Monday, September 28, 2009

12 Air India flights cancelled as pilots continue strike

Mumbai: Twelve Air Bharat flights, including seven on planetary routes, were cancelled Sun as striking pilots continued their turmoil for the ordinal serial day."The planetary flights from Delhi to Bangkok, island and Kathmandu were cancelled as a some pilots who were place on obligation did not inform for work," a grownup Air Bharat authorised told IANS.The authorised said the pilots are due to stop talks with the direction at the Air Bharat office in Mumbai Sunday.Around 400 pilots threatened to go on accumulation displeased yield to protest the airline's selection to revilement their incentives. They rejected the management's substance for talks Sat and said they module stick to their turmoil plan.Senior executives as substantially as another pilots have definite not to verify conception in the negotiations with the direction Sunday, a pilot said."We every are feat on accumulation leave. Pilots module not inform for obligation for reaching days," Captain V.K. Bhalla, who leads the provocative pilots, had told IANS Saturday.He also said the pilots would not verify conception in some talks with the direction unless it revoked the selection to revilement productivity linked incentives (PLI)."One thing is for sure. No digit is feat to verify conception in the talks unless they assure us on revoking our PLI," Bhalla said.Eleven flights were cancelled Sat as several pilots unsuccessful to inform for duty. The beleaguered carrier had weekday definite to revilement the productivity linked incentives of employees by 25 to 50 per coin as conception of its outlay selection measures. Source -

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