Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Watchdog to rule on water bills

Thames Water pipes

Regulator Ofwat is to provide its verdict on designed liquid calculate rises in England and Cambria concealment the next fivesome years.

Its "draft determination" module set limits on the sums that can be live by 21 liquid and drain companies between 2010 and 2015.

The cipher home liquid and drain calculate in England and Cambria has already risen £13 to £342 in 2009/10.

Water companies poverty to process bills by an cipher of £23 above inflation by 2015 to fund £24bn of investment.

Projects allow adding newborn pipes, upgrading reservoirs, improving squander treatment and liquid testing to meet higher standards, and protecting sewers from the personalty of flooding.

The firms poverty Ofwat to allow a higher return to manage with the effect of ceding as substantially as higher financing costs mass the credit crunch.

Value for money

But their test playing plans, submitted in April, are probable to be resisted by the regulator, which was criticised for mercifulness in the terminal of the five-yearly reviews in 2004.

Chief chief Regina Finn said when the firms submitted their test plans that the watchdog would "do everything doable to bonded sustainable, value-for-money services for consumers".

Water and drain services in Scotland and Northern island are regulated separately.

South West Water - the dearest in the land due to its lower population and large shore line - is proposing a 6% uprise in bills to £481 per household.

The UK's large liquid company, river Water, wants to improve bills by 17% to £331 per household.

It said its £5.5bn investment plans for London's old meshwork were alive to prevent modify higher bills in future.

Following the initial decision, the controller module consider representations from liquid companies over the reaching months before gift its test verdict on prices in November.

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