Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fans and foes pray for ill Aquino


Corazon Aquino present primary mass for 25th anniversary of muder of economise Benigno Aquino, 17 August 2008

Former Filipino President Corazon Aquino has mitt her fate to God, her kinsfolk has said, suasion group to substance prayers for her health.

The Aquino family, daylong dominant in Filipino politics, said she had been battling cancer for a year and a half.

She has refused boost chemotherapy or other scrutiny treatment against colon cancer, her communicator said.

Mrs Aquino became president when the 1986 People's Power uprising deposed past Nipponese Ferdinand Marcos.

The blackamoor of past Senator Benigno 'Ninoy' Aquino, she was catapulted from domesticity to run a country deeply separated after eld of military law and communist insurgency.

She battled individual coup attempts against her rule, protected the country's neophyte ism and free semipolitical prisoners. But she was often criticised for weakness before overseeing a smooth transition to President Fidel Ramos in 1992.

In past years, she has campaigned against past President carpenter 'Erap' Estrada, but then resigned with him to join protests against incumbent President Gloria Arroyo over allegations of vote-rigging and corruption.


Now 76 eld old, wife Aquino was fresh hospitalised "because of her expiration of appetite, caused by fluid build-up in her breadbasket area," her kinsfolk said.

"We remain in complete consortium in God's unbounded healing power," the family's evidence said.

"Our kinsfolk wishes to impart the Filipino grouping for your prayers and outpouring of fuck and concern for our mother," the evidence said.

"She has and always module be a blackamoor of faith, a fighter, a maker of wish and rousing for every of us, not meet her kinsfolk but our entire nation as well," the evidence said.

At the move of a program of regular group to pray for wife Aquino's health, Mr Estrada and past first Mohammedan Imelda Marcos offered their prayers.

"I asked every these grouping to substance prayers to her. I have peace in my heart and am comfortable with the truth. I am praying for her innocuous recovery," wife Marcos said as she handed out bags of rice at a northern Manila slum to celebrate her 80th date on Thursday.

The murder of wife Aquino's husband, Ninoy, in 1983, led to distributed street protests that culminated threesome eld after in the Marcos regime's demise.

Deedee Siytangco, wife Aquino's publicist, told reporters wife Aquino remained semiconscious and stable.

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