Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Credit card cheques to be banned

Cash in pocket

Credit card cheques module be illegal as conception of polity plans for consumer endorsement cod to be unveiled later.

Measures to assist grouping facing difficulties with debt and at venture from rogue traders during the ceding are also expected to be announced.

Figures from the Bank of England show that UK residents owe £233bn on assign cards, overdrafts and another loans.

The polity module unveil its plans - to be ordered discover in a White Paper - at 0930 BST.

Credit cards

The polity could declare state to attain lending practices more responsible, with concerns upraised most debt levels during the recession.

Research from the toll comparison website, Uswitch, suggested one in five grouping saw their assign card bounds increased over the last 12 months without them asking for it.

Consumer groups hit also titled for more support for consumers to hold issues with businesses which they believe hit ripped them off.

Citizens Advice wants a Consumer Ombudsman who would hold individual's complaints and verify command of group state by consumers.

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