Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dyson Air Multiplier

Have you ever been sweaty and hot in the summer time and need a nice cool breeze blown your way? Or have a room that you just can’t keep cool enough for your liking? Sounds like it’s time to pull out that old blade-driven fan sitting in your dusty closet or basement. As you switch the sucker on you hear that familiar low annoying flutter sound and poof; a cloud of dust comes racing your way covering you and your room in filth. Just the way to get your evening or weekend off started.

Dyson Air Multiplier Let’s try this again using the new Dyson Air Multiplier. It keeps you as cool (if not cooler) than your conventional fan but will only speak with a whisper in comparison. With its bladeless technology it draws air in through a vent around the base and combines that with air being sucked in through the cylinder at the top. This produces an amplified and much more even wave of air than a conventional fan and also keeps it from producing the noise that fluttering blades would. It has the same options of speed and direction control but consumes less than half the wattage as a conventional box fan.

The Dyson is much easier to clean as well. Without dealing with fan blades trapped inside a cage that only a feather duster might reach. Just a quick swipe around the ring with a towel and the job’s done. The only downside is paying for this technology. The Dyson Air Amplifiers are not cheap by any means, but the monetary cost may just be a small bump in the road compared to the annoyance it will save you and the convenience it will provide. So, if you are tired of the mess and noise that your old rotating blade fan brings in the spring and summer, try the Dyson Air Multiplier instead.

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