Thursday, October 29, 2009

iPhone increasingly important to Apple's bottom line

Iphone ikon for apple website iPhone accounted for 18.5% of Apple's amount income income in its 2009 business year, according to the company's latest SEC filing. Fortune has been doing the sums, and has pretty graphs display how this has risen from 5.7% of Apple's amount income the previous year. iPhone is thusly easing the company's dependency on its Mac and iPod creation lines, which accounted for 44% and 28.2% of amount income respectively in 2008, but 37.7% and 22.1% in 2009. Meanwhile, the 'other penalization related products and services' category, which includes income of music, video and apps finished iTunes, accounted for 11% of amount income in 2009, up from 10.3% in 2008. The same SEC filing also gives Apple's prototypal public evidence on the papers misconduct lawsuit it's facing from Nokia. Source - Some Good links to meet - More Iphone News | Iphone Application Development --------------- @ Hot Current News Trends | Latest News | Breaking News


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