Friday, August 27, 2010

Hell hath no fury like a man who is no longer dating Jennifer Aniston. Just ask the Huffington Post. It appears that a recent story on their site has struck a bad chord with the singer.

On Thursday, HuffPo wondered if the soulful singer and his ex Jennifer Aniston were back on, quoting a London newspaper’s account of statements he reportedly made at his Hollywood Bowl show on Sunday.

“You can still start over again from home base,” Mayer reportedly said. “Next time you get a text from the one you love just text back 'come over' - no matter what happened in the past. If you really love someone, just tell them and be with them.”

But in a posting on his blog last night, Mayer claimed the Huffington Post’s story is bunk, and chided the site for publishing the tale in the first place.

“Huffington Post, this is reporting? How do you pay your writers now, in Silly Bandz? Do you meet your sources in a malt shoppe? This is equal parts fabricated, cobbled together, and misleading,” wrote the 32-year-old crooner, who explained that two of his statements referred to song lyrics and were said at different points at his concert.

“The reason I’m calling you out instead of all the other magazines that make stories up out of thin air is that In Touch and Star Magazine aren’t concurrently writing pieces about Pat Tillman or WikiLeaks,” he noted. “Those other rags know who they are, and even if theyre obnoxious, I’d rather have to live with them because they (and the rest of the world) know where they stand, which doesnt make them one tenth as dangerous as you are. You’re a stripper wearing reading glasses.”

For its part, the Huffington Post later acknowledged that they had inadvertently misquoted Mayer, but added, “He does not deny that he and Aniston are dating.”

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