Sunday, July 5, 2009

Yemenia crash jet signal 'heard'

The Yemenia Airbus 310 that crashed - photo Air Team Images

A communication has been detected from the grace accumulation recorders of the Yemenia airliner that crashed in the Amerindic Ocean on 30 June, officials say.

The AFP programme authority was quoting Comoran and land investigators.

The Airbus 310, feat to the Comoros Islands from Yemen, came downbound in bad defy with 153 on board. A 12-year-old woman was the exclusive survivor.

Many passengers had started their travelling with Yemenia Air in France, before dynamical planes in Yemen.

"Investigators from the BEA [France's accident investigation agency] have detected a communication from the grace recorders," Comoran advance investigator Ali Abdou Mohamed said in a evidence that was conventional in Paris, the AFP reports.

Find discover more most grace accumulation recorders

It adds that a BEA spokeswoman confirmed that a communication had been picked up.


No official drive for the break has still been determined.

However, the dweller Union and author have both said they highlighted safety concerns over Yemenia planes and said the jet that crashed had not flown into EU airspace since 2007.

See super map and timeline

Ties that bind: Comoros and Francemap of comoros islands

The land instrumentation ministry said on weekday that the form had been illegal from author because of "irregularities".

But Yemenia responded by criticising "false information and speculation most theoretical problems" on the plane.

Many of the passengers were travelling to the Comoros but had begun their travelling in town or Marseille on added jet operated by Yemenia, the domestic line of Yemen, before departure grace IY626 in Sanaa.

Survivor's story

The exclusive unfortunate - the 12-year-old woman - was institute clinging to debris some digit hours after the crash.

Survivor Baya Bakari (centre)

Speaking after from a hospital in the Comoros Islands, Baya Bakari told her father how she had been tangled into the ocean and watched her bomb sink.

She said: "Papa, we saw the form feat downbound in the water. I was in the dark, I couldn't wager a thing.

"[And] on top of that, daddy, I can't move substantially and I held on to something, but don't really undergo what."

The woman was after airlifted to a hospital in France.


  • Flight accumulation recorders, or "black boxes", are in fact orange or red.
  • Commercial bomb carry two. One logs performance and condition of bomb in flight, added records conversations of gathering and their occurrence with Air Traffic controllers during the flight.
  • The Crash Survivable Memory Unit (CSMU) contains a module commission enclosed by energy detachment and poise armour that crapper withstand a break effect thousands of times the force of gravity and survive in the seafaring at depths of 20,000ft (6,096m).
  • The CSMU is insulated to sustain temperatures up to 1,100C for up to an hour or "low" temperature fires of around 260C for 10 hours.
  • An underwater locator pharos fitted on recorders emits constant ultrasonic "ping" when they become into occurrence with water. The communication crapper accomplish the surface from depths of 14,000ft.
Infographic of black box

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