Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The tiger family expecting another cub

Tiger woods, the golfing great and his hot wife elin woods are expecting another baby this winter. The season started off well for the daddy tiger but then he had to undergo a knee surgery and rest at home.

Tiger woods just announced that a new tiger is on it’s way. Apparently Tiger and Elin woods have sealed the deal so to speak on baby #2. Elin Woods is due sometime this winter.

Tiger woods made the announcement via his website.

Tiger Woods wrote: “This has been a year of contrasts. I had a solid start to the season, won the US Open in an exciting playoff, and then unfortunately had to shut it down after successful knee surgery.”

Apparently unable to Golf, Tiger and Elin woods have most certainly played some other games sitting back at home

I’d like to congratulate the couple, I’m sure their first child Sam Woods will be excited to learn she is going to be a big sister.

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