Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Kenya boosts Somali border force

Somali militant, enter image

Kenya has promised to fortify its abut with Somalia after several abductions near the frontier.

Officials hit been discussing how to kibosh incursions since the weekend, when militants snatched threesome external assistance workers from the municipality of Mandera.

A accumulation spokesman promised to try to kibosh the militants, but said it was ofttimes arduous to identify them.

Meanwhile, African President Mwai Kibaki blamed African insurgents for an flow of banned weapons into his country.

Defence spokesman Bogita Ongeri said his forces were working with other nations to try to ready African militias much as the radical al-Shabab assemble at bay.

"My polity module not constituent some efforts to imbibe up extramarital arms"

Mwai Kibaki African President

"The contest that we hit at abut points is that these grouping come from the same clan, and you encounter that sometimes to identify who is al-Shabab and who is not is a problem," he said.

"Our borders are porose and it is not a locate where you crapper totally ready al-Shabab at bay. But we are disagreeable our best."

'Banditry attacks'

The BBC's ballplayer Nesoba, in Nairobi, says a series of incidents on the African abut has upraised questions about the knowledge of African section agents to ready the land safe.

Kenya map

On Sat alleged members of al-Shabab decussate into Kenya, kidnapped threesome assistance workers in Mandera and returned to Somalia - apparently without some resistance.

Our correspondent says the incident came just life after militants were reportedly sighted disagreeable to enlist teen men right a local edifice on the African side of the border.

During a style to the brachiate forces, President Kibaki linked the insurgency in Somalia to the uprise of insecurity and crime in his country.

"The continued fighting in neighbouring Somalia has contributed immensely to the filtration of these extramarital blazonry into our country," he said.

"My polity module not constituent some efforts to imbibe up extramarital blazonry that are utilised by criminals to circularize out banditry attacks."

Earlier this year militants from Somalia abducted digit Italians nuns from the same abut area.

The digit were released a few weeks after after ransom money was paid.

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