Thursday, October 1, 2009

guinea: uncertain situation

According to news reports, whatever grouping died this hebdomad in Guinea in hostility between supporters of the underway program and supporters of the opposition. Please join us in praying for our friends from GBEEG (the IFES shitting there) and their country. Guinea - in West continent - has a population of 9.6 million grouping (UN, 2008). Islam is the eld religion. The land has vast petrified wealth, yet direction and corruption hit brought poverty to whatever people. A someone shares with us: 'Our land is divided. Please pray that both parties participating module accept to talking with each another and encounter a solution to modify the underway crisis for the beatific of all African people. 'Guinea has roughly 150,000 students broad of which 350 students are participating in GBEEG. We especially impact on teaching students to send to Christ and to make a disagreement in society. We equip them to be conscientious and hard-working. This is something that is lacking in our country. It's enthusiastic to wager whatever who hit come discover of the shitting and who are retentive those values. I'm thinking of a teen correct who today entireness in the national media and whose colleagues noticed because of his diligence, punctuality and attitude for his colleagues.' The newborn scholarly assemblage in Guinea is cod to move on 5 October, but the underway situation makes this uncertain. Please pray for our friends in GBEEG at this time, that students and staff module consortium in the Lord. Pray too that God module provide the volunteers and assets needed to support the ministry and that GBEEG graduates module be lifelong disciples of Christ, transfer laurels to him in Guinea.

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