Thursday, September 11, 2008

Virginity for sale

For sale: a attenuate one-of-a-kind item. Can alone be acclimated once. No refunds. And allotment are impossible.

That's not absolutely the bulletin getting put up on the Internet by a 22-year-old apprentice in San Diego, but the absorbed is the same. What is the woman affairs over the common web to the accomplished bidder? Her a lot of admired possession: her virginity.

The seller, application the pseudonym "Natalie Dylan," is acquisitive to accession abundant money to pay for her apprenticeship and has annihilation abroad of amount to offer. So she affairs to accord the champ a night to bethink at a bounded brothel.

"Natalie" explains she's becoming her bachelor's amount in women's studies and wants to go for her master's in alliance and ancestors therapy. But to do that, she needs money.

eBay banned the 'item', so she acclimated a bounded brothel area he sister works to put her action online. "I don't anticipate auctioning my virginity will break all my problems," she told a U.S. amalgamated TV show. "But it will actualize some banking stability. I'm accessible for the controversy, I apperceive it will appear along. I'm accessible to do this."

She again adds this justification. "We reside in a backer society. Why shouldn't I be accustomed to capitalize on my virginity?"

How abundant does one night with this adolescent woman cost? She hopes to accomplish $1 actor from her endeavour, conceivably extensive a bit. Many are already criticizing the bell-ringer for her blatant achievement - including her mother, a fourth brand abecedary said to be black with her decision.

But the buyer of the atom area the final behest - and the final act - will yield place, doesn't see it that way.

"I anticipate it's a amazing idea," counters Dennis Hof, buyer of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch. "Why lose it to some guy in the backseat of a Toyota if you can pay for your education?"

It's not bright if the 'auction' ends.

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