Friday, September 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Google

Guess who is sharing the birthday with popular celebrities like Queen Elizabeth I, Shannon Elizabeth, Hugh Mitchell, Paul Mc Coy and the likes ? Its our favorite Search engine GOOGLE !!

Google is stepping into its 10th year this weekend ( September 7th). The distance they’ve come since Larry Page and Sergey Brin incorporated a company called ‘Google’ whilst attending Stanford University, California as undergraduates is stunning.

Today, Google employs over 17,000 employees and is still hiring at a rate of 100 new employees a week. They are known in every country across the world, and are currently generating $1.25 billion in clear profit every three months!

I seriously doubt that the two students ever imagined things would be quite as successful as this - however, it is reassuring to know that they are (or at least appear to be) refreshingly non-corporate. They have often stated their belief that the big G “can make money without doing evil”.

This is at least in part borne out by how their money making system works - they allow publishers to advertise in their search results, or on pages using their Google Adsense system. However, they have resisted the urge to simply give the top advertising spot to the highest bidder - instead, it goes to the most relevant advertiser (with money being a bit of a factor of course.) This policy means that their customer base (who are the people who use Google to search the internet - or to ‘Google’ it, given that the term has now officially entered the dictionary as a verb), get a quality experience, not one that is ‘bought’ - and this is what Google have always been about.

With a mission statement to “… organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”, they have arguably the best search algorithm out there. And despite the attempts of black hat SEOs, the search engine does usually return the best site for the search terms you have entered.

We’ve got at least another decade to look forward to as well, with Larry and Sergey, along with CEO Eric Schmidt who keeps the business side of things ticking over, having made an unofficial pact to work together for at least 20 years!

Lets all wish our favorite search engine google a very happy birthday !! Happy birthday mate !

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