Friday, July 30, 2010

Black Eyed Peas Rock 'Good Morning America'

  1. Fergie and of The Black Eyed Peas  perform on Good Morning America on Friday

NEW YORK — "Good Morning America" drew its biggest crowd to its Summer Concert Series in Central Park Friday morning (July 30) for a performance by the Black Eyed Peas.

The audience was brimming with excitement as the group's musicians — all clad in robotic outfits and carrying futuristic-looking instruments — took the stage. Robin Roberts and Sam Champion arrived onstage to a small intro from the band. Dancers, dressed in black-and-white full-body spandex costumes, then marched on stage, followed by the four main Peas. The "Boom Boom Pow" beat kicked in and the crowd yelled with excitement, saluting them with a wave of handheld digital cameras as the dancers moved in robotic, choreographed movements. The group's tight performance -- featuring some stellar vocalistics from Fergie -- concluded with a "Good Morning, New York City!" from Will.I.Am.

After a short intermission, the group was interviewed, although mic problems rendered some of their answers unintelligible. Will.I.Am said the group was "up late last night recording," which was met with a roar from the audience, and news was shared that the group's "I Gotta Feeling" was the first song to hit the 6-million mark in digital downloads.

Roberts then asked, "You wanna rock that body?" and the group broke into the song by that name. Fergie flirtatiously teased the cameras as dancers came onstage, dressed like silver robots. After the song had finished Will.I.Am continued singing to himself: "It's a nice day in the park, I want to be outside with my friends" to a soft, reggae rhythm as the audience joined in. When asked about it, Will said, "It was the first thing that came to my mind and I just went with it. Inspiration comes to my mind, I just open up to the melody."

After Juju Chang — clad in one of the dancers' costumes as a joke — came on stage, "I Gotta Feeling" kicked in, and the group performed it amid smoke effects and more seductive dancing from Fergie.

After the Peas left the stage, the crowd chanted for One more song! and Will replied, "I guess we could do one more song." The group launched into an apparently improvised song as Will rapped about the park and the audience; Apl.De.Ap and Taboo followed with raps of their own, then Fergie, who didn't rap but freestyle-sang over the beat. Will.I.Am weighed in again — "I don't wanna leave, leave, leave" — rapping faster and faster as his bandmates yelled "Speed it up!" And with that, the group's performance concluded.


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