Saturday, November 14, 2009

puru pratap singh | doodle 4 google india

puru pratap singh | doodle 4 google india Nine-year older Puru Pratap Singh was well-known in his Sector 43 division of Amity International School, Gurgaon, as a gifted artist, but the some trophies he won in inter-school prowess competitions drop before his stylish achievement. The collection IV enrollee has won Google Bharat ‘s broad doodling competition, Doodle4Google, which titled for fictive designs and sketches of the Google logo. “It feels primary to have won it,” says Singh, gravely. His doodle, on the theme, My Bharat â€"Full of Life, was chosen from 4,000 broad entries finished an online poll. It module be displayed on the Google Bharat homepage today, to celebrate Children’s Day. “I heard about the oppose in August and had meet digit days to attain the doodle,” he recalls. He adds that he spends more time craft than studying or playing recording games. “My mother and brother helped me with the design,” he adds. After a few wrinkled sketches and digit hours of painting, Singh completed the award-winning design. His design, he explains, symbolises India’s diversity and domestic pride. The ‘G’ has been styled as the domestic bird, the peacock, with its upside fair the quaternary important churchlike symbols of the country. The mass ‘O’ appears as an unstoppered aggregation to represent the Indian wisdom, the second ‘O’ is varnished chromatic as a commendation to India’s moon-mission Chandrayaan uncovering water on the moon. The other ‘G’ is in the appearance of Kashmir figuration India’s honor and the ‘L’ is depicted with an turned search that reminds one of the unknown shirker at Amar Jawan Jyoti patch the test ‘E’ is represented as Gandhiji with his walking stick. “These symbols attain my land unique,” says Singh, who won a T-shirt with his doodle printed on it, a laptop and a Rs 1 lakh prowess activity present for his school. Although there module not be some royalty paying to him, a strikingness of his module imbibe up incoming to his doodle. Source - Tags: doodle 4 google, doodle, doodle 4 google india, doodle for google, puru pratap singh --------------- @ Hot Current News Trends | Latest News | Breaking News


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