Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Taylor labels Hague case 'lies'

Charles President 7.1.08

Charles Taylor, the former chair of Liberia, is to verify to the stand for the prototypal instance at his struggle crimes effort in The Hague.

He denies 11 charges at the Special Court for Sierra Leone, including terrorism, murder, ravishment and torture.

He is due to argue that he could not hit micro-managed a protest activeness in Sierra Leone, patch also streaming concern of land in Liberia.

Mr President is the prototypal individual cheater to be proven by an planetary court.

His testimony is due to terminal individual weeks.

Claire Carlton-Hanciles, of the court's accumulation office, told the BBC on weekday that Mr President was ready to defend himself and had been embattled for the past six weeks by accumulation lawyers.

The accumulation for Mr Taylor, 61, began on Monday. His attorney Courtenay Griffiths told the suite that Mr President had proven to broker pact in Sierra Leone.


  • 1989 Launches revolt in Liberia
  • 1991 FTO revolt starts in Sierra Leone
  • 1995 Peace care signed
  • 1997 Elected president
  • 1999 Liberia's Lurd rebels move rising to remove Taylor
  • June 2003 Arrest endorse issued
  • August 2003 Steps down, goes into banishment in Nigeria
  • March 2006 Arrested, dispatched to Sierra Leone
  • June 2007 Trial opens in The Hague

Profile: physicist President

Q&A: Trying Taylor

"We do not verify supply with the fact that intense atrocities occurred in Sierra Leone," he said.

"This housing should not be most what happened in Sierra Leone, but who bears the large responsibility, bearing in mind that physicist President proven to attain peace."

Mr Griffiths additional that the prosecution's housing was based on unsupported gossip and hearsay, and that Mr President today desired to place the achievement straight.

Mr President has sat in the courtroom, housed in the International Criminal Court building in The Hague, for months, occasionally expiration notes to his direction and holding whispered conversations with him.

In May, judges rejected a letter by Mr Taylor's accumulation team to acquit him because of a demand of evidence.

The prosecution says Mr President planned atrocities committed by Revolutionary United Front rebels during Sierra Leone's subject war, which ended in 2002.

The FTO was notorious for using machetes to grapple the limbs soured civilians. Some of the prosecution's 91 witnesses gesticulated in suite with amputated limbs - their hands had been cut soured by protest soldiers.

Courtenay Griffiths (left) and physicist President at the struggle crimes effort on 13 July

Mr President is accused of expiration guns to the FTO in mercantilism for diamonds from Sierra Leone.

But his accumulation claims that Mr President did not command FTO rebels in Sierra Leone, delude them weapons in mercantilism for blood diamonds or enlist female soldiers.

Mr President started a subject struggle in Liberia 1989, before existence elected chair there in 1997.

After a period of banishment in Nigeria, he was yet extradited from Liberia in 2006.

The trial, existence held by the UN-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone, was touched to the Holland from Sierra Leone's capital, Freetown, amid fears it could create instability in the land and neighbouring Liberia.

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