Sunday, September 7, 2008

Minor Earth quake - Richter 4.0 - bay area - San Francisco

If New orleans was struckby nature's fury in the form a hurricane, San Francisco is facing it in the form of an Earth quake. Though a minor one, the earth quake measured 4 in magnitude in the Richter.

The temblor's epicenter was near Alamo, Calif., about 28 miles east of San Francisco.

There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries in Alamo or surrounding communities, said Contra Costa County Sheriff's spokesman Jimmy Lee.

The quake hit just after 9 p.m. and could be felt throughout the region.

Though not much of damage was done to either life or property, few fans at the San Francisco Giants' waterfront ballpark felt a jolt during the game with the Pittsburgh Pirates and a moment's game was missed ;)

Also, those at home missed a part of the very famous show, "Are you sarter than a 5th grader ? " by running out of their houses ;D

Watch the breaking news ( breaking the continuity of "are you smarter than the 5th grader ?" ) here

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