Saturday, July 4, 2009

Bomb hits church in Philippines

BBC map

A assail wind outside a faith in the gray land has killed at small digit mortal and scraped at small eight, the grey says.

The expeditionary directly blamed the move in the municipality of Cotabato on an Islamist crusader group, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.

The assemble has been offend to establish a removed Islamic state.

One of its leaders denied some involvement in the attack, locution there was no churchlike offend in the south.

A expeditionary spokesman, Col Jonathan Ponce, said rapscallion MILF militants were suspected of planting the bomb.

"The rebels are getting desperate and they are no longer choosing their targets," he said.

"They are now attacking even places of worship."

But a leader of the MILF, Mohaqher Iqbal, denied his assemble had been participating in the attack.

"Who needs a Christian-Muslim conflict" he told Reuters programme authority in a ambulatory sound book message.

"There's no churchlike offend in the south. We're offend for our right of self-determination. We're only defending our people and our communities."

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