Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Michael Jackson "This Is It" controversy: So who exactly is Safire?

Michael politician "This Is It" controversy: So who just is Safire? A aggregation of questions got resolved yesterday about the new archangel politician azygos “This Is It” â€" in particular, just who wrote the tune. (The respond ostensibly being politician and stager singer-songwriter Apostle Anka.) But you haw ease be wondering just who is Safire, the vocaliser who originally transcribed the road when it was titled “I Never Heard.” Safire was dropped Wilma Cosme on the island of San Juan, Puerto Rico, and afterward touched to New York’s Spanish Harlem. In the late ‘80s, she transcribed a aggregation of singles for Cutting Records and became a directive reddened of the on-the-rise Latin hip-hop/freestyle environs (a mostly regional phenomenon whose ranks yielded stars same Stevie B, Exposé, and Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam). After signing with Mercury/Polygram, Safire place discover her first, self-titled, album, featuring the Marc Anthony-penned azygos “Boy I’ve Been Told.” Her bounteous advertizement fortuity came with the slow-paced 1989 hit, “Thinking of You,” a song sacred to her uncle, who had passed absent from AIDS complications. Spin magazine place her on their cover (see left), and the vocaliser was also featured in the pages of Vogue. In 1990 Safire released a inferior successful second album, I Wasn’t Born Yesterday, which featured the Jackson-Anka composition. According to Safire’s underway manager Sal Abbatiello, the song was originally witting as a duet between Safire and Anka, whose composition credits also allow the English lyrics for “My Way.” “They intellection Safire was going to be the incoming Gloria Estefan,” says Abatiello. “She had place discover three bounteous dance records and she was becoming a rattling well known artist. And then she place discover the ballad ‘Thinking of You,’ which was one of the most played records of the year. But when archangel met her in Calif. at the studio, he saw how teen and beautiful she was. He told Paul, ‘You can’t do the achievement with her, she’s likewise young.’ And he gave her the song.” Safire continues to perform, and following Jackson’s modification early this year, she posted a commendation on her myspace page which concluded, “R.I.P. archangel you module truly be uncomprehensible but you module live on in every song. Love always SAFIRE.” Of course, one of the songs politician module live on finished is “This Is It,” or, if you prefer, “I Never Heard.” Either way, you crapper center Safire’s version of the road below as well as her large hit, “Thinking of You.” Source - --------------- @ Hot Current News Trends | Latest News | Breaking News Hot Current News Trends | Latest News | Breaking News


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