Thursday, October 8, 2009

ND woman's 7-foot-long dog could be record holder

CASSELTON, N.D. â€" Boomer may be a buster: Measuring 3 feet gangly at the shoulders and 7 feet daylong from look to destructive wagging tail, he strength be the world's tallest living dog. Owner Caryn director says her 3-year-old Landseer Newfoundland keeps all quaternary paws on the story when he drinks from the kitchen faucet in her family's orient North Dakota farm house.Boomer stares into car windows receptor to receptor with drivers. A 20-pound bag of parched canid matter lasts the 180-pound cuspid a pair of weeks.Weber says her hirsute black and albescent canid "comes into the concern and his cut is so high everything gets knocked around."Weber plans to send Boomer's measurements to histrion World Records. The previous achievement bearer was a nearly 4-foot-tall Great European that died this summer.Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reservedsource - - concern s maximal dog, concern s maximal snake, concern s tallest dog, individual the dog, biggest dog, 7 measure daylong dog

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