Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Democrats win crucial Senate seat

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Al Franken

Minnesota's Supreme Court has declared Democrat Al Franken the succeeder of the state's disputed 2008 US senate race.

On election period terminal November, electronic voting machines gave Mr Franken's Republican opponent Norm Coleman a 215-vote lead.

After a state-wide drill recount Mr Franken was declared the winner, but Mr Coleman fought the result in court.

The Supreme Court ruling effectuation that Mr Franken should soon embellish the Democrats' 60th vote in the US Senate.

Sixty votes are necessary to overturn attempts by the senate eld to country legislation using a technique known as a filibuster.


Mr Coleman has not publicly ruled out continuing his fisticuffs in the federal courts.

In early court hearings, his jural aggroup complained that a sort of absentee ballots had been unfairly unloved by topical officials.

"The grouping of Minnesota module today eventually intend the brilliant and diligent newborn senator they elected in November"

Harry ReidSenate Majority Leader

Q&A: Minnesota senate race

But the Minnesota Supreme Court unloved Mr Coleman's arguments.

Mr Franken prototypal came to prominence as a comedian, appearing on Sat Night Live.

He after became a best-selling author and a host on the progressive Air America radio station.

Democratic senate Majority Leader Harry philosopher issued a statement to "congratulate Senator-elect Al Franken, the incoming senator from the land of Minnesota".

He added: "The grouping of Minnesota module today eventually intend the brilliant and diligent newborn senator they elected in Nov and the flooded representation they deserve."bottom custom html 3

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