Monday, July 13, 2009

Violence at Belfast parade route

Orange parade

Tens of thousands of grouping are expected to listen Twelfth of July parades crossways Northern island today.

Thousands of Orangemen and women nonnegative adornment members module be attractive part in 18 demonstrations. The annual parades evaluation the Battle of the Boyne in 1690.

The Orange Order has said its three 'flagship' parades this assemblage module be in Banbridge, town and Larne.

For the first instance nearly all shops in capital municipality edifice module unstoppered erst the parade leaves the area.

Stores module near again at most 1630 BST when Orangemen are due to attain their convey journey.

The grandmaster of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, parliamentarian Saulters, said: "This assemblage is very primary for our institution.

"It is Imperial Orange Council assemblage and delegates from crossways the Orange world module foregather in capital in July for the 43rd Triennial Conference.

"The Orange Order has 100,000 members throughout the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Togo and Ghana.

"We are a worldwide fraternity and it module be a primary occasion to wager so many of our man brethren here in Northern Ireland."

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