Friday, November 27, 2009

aibea wage revision, aibea, ufbu wage revision, aiboc wage revision

aibea | aibea remuneration writing | iba | aiboc | aiboc remuneration writing | ufbu remuneration writing | aibea remuneration writing | aibea | iba | aiboc | aiboc remuneration writing | ufbu remuneration revision The Amerindic Banks’ Association (IBA) and United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU) hit united to meet on Nov 27 to take the remuneration bilateral talks forward. Over 7 lakh open facet slope employees module keenly move for the outcome of the meeting. Wage writing for them is due from Nov 2007. Incidentally, both negotiating parties hit united on a 17.5% remuneration hike. They hit also in generalisation united to offer monthly grant to 2.66 slope employees, who did not opt for it in 1993. But their terminal gathering in the final week of September remained indeterminate as they could not arrive at the accounting epistemology of pension. “Issues like accounting for the outlay of grant and the outlay sharing composing between slope management and employees, the proposed introduction of New Pension Scheme (NPS) and variable clear are some issues that need to be resolved,” said All India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA) chair Rajen Nagar. UFBU â€" the umbrella organisation for figure leading slope unions â€" is not also comfortable with IBA’s offering to inform NPS for bankers connexion after Apr 2010. IBA and UFBU together finalise the clear raise plans for open facet slope employees. Talks on the eighth bilateral gathering has been on for quite sometime now. Public facet banks including State Bank of India hit 2.44 lakh officers and 4.68 lakh workmen employees who are awaiting a remuneration writing now- FROM ECONOMIC TIMES | source - Tags: aibea, aibea remuneration revision, iba, aiboc, aiboc remuneration revision, ufbu remuneration revision, aibea remuneration revision, aibea, iba, aiboc, aiboc remuneration revision, ufbu remuneration revision, remuneration writing for slope employees, remuneration writing for slope employees stylish news, remuneration writing in banks, aibea remuneration revision, remuneration writing open facet banks, iba remuneration revision, slope remuneration settlement, slope remuneration revision, aibea, slope remuneration writing 2009, iba, slope remuneration deciding stylish programme --------------- @ Hot Current News Trends | Latest News | Breaking News


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