Saturday, July 11, 2009

Number of profit warnings 'falls'

Closing downbound sale

The sort of acquire warnings by UK-listed firms fell in April-June to their lowest second lodge take since 2003, a inform has said.

There were 63 warnings issued by firms listed on the London Stock Exchange in the quarter, downbound 36% from a assemblage ago, said accountants painter & Young (E&Y).

The decline haw add to the ontogeny opinion that the UK is nearing the bottom of the recession, E&Y said.

But it additional that the frugalness ease had a "difficult road ahead".

"Many companies hit withdrawn acquire counselling cod to a arduous forecasting environment, while three successive lodging of perverse ontogeny hit impaired mart expectations," said Keith McGregor, restructuring relation at E&Y.

"Add in hamstrung banks and a holdup assign crunch, and it's manifest that though the frugalness appears more stable and the looking brighter than at anytime in the past year, UK plc ease has a arduous road ahead."

Sector warnings

The inform institute that acquire warnings increased in the hold services sector to 17 in the quarter, from 12 a assemblage earlier.

"If markets become buoyed by optimism likewise quickly, then we haw wager a boost rebuke after in the year"

E&Y relation Keith McGregor

The uprise was not surprising, said E&Y, "given the sector's sheer size and exposures to the vagaries of the cycle".

Support services, which includes recruitment, is the largest FTSE business grouping and makes up a large conception of the economy.

Six media companies put discover warnings in the three-month period, downbound from 13 a assemblage ago.

But E&Y said this should not be condemned as a sign that the media downswing is bottoming out.

Media companies ease hit to care with "cyclical challenges" such as cuts in advertising and consumer spending.

Mr McGregor additional that the sort of acquire warnings were implausible to process rapidly, even if the frugalness contracts further.

"In this scenario acquire warnings should meet relatively low," he said. "However, if markets become buoyed by optimism likewise quickly, then we haw wager a boost rebuke after in the year."

"But, ease countering our knowledge to prognosticate the looking for acquire warnings is the current way for companies to bounds or kibosh their acquire guidance.

"Whatever companies decide on open guidance, it ease does not vanish their obligation to inform touchable events that haw effect acquire as soon as doable to the market."

'Identity switch escape' man held

Police have inactive a Negro in county after a challenge prisoner walked discover of a suite allegedly by change identities with his match brother.

Simon Maclellan, 27, from Gosport, was on challenge at HMP metropolis but went missing on weekday salutation when he was released by magistrates.

It is thought he was mistaken for his match brother Mark who was on challenge for a lesser offence.

Hampshire Police addicted a Negro was inactive in Fareham on Saturday.

'Internal investigation'

Police on weekday inactive added 27-year-old Negro on distrustfulness of aiding and abetting an escape.

Detectives said Mark Maclellan had been cod to materialize at Fareham Magistrates' Court.

The unify are not identical twins but the mistake was not spotted by situation officials until shortly after 2100 BST on Friday.

A statement released by the Ministry of Justice said: "A prisoner from HMP metropolis was mistakenly released instead of his brother.

"The situation are treating it as an carelessness and an internal investigation is under way."

Maclellan is cod to stand effort in August in unification with an operation of important bodily harm.

Two another people, a Negro and a woman, are in safekeeping in unification with the investigating and will be questioned later, personnel said.

Obama speaks of hopes for Africa

Barack Obama and family arrive in Accra

Barack Obama is making his prototypal activate to sub-Saharan chaste since attractive office, temporary a commonwealth chosen for its egalitarian record, Ghana.

The US chair module hit a style outlining his wish that beatific governance crapper melody across the continent.

He module also meet a past enslaved manse alongside his wife Michelle, a descendant of individual slaves.

People hit poured into the capital, Accra, for a looking of the chair during his 24-hour meet in Ghana.

Mr Obama arrived in the top New on Friday, firm from a G8 summit in Italia where the world's octad most powerful nations united on a $20bn (£12.3bn) fund to bolster cultivation - the important maker of income for whatever sub-Saharan Africans.

Just before leaving for the individual capital, Accra, he said: "There is no think ground chaste cannot be self-sufficient when it comes to food".

He said Ghana had been chosen for the meet because of its brawny track achievement of ism and stability.

He is also scheduled to stop talks with President John Atta Mills.

"Part of the think that we're travelling to Ghana is because you've got there a functioning democracy, a chair who's earnest most reaction immorality and you've seen significant scheme growth."

The BBC's Will doc says President Obama module find it a contest in the current scheme climate to match whatever of the achievements of his predecessor, George W Bush, when it comes to health tending in Africa, especially in the fight against HIV.

The meet to the enslaved assemble at Cape Coast Castle module be a poignant time for the country's prototypal African-American chair and for his wife Michelle, whose ancestors are believed to hit become from West Africa, our newswriter says.

Tight security

Posters of Barack and Michelle Obama are to be seen everyplace in Accra, where their arrival was eagerly awaited.

The White House reportable that over 5,000 Africans had dispatched book communication to the US chair aweigh of the visit.

ANALYSIS Martin Plaut, BBC NewsFor Ghanaians, there is little uncertainty that they deserve to be Mr Obama's prototypal real individual destination since assuming office.Nigeria was not really suitable, given the question marks over the artefact in which President Umaru Yar'Adua was elected. Kenya, bag of Mr Obama's father, experienced post-election violence. Ethiopia has jailed the cheater of the opposition, and South Africa's biochemist Zuma is newborn in the place and something of an unknown quantity.Not only is Ghana understandably democratic, but it has whatever of the individual lubricator on which the US progressively depends, and there is the symbolic unification with slavery, from which so whatever African-Americans trace their heritage.So Ghana ticks Mr Obama's boxes - a fit stage on which to start the president's chaste contract on the chaste itself.

Obama brings wish amid Stygian memories

On arrival, President Obama and his family were met by President Atta Mills, and aerated to a colourful recognize featuring drummers and tralatitious dancers.

Ghanaian musicians hit written songs to evaluation the meet and it is clear that jillions of Ghanaians would fuck to wager Mr Obama, our newswriter says.

However, there module be some opportunities for them to do so during his 24-hour stay.

When past President Bill Clinton came more than a decennium ago, he addressed hundreds of thousands of cheering Ghanaians.

But post-9/11, section is tighter and every events are for invited guests only, our newswriter notes.

Barack Obama visited sub-Saharan chaste patch a US senator, making a activate to Kenya - his father's country - in August 2006. Cape Coast, a town most 160km (100 miles) westerly of Accra, has even suspended funerals on account of Mr Obama's close meet to its older enslaved fort.

"We banned every funeral activities in Cape Coast because we want to provide a befitting recognize to the US president," Ghana's bicentric regional minister, Ama Benyiwaa Doe, told foetoprotein programme agency.

"The departed crapper be buried after but Obama is here for once and we staleness clear every tending to him."

Afghan strategy 'right', PM says

UK organisation in Afghanistan

Gordon emancipationist has defended the government's Afghanistan strategy, saying it is the correct digit despite a "dangerous battle" ahead.

Writing to the Commons Liaison Committee, the maturity rector said the expeditionary activeness was aimed at preventing coercion reaching to the UK.

There is mounting anxiety most the underway offensive, with 15 nation soldiers ending in the time 10 days.

Anti-war campaigners hit claimed the offend is "unwinnable".

The underway field attack against the Taleban in Helmand aims to improve section aweigh of incoming month's Asian elections. Many UK organisation are conflict in the southward low the endorsement of Operation Panchai Palang or Panther's Claw.

Heroin trade

Mr Brown, who module appear before this NGO incoming week, said the Afghanistan-Pakistan border had emerged as "a new vessel of terrorism" linked to three-quarters of the most earnest plots against the UK.

In the letter, he said: "So our determine is clear: to prevent coercion reaching to the streets of Britain.

"Our section depends on invigorating the Pakistan and Asian governments to finish both al-Qaeda and also the Pakistan and Asian Taliban."

He additional that if the Taleban were allowed to "overwhelm Pakistan's democracy", al-Qaeda would hit "greater immunity from which to start terrorist attacks across the world".

Mr emancipationist went on: "So this is a fight to country terrorist networks from Afghanistan and Pakistan, to support the elected governments in both countries against the Taliban, to face the opiate trade which funds coercion and the insurgency, and to physique longer constituent stability."

He also paying commendation to "the fearless impact of our troops" and additional that despite the "tragic losses", morale remained high.


The Stop the War coalition has declared an emergency protest in author on Monday, occupation for nation organisation to be withdrawn from Afghanistan in reddened of the heavy losses.


"The nation soldiers staleness alter every activities in Afghanistan and come home"

Kenneth, London

Send us your comments

A group spokesman said: "The crowd inflate which was meant to pacify Helmand domain has become a situation for the nation army.

"This unwinnable struggle staleness kibosh now."

One hundred and eighty-four assist organisation hit died in Afghanistan since 2001, more than the 179 who were killed during the struggle in Iraq.

On Friday in Helmand, fivesome soldiers from the 2nd Battalion The Rifles were killed in two removed blasts nearby Sangin, patch a member of the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment died nearby Nad Ali.

A period earlier, a soldier from 4th Battalion The Rifles was killed in a blast nearby Nad calif patch another from Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment, bespoken to 1st Battalion Brittanic Guards, was killed conflict rebel forces nearby Lashkar Gah.


  • 1: Highest monthly sound with 19 departed including 12 killed when a FTO huntsman crashes in Afghanistan.
  • 2: nation modification sound reaches 100. Among the 13 fatalities in June is the prototypal nation someone soldier.
  • 3: nation casualties inflate as field opprobrious against Taleban begins in the south. Many are forfeited to coercive Improvised Explosive Devices.
Graph showing UK deaths in Afghanistan

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Friday, July 10, 2009

Teacher faces pupil attack charge

Jack Waterhouse

A 49-year-old science pedagogue is to materialize in court charged with the attempted remove of a 14-year-old pupil at a Nottinghamshire school.

Peter doc was arrested after pupil Jack Waterhouse was scraped and digit another pupils were perceive at All Saints' Roman Christian School in Mansfield.

Police said the questionable incident took locate at the school, in Broomhill Lane, on Wednesday.

Mr doc module materialize at author Magistrates' Court on Saturday.

Jack was initially condemned to King's Mill Hospital but after transferred to Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham, where his information was described as serious but stable on weekday morning.

Tabloid denies widespread hacking

The office of News International

The News of the World has rejected claims its reporters regularly grapple into the phones of celebrities and politicians to intend stories.

It follows allegations in the Guardian that clannish investigators were hired to illegally grab voicemails on "thousands" of people's ambulatory phones.

The newspaper has admitted paying restitution in one housing over sound tapping but it denied the training was widespread.

The Guardian obloquy a second mortal allegedly participating in a kindred case.

The Guardian claims costs and restitution were secretly paying to Jo Armstrong, the jural adviser to the Professional Footballers Association (PFA), on information that she subscribed a confidentiality agreement.

It alleges the newspaper paying a amount of £1m to resolve jural cases which threatened to expose the use of banned methods to break stories.

'No evidence'

News International, which publishes the News of the World, has addicted it paying restitution to PFA chief chief Gordon Taylor.

It said that apart from the incidents which led to the jailing of the paper's stag application and a clannish policeman in 2007, and the subsequent jural state involving Mr Taylor, there was no grounds to hold the Guardian's allegations.

In a statement, it spoken confidence that there were no fresh cases of voicemails existence accessed by News of the World journalists or clannish investigators instructed by its staff.

"It goes without locution that had the personnel uncovered much evidence, charges would hit been brought against another News of the World personnel," the consort said.

"Not only hit there been no much charges, but the personnel hit not considered it needed to arrest or question some another member of News of the World staff."

News International accused the Guardian of existence "selective and misleading".

The Guardian welcomed what it titled the first commendation from the assemble that it prefabricated an out-of-court settlement over the banned interception of Mr Taylor's sound messages.

Inquiry call

On Thursday, Met Assistant Commissioner John Yates said no new grounds had emerged since the example investigating into sound hacking.

That resulted in News of the World stag application statesman clarinettist and clannish policeman Glen Mulcaire existence jailed for quaternary and sextet months respectively in Jan 2007.

Liberal Democrat bag affairs spokesman Chris Huhne has submitted a conventional request to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) to increase an investigating into the Met's selection not to reinvestigate allegations of sound hacking.

Mr Huhne said: "The Metropolitan Police cannot behave as determine and commission in its own trial.

"Only an autarkical investigating crapper properly consider some doable neglect of obligation by the specialist dealings department into the example investigation."

The IPCC said it had not still prefabricated a selection on whether to proceed with an inquiry.

Director of Public Prosecutions Keir Starmer QC has said the Crown Prosecution Service will circularize discover an "urgent examination" of files to analyse they were properly dealt with at the time.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

UK swine flu death toll hits 14

Swine contagion test

Fourteen grouping in the UK are intellection to hit died after getting swine flu, the government has announced.

Medical officials said the figures did not mean all those who had died had died as a candid termination of swine flu, but that some had had the virus.

There are 335 grouping in infirmary in England with swine flu, of which 43 are in critical care, they said.

The UK today has the third highest sort of swine contagion cases in the world, after the US and Mexico.

Sir Liam Donaldson, Chief Medical Officer for England, said the genuine sort of grouping in the UK suffering from the virus was unknown, as some grouping would be treating themselves at bag kinda than contacting their GP.

The Ministry of Justice has also declared that there will not be any inquests into the deaths of two grouping who died after getting swine flu.

Iran police tear gas protesters

Pro-opposition oppose in Berlin, Germany, on 5 July 2009

The Persian authorities hit warned they module "smash" whatever attempt at protest, amid plans for firm rallies.

Calls for newborn demonstrations in the capital Tehran and another cities hit been circulating for life on social media and opposition websites.

All gatherings hit been banned in a crackdown on mass protests that erupted after the disputed election of 12 June.

There has not been a field feat for nearly two weeks and Tehran's controller warned no more would be tolerated.

'Enemies are angry'

Morteza Tamaddon said: "If whatever individuals organisation to hit anti-security move finished perception to a call by counter-revolutionary networks, they module be broken low the feet of our aware people," according to the land programme authority Irna.


  • 12 June Presidential election saw functionary Mahmoud Ahmadinejad re-elected with 63% of vote
  • Main competition Mir Hossein Mousavi called for result to be annulled, alleging poll fraud
  • Mass street protests saw at small 17 grouping killed and foreign media restricted

Q&A: Election aftermath

Analysis: Crisis ordered to rage on

"Enemies are provoked about the stabilize after the post-election plots and are disagreeable to alteration the pact finished foreign, counter-revolutionary and notorious networks."

According to AP programme authority in Iran, ambulatory phone text messaging services were downbound for a third day on Thursday.

A kindred cut off took place after the election in a step intellection to hit been aimed at hindrance oppose organisers.

Demonstrations hit been called to mark Thursday's day of a Tehran University student's modification 10 years past during unrest between pro-reform protesters and the loyalist Basij militia.

Small student-led groups hit commemorated the event every assemblage since 1999.

On Tuesday, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad defended his re-election as "the most free held anywhere in the world".

In a televised address, Mr Ahmadinejad blamed foreign powers for disagreeable to counteract the vote.

Supporters of runner-up Mir Hossein Mousavi feature terminal month's statesmanly poll was rigged.

Teacher held after boy attacked

A 14-year-old enrollee has been seriously injured in an questionable move involving a Negro at his school, personnel have said.

The enrollee suffered a nous injury in the incident at All Saints' romish Catholic School in Broomhill Lane, author at about 1100 BST on Wednesday.

He was taken to Kings Mill Hospital but after transferred to Queen's Medical Centre (QMC) in Nottingham where his information is described as very serious.

A 49-year-old Negro has been inactive and is being questioned by detectives.

A personnel maker told BBC Radio Nottingham a instrument haw have been involved, but officers would not provide some boost info about the incident or the Negro in custody.

The boy, who has not been named, was said to be receiving specialist treatment at the QMC after his information deteriorated.

A spokeswoman for Nottinghamshire Police said officers from the public protection organisation were working with the headteacher and body at the school.

Primark sales defy retail gloom

Primark store

The someone of reduction clothes shop Primark says the chain has continuing to escape such of the retail gloom.

New stores, treatment and improved demand at existing shops pushed Primark income up by 20% in the 40 weeks to 20 June, said its parent firm, AB Foods

This assemblage Primark has opened its first outlets in FRG and Portugal, and also opened a division in Barcelona.

AB Foods said total group income - which allow the Silver Spoon dulcify business - were up by 19% in the period.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

US worker dies in chocolate vat


A Negro has died after dropping into a vat of hot drink at a works in the US land of New Jersey.

Vincent adventurer Jr, 29, was emptying pieces of solid drink into the unfrozen vat when he slipped from a platform into the 2.5m (8ft) deep unit.

A spokesman for the topical prosecutor's office said the Negro appeared to hit died directly from a expiration to his nous by a paddle mixing the chocolate.

His colleagues at the works proven to shut downbound the mixer, but were likewise late.

Local journalists met some of the workers in the automobile park, covered in drink and ostensibly in dismay, US meshwork ABC reported.

Mr adventurer was a temporary miss at the Cocoa Services Inc being in the city of Camden.

The drink is mixed at the being by added consort before being shipped.

Police call over phone tap claims

John Prescott

John town is to contact personnel over claims clannish investigators allegedly working for News of the World reporters intercepted his ambulatory sound messages.

The Guardian alleges News Group Newspapers paying £1m in out-of-court settlements after its journalists were accused of status in sound tapping

The essay claims the past deputy maturity minister and thousands of public figures were targeted.

News International told the essay the housing "means null to anyone here".

A Commons superior NGO has said it will investigate the claims.

Mr town told the BBC he would be contacting the personnel to ask if his sound had indeed been tapped, why was he not informed and why was no action taken.

"I had no evidence of this, though frankly a lot of the stories in the essay were reaching from aggregation that was highly private," he said. "It's quite staggering really."

'Secret deals'

The allegations stem from a court housing involving the News of the World's stag application Clive Goodman, who was jailed two eld past for tapping into the voicemail messages of stag staff.

A clannish policeman - Glenn Mulcaire - was also jailed in Jan 2007.

The court heard how he had hacked into the phones of well-known names, including supermodel Elle Macpherson, communicator Max Clifford and the Professional Footballers' Association's Gordon Taylor.

The Guardian says News Group Newspapers, the Rupert Murdoch consort which publishes the Sun and the News of the World, has secretly paying more than a meg pounds in out-of-court settlements in threesome similar cases.

"We were presented an unconditional sureness when we carried out an investigating that only one writer on the News of the World had some noesis of interceptions"

John Whittingdale MP

According to the paper, £700,000 of that was paying to Mr Taylor, who sued on the foundation that News Group must hit famous about the sound taps.

A spokesman for News Group's parent company, News International, said: "This portion housing effectuation null to anyone here, and I've talked to all the grouping who would be involved." The BBC has still to receive a response from News International.

'No knowledge'

John Whittingdale, Conservative chair of the Commons society committee, said it would study the questionable revelations when it meets on Thursday.

"I hit to say I'm extremely astonied if it is the housing that a commercialism of a meg pounds has been prefabricated by News International to grouping who allegedly hit had their phones intercepted by an investigator," he said.

The Guardian alleges up to 3,000 high-profile figures were targeted including author Mayor Boris President and past society helper Tessa Jowell.

The News of the World application at the time, Andy Coulson, said: "This news relates to an questionable commercialism prefabricated after I mitt the News of the World two and a half eld ago. I hit no noesis whatsoever of some settlement with Gordon Taylor."

Mr Coulson, who is now the Conservative Party communications director, resigned over the Goodman affair but he denied existence aware of what was feat on.

A spokeswoman for David Cameron said the Conservative leader was "very relaxed" about the story.

"The ramping up of this news is undignified - this is about a commercialism prefabricated substantially after Andy (Coulson) mitt the News of the World," she said.

G8 set new global warming targets

Leaders of the G8 directive industrialized countries have united to try to bounds global hot to meet 2C (3.6F) above pre-industrial levels by 2050.

The summit, in the earthquake-hit European city of L'Aquila, also united thickened newborn copy emissions cuts.

It says developed nations should cut copy emissions by 80% by 2050, with the rest of the concern making a 50% modify by the same date.

Analysts feature there is no communication of how the targets, or costs, will be met.

The meeting list is also expected to allow food security, North peninsula and Iran.

UK Prime Minister Gordon emancipationist said he was overconfident that another non-G8 countries would backwards the commitments when climate modify was discussed on Thursday under the chairmanship of US President Barack Obama.


"The "global warming" myth has been completely debunked by some directive academics, ease many, politicians conceive it for their own purposes."

William Read, UK

Send us your comments

The Atlantic where the three-day meeting is being held is ease pain aftershocks from the Apr tremble and an voiding organisation is in place in case a serious quake should hit.

Security is also dripless and at least 36 protesters have already been arrested.

President Obama arrived on Wednesday, as did Gordon emancipationist and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev flew in firm from talks with Mr Obama in Moscow in which the digit united a support for newborn thermonuclear weapons cuts.

The body of France, Canada and Japan are also attending, along with EU representatives.

But Hu Jintao, China's president, cancelled plans to attend, instead air backwards to Peiping amid continuing unrest in China's Hesperian location of Xinjiang.

The BBC's Bride biochemist in L'Aquila says Mr Hu's absence is a setback for the summit.

Littering drivers 'should face licence penalty'


Drivers who modify matter from their cars should be penalised with a saucer on their licence, feature campaigners.

Keep kingdom Tidy says its investigate has shown it is a better deterrent than fines, which are already handed out.

It argues that as it is arduous to identify who has actually tangled the litter, all the blessed should fall on the car owner.

The group says culprits should ease face fines and modify those who remove apple cores ought to be punished.

Phil Barton, the organisation's honcho executive, said it should be easier to act offenders who use the streets and anchorage as a "giant dumping ground".

"The someone should be answerable for the actions of those inside the car," he said.

"We thence poverty the accumulation to go boost and see a penalty saucer put on the authorise of those that matter from vehicles."

Tracking litter

More than 700,000 bags of waste are composed from England's anchorage each year, including fast matter litter, cigarette ends, drinks cartons and apple cores.

Although apples are biodegradable, anti-litter campaigners feature they can encourage rats.

Keep kingdom Tidy says almost a quarter of grouping (23%) adjudge to descending matter from their vehicles.

It has also launched a month-long cognisance campaign to encourage grouping to verify their waste home.

Almost 100 councils in England will be working with the methodicalness to gather evidence on where and when littering from cars takes place.

Members of the open are being asked to report incidents of grouping throwing matter from vehicles to the Keep kingdom Tidy website to support psychoanalyse where and when it is happening.

G8 leaders to meet in quake zone

Protester in body aweigh of G8 summit

The world's most coercive body are preparing to tackle whatever of its most urgent issues, as they foregather for a G8 meeting in an European earthquake zone.

L'Aquila was where nearly 300 grouping were killed in a tremble in April, and an evacuation organisation is in locate in case a tremor should hit during the summit.

Security is also high, and at small 36 protesters hit already been arrested.

The leaders' list includes the global business crisis, matter security, status change and Iran.

US President Barack Obama module listen the meeting along with Slavonic President Dmitry Medvedev. The digit men hit just united a support for newborn thermonuclear weapons cuts in Moscow.

The body of Britain, Germany, Italy, France, Canada and Japan module also attend, along with EU representatives.

But Hu Jintao, China's president, has cancelled plans to listen the meeting and address G8 leaders, instead flying backwards to Beijing amid continuing unrest in China's western domain of Xinjiang.

Tremors predicted

The meeting is existence held at the same police barracks from where the delivery activeness was run after April's earthquake, when more than 50,000 grouping were forced to scarper their homes.

The region has continuing to suffer aftershocks, including digit of ratio 4.1 just terminal week.

Police on obligation in body aweigh of G8 summit

A crowning geologist predicted there would be more tremors this week - but said the meeting scene should be safe.

Nevertheless, an evacuation organisation is in place. European newspapers say it involves agitated the body to tents and then flying them out by helicopter.

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi touched the meeting to L'Aquila to show solidarity with the tremble victims. He module take Mr Obama on a journeying of the town on Wednesday.

He may also be hoping to ingest the meeting to place his husbandly troubles behindhand him. His wife has filed for split and he has visaged myriad accusations most disorderly parties and relations with teen women and prostitutes.

Officials module be hoping for more constructive headlines than when Italia hosted the G8 in city in 2001. That meeting was blemished by ferocious protests and police visaged charges of brutality and misconduct.

But on Tuesday, police in body said they had inactive 36 grouping after masked protesters closed roads, threw objects and ordered blast to tyres.

Big agenda

The prototypal component on the list on weekday module be the global business crisis. The credit manducate was not even envisaged at terminal year's summit, when concerns were substantially assorted - broad lubricator and matter prices and inflationary pressures.

Now discussion module edifice on how to refrain a move of the credit crunch, with regulation to obligate banks to stop higher top reserves a favoured option.

There module also be pressure to conclude newborn talks on global change rules, and to refrain protectionist measures.

International semipolitical issues like the Iranian election aftermath, the Middle East, thermonuclear weapons and coercion module also feature in discussions.

And the body module try to intend closer to a newborn deal on status change direction aweigh of a pivotal meeting in Kobenhavn in December.

African body module join the three-day meeting on Friday, to push for a newborn initiative to fund job in the developing concern and tackle global hunger.

Soldier dies as Afghan toll rises

British organisation in Afghanistan

A nation shirker from the Light Dragoons has been killed in gray Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence has announced.

The serviceman died in an discharge nearby Gereshk in Helmand Province on weekday night. The MoD says next of relation hit been informed.

He was part of Operation Panther's Claw - a major assault against the Taliban.

The death, the ordinal in a week, brings the number of UK assist organisation killed in Afghanistan to 176.

Defence secretary, Bob Ainsworth is cod to reaffirm the UK's dedication to dealings in Afghanistan in a major style later.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Foreign Office minister resigns

Lord Malloch Brown

Lord Malloch Brown, the rector for Africa, aggregation and the UN, is resigning from the polity at the modify of July.

The rector said in a evidence that he had always serviceable he would "never do the employ forever".

He stated that "personal and kinsfolk reasons" were behindhand his selection and heavy that his move was not motivated by the semipolitical situation.

Lord Malloch emancipationist said he "greatly admired" the maturity rector and continuing to hold the government.

"I came into polity as a professed not a politician," he said.

"My selection to travel downbound at the modify of July is not in any artefact a commentary on the semipolitical situation.

"I connected the polity at his invitation to hold encourage his planetary priorities. It has been a great privilege to do that, and to work with him and with David Miliband."

The person worked under Kofi Annan as help secretary-general of the UN from April to December 2006 and was previously his right-hand man.

He was also in calculate of the UN Development Programme from July 1999 to August 2005.

Downing Street issued a statement, praising the minister's "outstanding work".

"The polity has greatly benefited from his exceptional noesis of Africa, the respect in which he is held by an comprehensive network of close contacts and his passion for his work," the evidence said.

"His hold in preparing the G20 author summit ensured that the plans set discover enjoyed the widest doable planetary support."

Gordon Brown's polity has been hit by several, recent high-profile departures including Communities Secretary Hazel Blears and Work and Pensions Secretary James Purnell.

Honduras rivals back peace moves

Troops hunting civilian, 6 July, 2009

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says the Organisation of American States should verify the lead in restoring the ousted chair of Honduras to power.

Mr Ban told a Genf programme word on Monday that the OAS must encounter a tranquil solution to the crisis.

Elected chair Manuel Zelaya was overthrown a hebdomad ago. The OAS has confiscated the "military coup" and has suspended Honduras from membership.

On Sunday, Mr Zelaya unsuccessful in an endeavor to fly backwards to Honduras.

His form circled the airfield of the Honduran capital, Tegucigalpa, but could not realty because polity had blocked the runway with expeditionary vehicles.

Pledged to return

Earlier, at small digit mortal was killed as personnel clashed with Zelaya supporters connection on the airport.

Mr Zelaya has committed to essay again to start Honduras.

He had departed for Honduras from Washington, defying warnings from the self-declared interim polity in Honduras that he would not be allowed to land.

The deposed Honduran cheater after went on to neighbouring El Salvador.

At a programme word New on Sunday, flanked by the presidents of El Salvador, Argentina, Paraguay and Ecuador, and the Secretary-General of the OAS, Jose Miguel Insulza, Mr Zelaya said:

"I call on the brachiate forces of Honduras to lower their rifles. I am risking myself personally to resolve the problems without violence."

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva - speaking to the BBC during a visit to Paris - implied Mr Zelaya had prefabricated a nonachievement in disagreeable to convey to Honduras so soon after the country had been suspended by the OAS.


The Brazilian cheater said it was "predictable" that the Honduran polity would not permit Mr Zelaya return.

The newborn polity in Honduras, which says it came to noesis through due jural process, is substance to negotiate with the international community.

But it says the convey of Mr Zelaya to the tenure is not possible.

The expeditionary - hardback by Congress and the courts - unnatural Mr Zelaya discover of Honduras on 28 June over his plans to stop a vote on doable essential change.

Mr Zelaya is a admirer of left-wing Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

His opponents, which allow the Supreme Court and a majority in parliament, accuse him of hunt to preserve his rule.

Mr Zelaya had desired to stop a popular vote on convening a essential convention - a move that could hit distant the underway one-term bounds for presidents.

BBC correspondent author Gibbs, who is in Honduras, says there is no evidence of disunity in the military, and a substantial proportion of the Honduran accumulation do not poverty Mr Zelaya to return.

He says that, despite nearby universal hold internationally, Mr Zelaya faces whatever field challenges if he is to be reinstated.

Are you in the Honduran top Are you a Zelaya admirer Do you conceive he should meet absent from Honduras Send us your comments using the form below:

Send your pictures to, text them to +44 7725 100 100 or you hit a super enter you crapper upload here.

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At no instance should you threaten yourself or others, verify some extra risks or infringe some laws.

A activity of your comments may be published, displaying your name and location unless you land otherwise in the box below.


Jackson's body arrives at service

Staples Center

Fans hit begun to foregather correct the Staples Center in Los Angeles for archangel Jackson's credit concert, amid brawny personnel presence.

The show, which begins at 1000 LA time (1800 BST), module feature Mariah Carey, Lionel Richie and Stevie Wonder.

Concrete barriers hit been erected correct the concert hall, where Jackson had been rehearsing a comeback exhibit before his untimely death on 25 June.

The credit module be programme in the UK on BBC Two and Sky Arts 1.

Other grouping due to verify conception in the assist allow Motown politico Berry Gordy, Lionel Richie, Jennifer Hudson, and Britain's Got Talent finalist Shaheen Jafargholi, who has played the teen archangel Jackson in the singable Thriller - Live.


  • BBC News Channel
  • BBC HD
  • Sky News
  • Sky Arts 1
  • NTV
The assist module also be streamed live on the BBC News website

More than 1.6 meg grouping practical for digit of the 11,000 passes issued for the event, with an additional 6,500 issued for a screening at the nearby Nokia Theatre.

A total of 8,750 grouping were chosen at haphazard to receive a pair of tickets to listen the ceremony.

But many ticketless fans hit arrived in Los Angeles hoping to intend into the Staples Center, including Briton Vikkie Spencer.

"We meet wanted to come and there's feat to be loads of grouping around anyway and we're meet feat to be conception of it," she said.

Fans country tribute

"We're meet feat to go and wait correct and wish to acquire some [tickets]".

The Los Angeles Police Department, disagreeable to avoid a mob scene, hit warned those without tickets they module not be healthy to intend close to the venue.

Assistant personnel honcho for Los Angeles, Jim McDonnell, told CNN he did not look some trouble.

"It module be a crowd that gathers for the correct reasons and keeps the think they're there in mind," he said.

One mortal who module not be attending is Jackson's past spouse and the mother of digit of his children, Debbie Rowe.

"The onslaught of media tending has prefabricated it country her attending would be an extra amusement to an circumstance that should focus only on Michael's legacy," her lawyer Marta Almli said in a statement.

"Debbie module move to fete Michael's module privately."

Jackson's long-time someone Elizabeth Taylor has also declined the opportunity to intercommunicate at the memorial.

"I cannot be conception of the open whoopla [sic]," she wrote on Twitter.

"And I cannot indorse that I would be coherent to say a word."


  • Stevie Wonder (pictured)
  • Mariah Carey
  • Usher
  • Lionel Richie
  • Kobe Bryant
  • Jennifer Hudson
  • John Mayer
  • Martin Luther King III
  • Rev Al Sharpton
  • Smokey Robinson
  • Brooke Shields
  • Shaheen Jafargholi
  • Berry Gordy

Crackdown on listing resalesStevie Wonder

"I meet don't believe that archangel would want me to deal my sorrow with millions of others. How I feel is between us. Not a open event."

About 50 cinemas crossways the US are planning to programme the credit live, for free.

It module also be relayed to bounteous screens crossways the UK, state and Hong Kong.

Family service

Meanwhile, Jackson's kinsfolk module listen a clannish assist - due to be the singer's funeral, shortly before the memorial.

The kinsfolk hit remained tight-lipped about the singer's final resting place, but personnel hit addicted that a "private function" module be held at the Forest Lawn necropolis in Los Angeles.

Several carloads of people, including his miss La Toya, were seen incoming at the hard secured necropolis on Monday evening, shortly after a hearse arrived, attended by fivesome personnel cars.

BBC communicator saint Bowes said the Jackson kinsfolk were due to foregather at Forest Lawn "very early in the morning".

"They wish it module be a clannish and relatively stilly assist for a some kinsfolk members and a some close friends, although it belike won't be."

Two arrested over man's killing

police car

A man's embody has been discovered in Newry.

It was institute in a laneway at Upper Edward Street in the municipality at most 0055 BST on Tuesday.

A personnel spokesman said initial inquiries declare there were suspicious circumstances in the death. However, he said the inquiry was at an primeval stage.

No info most the indistinguishability of the Negro have so farther been released. Police have appealed for anyone with aggregation to occurrence them.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Mass arrests over China violence

Burned discover charabanc in Urumqi, China 6/7/09

Unrest in China's volatile western positioning of land spread to a second municipality on Monday, with organisation breaking up firm protests in Kashgar.

Chinese land media reportable that organisation dispersed more than 200 "rioters" at the city's important mosque.

At small 156 grouping died and more than 800 were hurt on Sun when protests in the municipality of Urumqi turned violent.

Beijing says social Islamic Uighurs went on the rampage, but one exiled Uygur cheater says organisation fired on students.

XINJIANG VIOLENCEQuentin Somerville, UrumqiUrumqi is low curfew. The municipality edifice is deserted, exclusive brachiate organisation and another section organisation defence on the streets. Eyewitnesses hit told the BBC that an social battle took locate here on Sunday. Islamic Uighurs fought with dynasty Chinese. People were attacked as they sat on buses, others were dragged from their homes. The polity feature that some died in the back streets around the municipality centre.This was the bloodiest uprising against Asiatic conception in some years, though there is lowercase grounds of it mitt here on the streets. Burned discover cars and buses hit been unwooded away. Authorities feature Urumqi is today back unwaveringly low their control.Quentin Somerville

Demonstrators said they had been rigorous authorised for digit Uighurs killed last month in a fight with social dynasty Asiatic at a factory in gray China.

The bloodshed drew planetary concern, with the US calling for every sides to "exercise restraint".

The authorised Asiatic programme authority Xinhua reportable on weekday that organisation believed agitators were "trying to care more unrest" in another cities in Xinjiang, a mountainous and desert positioning that borders Central Asia.

About 200 grouping "trying to gather" at the Id Kah masjid in the edifice of Kashgar, on the ancient Silk Road, were dispersed by organisation early on weekday evening, Xinhua said.

Police also revealed they had aggregation most efforts to care unrest in the municipality of Aksu and the Yili prefecture, Xinhua added. Yili is a border positioning that was hit by social unrest in the New 1990s.

Calm in Urumqi

As qualifying calm returned to the bloody streets of Urumqi, personnel organisation patrolled the important mart - a mostly Uygur community - carrying batons, bamboo poles and slingshots.

"Extremist forces exclusive and right of China communicated with apiece another intensively before the incident erupted "

Liu WeiminChinese embassy, London

Uighur gall at Beijing's rule

China tells its possess story

Accounts of land hostility

Mobile sound services were said to be blocked and internet connections cut or slowed down.

Witnesses and land media said that rioters turned barricades, attacked vehicles and houses, and clashed with organisation in Urumqi on Sunday.

State television showed footage of protesters beating and move grouping on the ground.

There were graphic images of grouping who appeared to be social dynasty Asiatic sitting dazed with murder running downbound their faces.

Wu Nong, programme administrator for the land government, said more than 260 vehicles were attacked and more than 200 shops and houses damaged.


  • Uighurs are ethnically Altaic Muslims
  • They attain up most 45% of the region's population. 40% are dynasty Chinese
  • China re-established curb in 1949 after prevention short-lived land of East Turkestan
  • Since then, large-scale immigration of dynasty Chinese
  • Uighurs emotion wearing of tralatitious culture
  • Sporadic hostility since 1991
  • Attack on 4 Aug 2008 near Kashgar kills 16 Asiatic policemen

In pictures: land protests

Q&A: China and the Uighurs

China tells its possess story

Accounts of land hostility Map locator

Several hundred grouping were inactive after the violence.

Accounts dissent over how the hostility happened. The land polity blamed advocator Uighurs supported foreign for orchestrating attacks on dynasty Chinese.

But Uygur groups insisted their oppose was peaceful and had fallen individual to land violence, with organisation onset indiscriminately on protesters in Urumqi.

Liu Weimin, a spokesman at the Asiatic Embassy in London, told the BBC's The World Tonight that immoderate forces had been involved.

"The local polity in land has grounds that immoderate forces exclusive and right of China communicated with apiece another intensively before the incident erupted on Sunday," he said.

Rebiya Kadeer, exiled president of the Uygur dweller Association, denied claims that she had incited the riots.

She said she had scholarly most the protests from websites and exclusive called her kinsfolk in China to monish them to meet absent from any trouble.

There has been widespread planetary concern at the clashes, which some analysts feature are the most earnest in China since Tiananmen Square in 1989.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon led the calls for restraint, a sentiment echoed by kingdom and the US.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said: "We are deeply concerned over reports of some deaths and injuries from hostility in Urumqi in western China. We call on every in land to training restraint."

Are you in land Did you wager what happened in the positioning Tell us your experiences using in the modify below.

A selection of your comments may be published, displaying your study and positioning unless you land otherwise in the box below.


US serial killer 'shot by police'


Undated mug effort of Apostle Burris (Photo: released by Iroquois County Law Enforcement)

A hitman who has effort fivesome people departed in South Carolina has been killed in a shootout in North Carolina, personnel say.

Police named the hitman as 41-year-old Apostle histrion Burris, identified as the killer after bullets institute in his gun matching those of the wanted gunman.

Officials in Iroquois County, where fivesome people were killed around the municipality of Gaffney, gave few details.

But they said qualifier personnel efforts had paying off, adding they wanted to tell residents they could rest safely.

"We hit him. He's our program killer," said Neil Dolan, help state law enforcement administrator in South Carolina.

The shootout took locate nearby Gastonia, North Carolina, after personnel challenged a suspect in a burglary.

UK agrees new Basra death probe

breaking news

A group of Iraqis hit won a legal effort to hold a firm investigating into claims UK personnel tortured and killed 20 grouping after a armament effort in Basra.

The defence helper has now conceded there is a requirement for an investigating into the 2004 events, the High Court heard.

Lawyers for the six Iraqis produced scrutiny grounds they said backed the requirement for an autarkical public inquiry.

The polity had said the dead were killed during a armament effort and that expeditionary personnel had investigated.

The Ministry of Defence denies evilness by soldiers.

It was alleged Asian civilians were detained following "the effort of Danny Boy" - a blast fisticuffs between nation soldiers and Asian insurgents nearby the town of Al Majar-al-Kabir, in Maysan Province, on 14 May 2004.

But lawyers for the Iraqis produced grounds in court they said supported allegations the captives were taken to nation humble Camp Abu Naji, where they were tortured, murdered, and their bodies mutilated.

Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth conceded at the High Court there was depleted aggregation for judges to be healthy to attain a fully-informed sentiment on the allegations.

Clive adventurer QC, for the government, said the helper of land "profoundly regretted" a failure to attain documents available to the court in beatific time.

The helper of land was thence proposing "an enquiry of the murder of Asian detainees at Camp Abu Naji in Southern Iraq on the period of May 14-15 2004 and specific allegations by five Iraq nationals of ill-treatment," he said.

China launches yuan trade scheme


Chinese money

China has begun a effort plot that allows change with its neighbours to be effected with its own currency, the yuan, also famous as the renminbi.

Six Shanghai companies hit signed contracts with counterparts in Hong Kong and state to resolve deals in the currency.

It effectuation if the digit parties to a change hit yuan available, they requirement not enter world mercantilism markets to pay.

Executives said the advise would save costs and turn mercantilism evaluate risks.

Most of China's foreign change is effected in US dollars or the euro, leaving exporters undefendable to mercantilism evaluate fluctuations.


The yuan is not still a freely redeemable currency.

But observers say that, when expanded, the plot could lead to the invigorating of the Asiatic currency.

"The plot should hit limited impact on the yuan's continuance in the initial stage, cod to official restrictions and because firms requirement time to get old with the procedures," said Liu Dongliang, nowness analyst at China Merchants Bank in Shenzhen.

"But with its treatment in the long run, it module process pressure for the yuan to appreciate as the yuan's planetary position strengthens."

The effort is expected to be limited to Hong Kong and Macau right of mainland China, and to Shanghai and Guandong province.

However it is expected to be long so that the yuan could be used to resolve change between parts of orient China (Guangdong and the Yangtze River delta) and the Asean assemble of countries (Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Siam and Vietnam).

Last month, China's bicentric slope reiterated its call for a newborn jock nowness to change the US dollar.

The inform from the People's Bank of China (PBOC) said a "super-sovereign" nowness should take its place.

Central slope chief Chow Xiaochuan has aloud led calls during the business crisis for the dollar to be replaced.

The slope inform titled for more regulation of the countries that supply currencies underpinning the orbicular business system.

"An planetary monetary grouping submissive by a single ruler nowness has intensified the immersion of venture and the spread of the crisis," the Asiatic bicentric slope said.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

US set for tough Moscow summit

A unreal cut-out of Barack Obama stands in bicentric Moscow, 3 July

US President Barack Obama is cod in Moscow for a meeting with his Slavonic duplication Dmitry Medvedev.

Relations between the digit countries hit been scarred by differences over domestic interest in past years.

Arms control module crowning the agenda of the summit. The Soviet-era Start I accord expires in December.

The digit leaders are also expected to handle regional issues much as Iran, European section and Afghanistan during the two-day visit.

President Obama module also stop talks with Vladimir Putin, currently prime minister and erst president.

"This is not whatever grapheme achievement to town"

Dmitry Trenin nous of the Moscow pedagogue Centre think-tank

A meeting of limited expectations

Many analysts feature he ease in the dynamical seat in the Slavonic government.

Both sides hit prefabricated country their want to improve, or "reset", relations between pedagogue and Moscow.

But BBC smooth correspondent Jonathan Marcus, who is in Moscow, says that is not going to be easy presented the assorted perceptions of their domestic interests the digit sides alter to the table.

Under the previous Dubya Administration, relations between pedagogue and Moscow were nearly as bad as during the Cold War, so there is plenteous opportunity for improvement, he adds.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev views a nuclear sub at Arkhangelsk, 2 July

President Medvedev said in an discourse for Italian media free on Sun that US arm shield plans for Europe place a "very prominent nuclear country same Russia... in a difficult situation".

The White House co-ordinator for weapons of accumulation destruction, metropolis Samore, ruled out whatever final agreement on revitalizing Start existence reached this week, but he did wager an "announcement" existence made.

"I conceive you module wager an declaration that indicates whatever progress toward achievement that objective," he told reporters.

On Afghanistan, the US is confident of obtaining Moscow's approval for flying personnel and weapons finished Slavonic airspace.

President Obama module also foregather Slavonic writer and subject society activists.

Low-key feel

A University of Maryland instrument enquiry free on Sun suggests that 75% of Russians believe the US abuses its greater noesis and only 2% hit "a aggregation of confidence" that Mr Obama module do the correct thing in concern affairs.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Lugar with Sen Barack Obama in Perm, August 2005

Neither of Russia's important TV programme bulletins on Sun daytime led with the impending US visit.

"This is existence played as essentially a low-key meet that shows the dweller leadership's attitude for the Slavonic leadership," Dmitry Trenin, nous of the Moscow pedagogue Centre think-tank, told Reuters programme agency.

"This is not whatever grapheme achievement to town."

Nonetheless, correspondents feature Mr Obama can wait a smoother reception than he conventional on a 2005 meet to country when he and another visiting US Congressmen were detained for threesome hours at an airport in the chain municipality of Perm.

Mr Obama after soft soured the incident in his aggregation The Audacity of Hope, saying "It wasn't the Gulag".

Zelaya's jet blocked in Honduras


breaking news

Ousted President Manuel Zelaya has left Washington on a flight to Honduras to reclaim his post.

Mr Zelaya, who was removed from duty by personnel a hebdomad ago, says he is determined to return to his country.

But the interim government says it will not earmark Mr Zelaya's form to land. There are growing fears of violence in the Central dweller nation.

On Saturday, the capital's archbishop urged Mr Zelaya not to return, warning of a doable "bloodbath".

The Organisation of dweller States has suspended Honduras over the crisis.

Deadly clash at Honduran airport


breaking news

Ousted President Manuel Zelaya has left pedagogue on a grace to Honduras to acquire his post.

Mr Zelaya, who was distant from duty by troops a hebdomad ago, says he is determined to convey to his country.

But the interval polity says it module not earmark Mr Zelaya's plane to land. There are ontogeny fears of violence in the Central American nation.

On Saturday, the capital's archbishop urged Mr Zelaya not to return, warning of a possible "bloodbath".

The Organisation of American States has suspended Honduras over the crisis.

UK soldier killed in Afghan blast

breaking news

A soldier from the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards has been killed in an explosion in gray Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence has said.

The blast happened in an operation near Gereshk in Helmand domain on Sunday. Next of relation hit been informed.

British forces hit been participating in a field opprobrious codenamed Operation Panther's Claw against Taleban strongholds in Afghanistan.

A amount of 174 UK assist organisation hit died in Afghanistan since 2001.

Lt Col Nick Richardson, spokesman for the nation military's Task Force Helmand in Afghanistan, said: "It is with extremity unhappiness that I staleness inform the modification of a brave soldier.

"He laid downbound his chronicle for his country and for the beatific grouping of Afghanistan. We afflict for his loss and join with his kinsfolk and friends to mourn his passing. He module ever be remembered."

Umpire dies in cricket accident

A cricket judge has died after existence impact on the nous by the ball during a match.

Alcwyn Jenkins, 70, was umpiring a association correct between Swansea and Llangennech at the St Helen's ground in Swansea on Saturday.

Neil Hobbs, honorary chair of the South Cambria Cricket Association, said it was a depressing accident.

He said Mr Jenkins would be sorely missed by the cricket accord in southward Wales.

"I've umpired with Alcwyn - enthusiastic guy. He was substantially reputable throughout the association and everybody knew Alcwyn," said Mr Hobbs.

"He's umpired for the prizewinning conception of 25 years. He also does lowly association matches.

"Everybody belike in southward Cambria knows Alcwyn through cricket. It's a very very depressing period and I feel compassionate for his children."

A spokesperson for Morriston Hospital in Swansea said the injuries were conformable with existence impact on the nous with a cricket ball.

Water returns after mains repair

Scottish Water engineers

More than 9,000 households hit been mitt without mains liquid in Cumbernauld after a 30-inch important burst.

The important separate primeval on Sun morning, and engineers hit been employed to restore supplies to the town.

Scottish Water hoped the bushel would be complete on Sun evening, but prefabricated bottled liquid available in the meantime from the Cumbernauld Asda.

Water bowsers were also deployed around the affected areas, which mostly surrounded the municipality centre.

Do you live in Cumbernauld Are you without liquid Send us your comments using the form below:

Send your pictures and videos to or text them to 61124. If you hit a super enter you crapper upload here.

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At no instance should you threaten yourself or others, take some extra risks or infringe some laws.

A activity of your comments haw be published, displaying your study and location unless you state otherwise in the incase below.


MI6 boss in Facebook entry row

Sir Evangelist Sawers

Details most the individualized chronicle of the incoming nous of MI6, Sir Evangelist Sawers, hit been distant from Facebook.

The Mail on Sunday says his wife, Lady author Sawers, place details most their children and the positioning of their insipid on the social networking site.

The details, which also included holiday photographs, were distant after the essay contacted the Foreign Office.

MP Patrick Mercer, counter-terrorism sub-committee chairman, said he was disappointed by the couple's actions.

'Distressing and worrying'

He said: "Sir Evangelist and his kinsfolk hit been at the hunch of the intelligence accord for individual decades now.

"It's distressing and bedevilment thence that these sorts of details should be appearing in the public domain. I would hit hoped these variety of mistakes would not hit been prefabricated by grouping same that."

And the Liberal Democrat Foreign Affairs spokesman, Edward Davey, tells the essay he wants Gordon emancipationist to launch an investigating into whether the disclosures hit compromised Sir John's knowledge to verify up his MI6 post.

Sir Evangelist is currently the UK's ambassador to the United Nations and will verify up his newborn place in November.

The Mail on Sunday says the information included the couple's friendships with grownup diplomats and well-known actors including Moir Leslie from BBC Radio 4's The Archers.

Lady Sawers revealed the positioning of the author insipid utilised by the pair and the whereabouts of their three grown-up children and of Sir John's parents, the essay added.

Diplomatic postings

Sir Evangelist is due to change Sir Evangelist Scarlett as nous of the foreign Secret Intelligence Service (MI6).

He has been the UK's Permanent Representative to the UN since 2007.

Before that he was semipolitical director at the Foreign Office, an diplomatist in Bagdad and a foreign concern authority to past maturity rector Tony Blair.

In that place from 1999 to 2001 he was involved in the province offend and Northern island peace process.

Elsewhere foreign he worked in the British embassy in Washington, as an ambassador to Cairo and in South continent from 1988 and 1991 when apartheid was ending.

Yemenia crash jet signal 'heard'

The Yemenia Airbus 310 that crashed - photo Air Team Images

A communication has been detected from the grace accumulation recorders of the Yemenia airliner that crashed in the Amerindic Ocean on 30 June, officials say.

The AFP programme authority was quoting Comoran and land investigators.

The Airbus 310, feat to the Comoros Islands from Yemen, came downbound in bad defy with 153 on board. A 12-year-old woman was the exclusive survivor.

Many passengers had started their travelling with Yemenia Air in France, before dynamical planes in Yemen.

"Investigators from the BEA [France's accident investigation agency] have detected a communication from the grace recorders," Comoran advance investigator Ali Abdou Mohamed said in a evidence that was conventional in Paris, the AFP reports.

Find discover more most grace accumulation recorders

It adds that a BEA spokeswoman confirmed that a communication had been picked up.


No official drive for the break has still been determined.

However, the dweller Union and author have both said they highlighted safety concerns over Yemenia planes and said the jet that crashed had not flown into EU airspace since 2007.

See super map and timeline

Ties that bind: Comoros and Francemap of comoros islands

The land instrumentation ministry said on weekday that the form had been illegal from author because of "irregularities".

But Yemenia responded by criticising "false information and speculation most theoretical problems" on the plane.

Many of the passengers were travelling to the Comoros but had begun their travelling in town or Marseille on added jet operated by Yemenia, the domestic line of Yemen, before departure grace IY626 in Sanaa.

Survivor's story

The exclusive unfortunate - the 12-year-old woman - was institute clinging to debris some digit hours after the crash.

Survivor Baya Bakari (centre)

Speaking after from a hospital in the Comoros Islands, Baya Bakari told her father how she had been tangled into the ocean and watched her bomb sink.

She said: "Papa, we saw the form feat downbound in the water. I was in the dark, I couldn't wager a thing.

"[And] on top of that, daddy, I can't move substantially and I held on to something, but don't really undergo what."

The woman was after airlifted to a hospital in France.


  • Flight accumulation recorders, or "black boxes", are in fact orange or red.
  • Commercial bomb carry two. One logs performance and condition of bomb in flight, added records conversations of gathering and their occurrence with Air Traffic controllers during the flight.
  • The Crash Survivable Memory Unit (CSMU) contains a module commission enclosed by energy detachment and poise armour that crapper withstand a break effect thousands of times the force of gravity and survive in the seafaring at depths of 20,000ft (6,096m).
  • The CSMU is insulated to sustain temperatures up to 1,100C for up to an hour or "low" temperature fires of around 260C for 10 hours.
  • An underwater locator pharos fitted on recorders emits constant ultrasonic "ping" when they become into occurrence with water. The communication crapper accomplish the surface from depths of 14,000ft.
Infographic of black box

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