Thursday, September 11, 2008

Negligence awarded with termination - PA Consulting

PA consulting's contract with the Home office was terminated after the company lost a stick memory, containing data on 84000 offenders.
PA Consulting's point was that the breach of security should be assigned to the individual, that the data downloaded, and not its internal processes. Its ironical that PA consulting is with the government to implement the national identity scheme,

"The loss of data on this project was because of the inability of the people. A single employee was in breach of the Palestinian Authority and the security of information furnished process," a spokesman for PA Consulting, said in a statement.

"The Chief Executive responsible for this work was dismissed Pennsylvania not to have our well-defined."

The spokesman claimed that the company had reviewed all since his government and the private sector, the contracts of sensitive data, which they found and will be "fully consistent with the strong political and procedures".

But the Home Office has yet to assess the expert's recommendations to reassure its data on practices in the field of security, and pointed out that the loss will be much more impact for PA Consulting to lose, JTrack that the contract.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said that the Home Office will now examine all contracts, which it with PA Consulting, as well as with the private sector of sensitive data.

"The lessons from this incident, generally applied, in collaboration with the suppliers on the markets to sensitive data," said Smith.

PA Consulting was received by the Home Office last year to the perpetrators, richer by the system of criminal justice.

The JTrack programme for the provision of services to combat the tools to the perpetrators.

The officials of the government, are now working with the Authority to take the program back into the house. The Home Office is expected that all maintenance of the system and the user training programmes will be under their control by December.

Smith has a comprehensive report by the Commission for information about the loss, and argued that the PA Consulting failed to make his contract.

The interior minister argued that the loss of data is a "low risk" for the prisoners, because their data is already public.

"All human beings have police national IT IDs, that is, they were guilty of an offence in open court," she said.

The government said that he did not say whether their detention was lost.

"We have carefully examined the benefits please contact the people concerned and concluded that the risks outweigh the advantages. There is more potential to aggravate the situation that the slowdown," said Smith.

PA Consulting could have a point here, that the whole company cannot be shadowed by the negligence of one single person here. But when its comes to the higher level you are taken to task as an enterprise and not as an individual. And the reward for negligence is deserved termination !!

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