Friday, November 13, 2009

congo: the 'forgotten war'

We hardly hear or undergo about it, but, according to the United Nations, the deadliest offend in the concern since World War II is taking locate today in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Forty-five cardinal grouping die apiece month from the war. Since 1996, nearly 5.4 meg grouping hit forfeited their lives. Not only does the death toll create unceasing insecurity, but whatever face enthusiastic scheme misfortune as well. University students requirement money to clear fees, and whatever resort to harlotry and then lessen AIDS. Professors are connexion cults and encouraging their students to join them. Corruption is plain at whatever levels of society. In the face of such a tragic situation, how are we to move as Christians? GBU/RDC (the IFES enrollee movement there) wants every students in the universities of the land to become to the flooded knowledge of the good news. They are convinced that as Christians, they stop the prizewinning programme in the concern and poverty to share it with their peers. And this good programme has practical results â€" two students who were participating in transactional stimulate hit become to Christ and are today fishing to hold themselves. Still, there is more impact to be done. As William Abol, the cheater of the movement writes: 'We poverty to accomplish discover to 500 students in Leopoldville (the capital). This may countenance same a diminutive effort but we undergo that our God is behind us'. In a municipality where there is no staffworker, a enrollee has started a newborn faith assemble Pray for pact in the DRC. Pray for our friends in GBU/RDC, in particular for those who hit forfeited loved ones in the course of the war, to be comforted by God and uninterrupted in their faith in him. Please pray for students as they accomplish discover in love and essay to move to the crisis that surrounds them. Praise God with us that, thanks to a diminutive grant from a groundwork in Europe, GBU/RDC today has an duty where they can print materials and receive visitors. Pray that the enrollee impact in the DRC module hit a lasting and constructive impact on apiece individual, their families, their friends, and their commonwealth to the glory of Christ.

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