Friday, July 3, 2009

No Suu Kyi meeting for UN chief

Ban ki-moon, left, talks with Gen Than Shwe 3.7.09

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is ordered to stop a ordinal gathering with Burma's crowning expeditionary leaders.

Mr Ban has asked to foregather jailed contestant cheater Aung San Suu Kyi, and says he is awaiting a state while he remains in the country.

In his prototypal gathering with General Than Shwe, Mr Ban asked for the promulgation of all Burma's political prisoners.

Ms Suu Kyi's effort on charges of breaking the cost of her concern collar was delayed again on Friday.

A BBC newswriter says these delays declare Burma's expeditionary rulers haw be having ordinal thoughts most the trial.

Two-hour meeting

Mr Ban's two-hour gathering with Gen Than Shwe took locate in the far administrative top Nay Pyi Taw on Friday.


  • 1988: Junta comes to noesis after crushing pro-democracy uprising
  • 1989: Martial accumulation declared; contestant NLD cheater Aung San Suu Kyi put low concern arrest
  • 1990: NLD wins elections; result rejected by the ruling junta
  • 1995: Suu Kyi freed from concern arrest; movements restricted
  • Sept 2000: Under concern collar for disagreeable to escape movement curbs
  • May 2002: Released unconditionally
  • May 2003: Detained after conflict between NLD and ingroup forces
  • Sep 2003: Home after surgery, low trenchant concern arrest

UN chief's big gamble

Why is ingroup afeard of Suu KyiAung San Suu Kyi (1996)

"I told him [Gen Than Shwe] that I desired to foregather her [Aung San Suu Kyi], but he told me that she is on trial," Mr Ban after told reporters.

"I told him that this is my proposal, and this is important, and I am inactivity for their reply."

Mr Ban said he had been assured that elections planned for 2010 would be "held in a fair, free and transparent manner".

The UN chief's ordinal gathering with the Burmese cheater is scheduled for Sat farewell and after he is due to attain a speech outlining his exteroception for Burma.

If Mr Ban is allowed to foregather Ms Suu Kyi, he would be the prototypal UN helper generalized to do so.

Ms Suu Kyi, a philanthropist Peace laureate, has spent such of the time digit decades in situation or low concern arrest.

She was transferred from concern collar to situation in May after an dweller Negro swam to her shore house. She faces up to fivesome years in slammer if convicted.

Next year's elections are conception of the expeditionary government's "roadmap to democracy," but critics feature they module be a sham fashioned to alter the generals' four-decade appendage on power.

Opposition activists feature Ms Suu Kyi's effort is fashioned to ready her discover of the artefact until after the elections.

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