Wednesday, October 7, 2009

albania: an unplanned student movement

Isn't it awful the way God sometimes uses the most extraordinary circumstances to accomplish his purposes? BSKSH (the IFES shitting in Albania) was ingrained by a assemble of evangelical faith students at Tirana University who came to faith and became disciples of Jesus Christ finished the ministry of some dweller students. But those dweller students had not planned modify to meet Albania. In Oct 1991 they were travelling on a mission trip to added land of the location รข€" but had to modify their plans en route when struggle poor in the land they had witting to visit. At diminutive 20 European students became Christians by the end of that scholarly year. This was the prototypal evangelical faith student assemble in Albania. Later, more students began meeting in other universities. In 1997 BSKSH was qualified officially in the land and in 1999 it affiliated to IFES. There are today most 200 students involved in BSKSH activities in quaternary cities. Zef, the General Secretary of BSKSH Albania, writes: 'The beginnings of the shitting were rattling elating and joyful, but also challenging. Many students heard the philosophy for the prototypal instance finished the BSKSH activities. Life in post-communist Albania was rattling hard at that time. Albania was reaching out of the some decades of authorised atheism and separation and it was not cushy for the prototypal missionaries to help here. But though it was a instance when thousands of our compatriots were leaving Albania because of the economical and sacred misery, the messengers of Christ were reaching to us.' Albania is ease a mission field and foreign partners donate most of the financial resources necessary by BSKSH. However, in the last some years, BSKSH has been led by Albanians, and the students themselves front most BSKSH activities, with hold from a ontogeny number of volunteers. BSKSH has its duty in Tirana with a diminutive number of paying staff. Rejoice with us that book 19:21 is true: 'Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.' Pray with us that BSKSH module move to grow, both in numbers of people reaching to Christ, and also in depth of discipleship. Pray for good for faith students as they essay to springy and attestator in this land of 'economic and sacred misery.' Do you hit stories most how God uses extraordinary circumstances to front his purposes in you movement? We'd fuck to hear, and gratify share with us here.

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