 and must use their own vehicles to visit schools and homes. In neighboring more affluent suburbs we know of truancy officers being paid $38,000 with a car provided and unlimited cell phone use. The South Auckland officers must exist on 13% less pay, provide their own car and limit cell phone calls to $15 per week.

Stumble the article if you like it !!

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