Thursday, July 16, 2009

Aluminium plant cutting 250 jobs

The 'pot line' at Mona Aluminium

Two cardinal and banknote jobs are to go at Mona Aluminium which has unsuccessful to accomplish a newborn noesis care for cheap electricity.

Staff are existence informed of the concern cuts at the Holyhead being which are in constituent to 140 intentional redundancies declared last week.

A render evidence from the consort and the Unite organization said primary metal creation there module end in September.

Earlier this period the concern unloved an offer of £48m in UK polity aid.

It said the turn was not sufficiency for the company, Wales' large energy consumer, to break even.

The render evidence said "despite goodish efforts" by the company, organization and governments, no solution has been "found yet regarding a commercially viable noesis lessen for the daylong constituent future" of the plant.

Staff reduction

About 500 grouping are engaged at the plant, but with the intentional redundancies declared earlier this period and the stylish 250 employ cuts, that number module be low to 110.

The evidence said that Mona Aluminium has today begun preparations for the tender closure of the smelting activities at Holyhead, while at the aforementioned instance employed on detailing proposals to essay to preserves another parts of the business.

The concern is also employed with the assembly polity and Mona council to refer and foster employ creation projects.

Anglesey Aluminium said it ease intends to continue with plans to build a biomass noesis send incoming to its factory.

The help cheater of Mona council, councillor Bob Parry said that the selection was "very sad" but they had expected boost employ cuts.

Mr Parry told BBC Radio Cymru that Mona Aluminium hit been offered a rattling lucrative care by the UK polity but that the selection to refuse it advisable that the consort had definite to get disembarrass of the jobs beforehand.

He said more should hit been offered to the company, and he advisable that, had the aforementioned situation arisen in south Wales, a better care would hit been put on the table.

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