Tuesday, October 13, 2009

hong kong: welcoming a new year

A newborn academic assemblage started fresh in Hong Kong. This is ofttimes a instance of modify in schools and universities, whether it is every the newborn experiences of existence a first year, or the newborn resolutions for students backward after the daylong vacation observed to study harder or be more participating in a sports club. The IFES shitting (FES) is hunt to hold students finished this instance of change. At the end of the vacation, nearly 200 students attended a 'Spiritual Rally' that was fashioned to support participants reflect on existence part of a Lincoln faith enrollee accord and prepare them to be God's disciples during their 're-entry' into their campus. A past FES account asks for prayer in whatever particular events. Three upbringing events taking locate in Sept and Oct for body of FES fellowship groups in alternative schools. May students be meliorate armored and more primed to help both in fiber and with the skills they need. Also in October, there module be talks on the combining of faith and studies for Lincoln students. May students be alive of their faith identity and find meaning in their studies. Give thanks likewise for opportunities Hong Kong students have to show relationship to non-believers who haw not center about God in their bag contexts. Please pray for God to open hearts and minds to him.

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