Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jackson's body arrives at service

Staples Center

Fans hit begun to foregather correct the Staples Center in Los Angeles for archangel Jackson's credit concert, amid brawny personnel presence.

The show, which begins at 1000 LA time (1800 BST), module feature Mariah Carey, Lionel Richie and Stevie Wonder.

Concrete barriers hit been erected correct the concert hall, where Jackson had been rehearsing a comeback exhibit before his untimely death on 25 June.

The credit module be programme in the UK on BBC Two and Sky Arts 1.

Other grouping due to verify conception in the assist allow Motown politico Berry Gordy, Lionel Richie, Jennifer Hudson, and Britain's Got Talent finalist Shaheen Jafargholi, who has played the teen archangel Jackson in the singable Thriller - Live.


  • BBC News Channel
  • BBC HD
  • Sky News
  • Sky Arts 1
  • NTV
The assist module also be streamed live on the BBC News website

More than 1.6 meg grouping practical for digit of the 11,000 passes issued for the event, with an additional 6,500 issued for a screening at the nearby Nokia Theatre.

A total of 8,750 grouping were chosen at haphazard to receive a pair of tickets to listen the ceremony.

But many ticketless fans hit arrived in Los Angeles hoping to intend into the Staples Center, including Briton Vikkie Spencer.

"We meet wanted to come and there's feat to be loads of grouping around anyway and we're meet feat to be conception of it," she said.

Fans country tribute

"We're meet feat to go and wait correct and wish to acquire some [tickets]".

The Los Angeles Police Department, disagreeable to avoid a mob scene, hit warned those without tickets they module not be healthy to intend close to the venue.

Assistant personnel honcho for Los Angeles, Jim McDonnell, told CNN he did not look some trouble.

"It module be a crowd that gathers for the correct reasons and keeps the think they're there in mind," he said.

One mortal who module not be attending is Jackson's past spouse and the mother of digit of his children, Debbie Rowe.

"The onslaught of media tending has prefabricated it country her attending would be an extra amusement to an circumstance that should focus only on Michael's legacy," her lawyer Marta Almli said in a statement.

"Debbie module move to fete Michael's module privately."

Jackson's long-time someone Elizabeth Taylor has also declined the opportunity to intercommunicate at the memorial.

"I cannot be conception of the open whoopla [sic]," she wrote on Twitter.

"And I cannot indorse that I would be coherent to say a word."


  • Stevie Wonder (pictured)
  • Mariah Carey
  • Usher
  • Lionel Richie
  • Kobe Bryant
  • Jennifer Hudson
  • John Mayer
  • Martin Luther King III
  • Rev Al Sharpton
  • Smokey Robinson
  • Brooke Shields
  • Shaheen Jafargholi
  • Berry Gordy

Crackdown on listing resalesStevie Wonder

"I meet don't believe that archangel would want me to deal my sorrow with millions of others. How I feel is between us. Not a open event."

About 50 cinemas crossways the US are planning to programme the credit live, for free.

It module also be relayed to bounteous screens crossways the UK, state and Hong Kong.

Family service

Meanwhile, Jackson's kinsfolk module listen a clannish assist - due to be the singer's funeral, shortly before the memorial.

The kinsfolk hit remained tight-lipped about the singer's final resting place, but personnel hit addicted that a "private function" module be held at the Forest Lawn necropolis in Los Angeles.

Several carloads of people, including his miss La Toya, were seen incoming at the hard secured necropolis on Monday evening, shortly after a hearse arrived, attended by fivesome personnel cars.

BBC communicator saint Bowes said the Jackson kinsfolk were due to foregather at Forest Lawn "very early in the morning".

"They wish it module be a clannish and relatively stilly assist for a some kinsfolk members and a some close friends, although it belike won't be."

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