Saturday, September 13, 2008

Why can't McCain e-mail? Boston Globe said in 2000

The earlier today, Barack Obama campaign has an ad attacker John McCain, not to know how an e-mail. Your team of crack research apparently never heard of Google or Lexis-Nexis, but not Jonah Goldberg. He discovered McCain, why not with a keyboard - his torturers ensures that it is not possible. The Boston Globe reported that eight years ago:

McCain is emotional in the words of the families of the military need for food stamps or veterans lack health care. The outrage comes from inside: McCain serious war injuries prevent hair comb, a keyboard, or tie their shoes. Friends McCain in miracles, encyclopaedic knowledge of sport. It is a great passion - Ted Williams is their hero - but it can not raise his arm over the shoulder to start a baseball.

After Vietnam, McCain has Ann Laurent, a physiotherapist to help re flexibility in the leg, which had been frozen in a position of a broken knee. It was the only way it is hoped, again his career as a leaflet of the Navy, but Laurent said that the treatment, taking twice a week for six months, was extremely painful.

"It was, it would be not less," said Laurent, rejoiced with McCain, the Navy when he physics. "I have never seen such a tenacity and determination."

An fun to be a hero of war or serious injury - a move without problems, the team O. Talk about the illiteracy IT! T is not someone on the Obama campaign know what they are doing? It is not always to this that the man who can not lift his arms over his head, perhaps a natural barrier with a computer?

If what happens when it hits the reduction gloves, they should perhaps hold in the future.

Update (AP): I'm not sure how it access to the Internet, the wounds, but it seems to be some form of access. From NYT an interview in July:

Q: What if all websites does not regularly do you see?

Mr. McCain: Brooke and Mark me to show Drudge, of course, all clocks in the world, for good or bad, Drudge. Sometimes I see politically. Sometimes Real Politics, sometimes.

(Mrs. McCain and Mrs. Buchanan intervene the two: "The blog Meagan!")

Mr. McCain: I beg your pardon, the blog of Meagan. And we are also the blogs of Michael and May, that you are not in the newspaper, the only part of your blog.

Q: But is it that you are online for you?

Mr. McCain: they go for me. I am of online learning to myself, and I will have that down fast enough, the entry on myself. I do not expect to be a great communicator, I do not expect my own blog, but I am more in computer science, the point where I can get the information that I need - including during my daughter blog in the first place, especially others.

Maybe it's possible the mouse, allowing the access of the preferred locations for him?

Update (ed.): Jonah Goldberg is an excellent point in an update:

Lord knows that I believe that the chicken-hawk arguments are stupid. And I do not think that the fact that Obama never served in the army would be directed against him and for themselves. But how is it stupid to the Obama campaign to argue that McCain is unreservedly to President's, since it is not possible, cyber-security issues based on the fact that there is never an e-mail if the McCain campaign can just as easily Obama can say, 't understand first order, questions of national security, because it's never been a currency from current flight schedule, ordered men in the battle, or against an enemy? In other words, someone prepared to be a commander-in-chief better, click on "send" on AOL or the fight against war?

Indeed, Obama not only all these arguments and fair?

Update II: Ace notes that Forbes magazine noted the inability of McCain in 2000, also:

In some ways McCain is a natural candidate of the Web. President of the Senate of the telecom sub-committee and the Senate of the United States savviest technologist, McCain is a faithful Ingrown the e-mail. The ritual is the night to read his mail with his wife, Cindy. The injuries when he was a prisoner of war in Vietnam to make painful for McCain to knock. Instead, it is necessary that the replies his wife types on a laptop computer. "It is a whiz on the keyboard, and I'm so busy," admits McCain.

As it is difficult for a campaign to find them before a display of interfering?

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