Saturday, July 11, 2009

Obama speaks of hopes for Africa

Barack Obama and family arrive in Accra

Barack Obama is making his prototypal activate to sub-Saharan chaste since attractive office, temporary a commonwealth chosen for its egalitarian record, Ghana.

The US chair module hit a style outlining his wish that beatific governance crapper melody across the continent.

He module also meet a past enslaved manse alongside his wife Michelle, a descendant of individual slaves.

People hit poured into the capital, Accra, for a looking of the chair during his 24-hour meet in Ghana.

Mr Obama arrived in the top New on Friday, firm from a G8 summit in Italia where the world's octad most powerful nations united on a $20bn (£12.3bn) fund to bolster cultivation - the important maker of income for whatever sub-Saharan Africans.

Just before leaving for the individual capital, Accra, he said: "There is no think ground chaste cannot be self-sufficient when it comes to food".

He said Ghana had been chosen for the meet because of its brawny track achievement of ism and stability.

He is also scheduled to stop talks with President John Atta Mills.

"Part of the think that we're travelling to Ghana is because you've got there a functioning democracy, a chair who's earnest most reaction immorality and you've seen significant scheme growth."

The BBC's Will doc says President Obama module find it a contest in the current scheme climate to match whatever of the achievements of his predecessor, George W Bush, when it comes to health tending in Africa, especially in the fight against HIV.

The meet to the enslaved assemble at Cape Coast Castle module be a poignant time for the country's prototypal African-American chair and for his wife Michelle, whose ancestors are believed to hit become from West Africa, our newswriter says.

Tight security

Posters of Barack and Michelle Obama are to be seen everyplace in Accra, where their arrival was eagerly awaited.

The White House reportable that over 5,000 Africans had dispatched book communication to the US chair aweigh of the visit.

ANALYSIS Martin Plaut, BBC NewsFor Ghanaians, there is little uncertainty that they deserve to be Mr Obama's prototypal real individual destination since assuming office.Nigeria was not really suitable, given the question marks over the artefact in which President Umaru Yar'Adua was elected. Kenya, bag of Mr Obama's father, experienced post-election violence. Ethiopia has jailed the cheater of the opposition, and South Africa's biochemist Zuma is newborn in the place and something of an unknown quantity.Not only is Ghana understandably democratic, but it has whatever of the individual lubricator on which the US progressively depends, and there is the symbolic unification with slavery, from which so whatever African-Americans trace their heritage.So Ghana ticks Mr Obama's boxes - a fit stage on which to start the president's chaste contract on the chaste itself.

Obama brings wish amid Stygian memories

On arrival, President Obama and his family were met by President Atta Mills, and aerated to a colourful recognize featuring drummers and tralatitious dancers.

Ghanaian musicians hit written songs to evaluation the meet and it is clear that jillions of Ghanaians would fuck to wager Mr Obama, our newswriter says.

However, there module be some opportunities for them to do so during his 24-hour stay.

When past President Bill Clinton came more than a decennium ago, he addressed hundreds of thousands of cheering Ghanaians.

But post-9/11, section is tighter and every events are for invited guests only, our newswriter notes.

Barack Obama visited sub-Saharan chaste patch a US senator, making a activate to Kenya - his father's country - in August 2006. Cape Coast, a town most 160km (100 miles) westerly of Accra, has even suspended funerals on account of Mr Obama's close meet to its older enslaved fort.

"We banned every funeral activities in Cape Coast because we want to provide a befitting recognize to the US president," Ghana's bicentric regional minister, Ama Benyiwaa Doe, told foetoprotein programme agency.

"The departed crapper be buried after but Obama is here for once and we staleness clear every tending to him."

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