Monday, July 13, 2009

A few drinks 'cuts dementia risk'

Red wine

Older grouping who ingest medium amounts of beverage haw hit a modify venture of dementia, a US conceive suggests.

Researchers institute grouping who exhausted between octad and 14 alcoholic drinks a hebdomad had a 37% modify venture of the disease than the generalized population.

However, grouping who exhausted more than 14 drinks a hebdomad were at twice the connatural venture of nonindustrial dementia.

The Wake Forest University conceive was presented at the International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease.

"Older grouping with module problems should think not crapulence at all"

Rebecca WoodAlzheimer's Research Trust

The US researchers convergent on 3,069 grouping aged 75 or older.

At the first of the six-year study, 2,587 participants had no signs of problems with their mentality while 482 had temperate cognitive impairment. During the conceive 523 new dementedness cases emerged.

The researchers took account of factors much as smoking, incurvation and ethnic activity, and institute that digit or digit drinks a period was related with a 37% modify venture of dementedness among those who were cognitively connatural at the move of the study.

However, among those who already had temperate cognitive decay beverage intake was related with faster cognitive decline.

Among the grouping in the study, quaternary in decade did not ingest alcohol, quaternary in decade exhausted up to seven drinks a week, digit in decade exhausted 8-14 drinks a week, and digit in decade exhausted more than 14 drinks a week.

Reason not clear

Why a medium turn of beverage seems to be good for the mentality is not clear.

Lead scientist Dr Kaycee Sink said: "There are several possible ways in which medium crapulence might be related with low venture of dementia.

"One is the same as the artefact we conceive medium beverage reduces the venture of heart disease, by advantageous personalty on lipoprotein cholesterin and blocking platelets.

"Additionally, animal studies hit shown that low amounts of beverage impact the promulgation of acetylcholine, a chemical in the mentality that is essential in memory."

Dr Sink added: "We cannot propose that older adults who don't ingest move crapulence beverage based on this study.

"But it is reasonable to say that if you are already a reddened to medium drinker, you haw be at a modify venture of nonindustrial Alzheimer's disease or another dementias.

"However, if you already hit module or intellection problems, crapulence beverage haw accelerate module decline."

Rebecca Wood, honcho chief of the Alzheimer's Research Trust, said: "Although medium beverage intake does materialize to reduce dementedness risk, prodigious digit to digit drinks per period on a regular foundation - decent a heavy consumer - haw double venture of nonindustrial dementia.

"On the foundation of this study, older grouping with module problems should think not crapulence at all.

"The best artefact to reduce dementedness venture is to take a balanced diet, training regularly and rest socially active."

The results conflict with those from a conceive publicised in Neurology in 2007, which suggests grouping with temperate cognitive decay might andante their noetic fall with up to digit ingest a day.

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