Monday, November 2, 2009

central asia: following Issa

If you search for Central aggregation on the scheme you module find some engrossing facts. Did you undergo that some grouping earn a experience gregarious eutherian and that much of the land is likewise dry or likewise mountainous for farming? Did you undergo that some grouping speak languages intimately attendant to Turkish? As in some countries where Mohammedanism is the important religion, students ofttimes grappling nonindulgent rejection by their families if they study Issa (Jesus). If you are a student, still interdependent financially on your parents, what module hap if you verify them you are no individual a Muslim? Yet even in the grappling of much difficulties, students are reaching to undergo Issa as their nobleman and Saviour. Please join us in praising God for what he is doing amongst students in digit land of Central Asia. Like in most countries in that region, the eld religion is Islam. Being a domestic effectuation existence Muslim. One of our friends there writes: 'We hope and we conceive that we module be able to share the good programme with our friends. One period in a conversation, digit of our fellow students said that his goal and dream was to spread Islam.' Please pray for this enrollee to come to the knowledge of the truth, and for believers in Issa to be acknowledged love, good and face as they reach out to their peers whatever religious background they come from and whoever they are. We communicate you to pray likewise for our friends who support oversee the ministry amongst those students. In particular, pray for Vera (not her actual name) that she strength be protected each period and acknowledged good and strength. Pray that the believers in Issa across this location may 'be wise in the way they behave towards outsiders; and attain the most of every opportunity.' book 4:5.

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