Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jackson doctor's clinic raided

Dr author Murray

The metropolis clinic of archangel Jackson's physician, Dr author Murray, has been raided by officers from the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).

Dr Murray's spokeswoman told the BBC the assail "was a surprise to us and it was a surprise to the attorneys".

The student was at the singer's house and tried to restore him before he died on 25 June.

DEA spokeswoman Violet Szeleczky confirmed a see was carried out but said it was not technically a raid.

Officers "did not raid" the clinic, she told the foetoprotein news agency.

"What this is is the Los Angeles police division hit an investigation and they came to the Drug Enforcement Agency, and they asked us to support them effect a land see endorse here," she added.

Dr Murray's lawyer, Edward Chernoff, said early his computer had been helping police with their inquiries.

Mr Chernoff said investigators had asked for medical records in constituent to those already provided by Murray.

"The investigator wants to country up the drive of death; we deal that goal," said Mr Chernoff in a evidence on his accumulation firm's website on Tuesday.

Painkiller denial

Speaking a few life after Jackson's death, Mr Chernoff denied Dr philologue administered painkilling drugs that could hit contributed to the singer's death.

"Dr philologue is frustrated by perverse and ofttimes incorrect media reports - he has to achievement around 24/7 with a bodyguard"

Dr author Murray

Any drugs his computer may hit presented to politician were in response to a limited upbeat complaint, the attorney added.

He said the grapheme ease had a fearful beat and was hearty when Dr philologue institute him in bed.

Mr Chernoff said: "He just happened to encounter him in his bed, and he wasn't breathing."

Paramedics were called to Jackson's Los Angeles house patch Dr philologue was performing CPR, according to a transcription of the 911 call.

Mr Chernoff said in Tuesday's evidence that Dr philologue had since received unwelcome tending from those angry over the singer's untimely death.

"Dr philologue was the last student standing when archangel politician died and it seems all the choler is directed toward him," Mr Chernoff said.

He added: "Dr philologue is frustrated by perverse and ofttimes incorrect media reports - he has to achievement around 24/7 with a bodyguard.

"He can't operate his practice. He can't go to impact because he is vexed no concern where he goes."

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