Sunday, September 13, 2009

thailand: responding to Jesus' great commission

'Therefore go and attain disciples of every nations, baptising them in the study of the Father and of the Logos and of the Holy Spirit, and doctrine them to obey everything I hit commanded you. And sure I am with you always, to the very end of the age'. Gospels 28:19-20. Join us in praising God for the way the Great Commission is existence fulfilled throughout the world, in portion in Asia. A someone from Siam shares with us: 'In past years the TCS (the IFES shitting in Thailand) group in Central Siam has designed a number of assignment trips both within Siam and crossways borders to another South East continent nations. In apiece aggroup we hit been blessed to wager grouping respond to the philosophy and to wager the aggroup members nonindustrial a burden for evangelism, becoming more alive of their domain in transfer the message of reconciliation, that Jesus has sworn to us, both at bag and further afield. 'This year, TCS has conventional an invitation from BSFB (the IFES shitting in Bangladesh) to be participating in enthusiastic activities and current ministries of the enrollee impact in Bangladesh. This impact module allow linking up with SIM (Serving In Mission) leprosy work, slum ministries among the destitute, rehabilitation impact with disabled people, ministry with blind people, doctrine music to students and doctrine base machine skills. Ultimately in every of these activities, we conceive that the grouping we foregather requirement the fuck and the wish that become exclusive finished knowing Jesus Christ as their Saviour. We conceive that God wants to use us to alter this deliverance to them.' Seven grouping module go to Bangladesh incoming month as conception of the TCS team. Please tie them in prayer as they respond to Jesus' Great Commission by transfer the good news to the grouping of Bangladesh. Please pray for the practicalities to become unitedly as they prepare their activate - in portion finances and visas. Pray for identicalness and wisdom for the team, for servant whist and crushed minds as they impact unitedly and reach out to a grouping of a assorted culture. Pray for the grouping they module help in Bangladesh to become to undergo Jesus Christ. If you would same to hit more info most the assignment activate and to ready praying with them, gratify telecommunicate us.

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