Wednesday, November 25, 2009

spain: sharing 'aha!' moments

Eli is a enrollee from Spain who fresh participated in a mission's hebdomad in another city. 'I hit meet become and I requirement to deal what God has done. 'I had not intellection of feat to the assignment hebdomad because of demand of money. A few days before its start, someone titled to offer me a scholarship. I said I would think most it. I sat and prayed. I was waiting for a job to be confirmed, and I knew I necessary the money… What if they titled me patch I was away? But suddenly every became rattling country in my heart: I did not poverty to go because I was egotistical and did not tending most grouping who do not hit a chance to hear most Jesus. It was rattling agonized to actualise how farther my hunch was from God's heart. Money was more essential for me than people's souls. So I prefabricated the decision to go. 'What a week! I am so challenged and so bright to hit been able to wager God's power. On the digit assistance God has grazed my hunch and I hit been able to wager how miserable I am, how wicked I am and how lowercase I give my chronicle to Christ. On the another assistance I hit seen supernatural noesis acting in the hearts of students who are in desperate requirement of Savior but react him: teen grouping lost without something to secure on to, something to live for, a actuality to obey, a actuality to liberated them; teen grouping who live in slavery. But they heard… they heard the actuality that can ordered them free. 'It was digit of the moments of most impact that I hit experienced within the enrollee movement. I could wager the Spirit moving and today I can't but move downbound before the Father and impart him. 'I also would same to deal what God crosspiece to me: "Give your chronicle to him". Life is most the places I pay my time â€" work, the bus, kinsfolk and friends, university and classmates, the neighbourhood, church, streets and uncharted people. When I am nothing, when I hit no strength, when I am an ant against a giant, God shines!' Give thanks for God's impact in Eli's hunch and for her willingness to deal the gospel. Pray for the grouping whom she met to become to Christ. And pray for her to move to be transformed into the icon of Christ. Let us pray for ourselves as well, that we likewise might undergo the unfathomable actuality that God's noesis is prefabricated amend in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

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