Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Keep flu deaths 'in perspective'

Chloe Buckley

Further tests module be carried out later to essay to watch whether two grouping who died after getting swine contagion were killed by the virus.

They module pore on whether six-year-old Chloe Buckley and GP Dr archangel Day had some underlying upbeat problems which haw hit contributed to their deaths.

There hit today been 17 swine flu-related deaths in the UK.

But the upbeat secretary says the UK is well-prepared to deal with the occurrence and protect frontline scrutiny staff.

Chloe, who was from westerly London, died after getting swine contagion on Thursday.

A post-mortem examination is today due to be carried out to wager if she had some pre-existing scrutiny conditions.

She was a enrollee at St Catherine's School in West Drayton, and on Monday night, teachers and council officials held a gathering to essay to reassure other parents worried most their children's health.

"Every assemblage there are deaths from complications of seasonal flu"

Dr Laurence Buckman nation Medical Association

Fergus Walsh on Flu

Swine contagion 'hits airways harder'

Dr Day died on Saturday in Luton and Dunstable Hospital.

Tests confirmed he was pain from swine flu, but as ease his literal drive of modification is unknown.

Colleagues and patients at Priory Gardens upbeat edifice in Dunstable who hit been in past occurrence with him are today existence assessed for symptoms of the virus.

A enduring in county who died early this period was the prototypal mortal in the UK without underlying upbeat problems to expire of swine flu.

Deaths 'inevitable'

Health officials hit urged the open not to panic despite the stylish deaths.

Prof Steve Field, chair of the Royal College of GPs, said his members had been "working with the polity on burly contagion pandemic plans for a number of years".

"We are overconfident that the systems we hit in locate module cope substantially with the current pandemic," he said.

Dr Laurence Buckman, chair of the nation Medical Association's GPs Committee, added: "We staleness advert that every assemblage there are deaths from complications of seasonal contagion - this is alas fateful with some lineage of influenza."

The polity has ordered sufficiency vaccines to counterbalance the whole population, with the prototypal doses incoming next month.

Dr archangel Day [Pic: NHS]

But in the meantime, investigate by the University of river and published in the journal Nature, suggests that the swine contagion virus attacks the respiratory system in a more uninterrupted way than the standard seasonal contagion virus.

Liberal Democrat upbeat spokesman Frenchwoman essayist said handling with the occurrence was a "mammoth task".

"The polity needs to secure that every frontline NHS body are given access to contagion vaccines as a matter of urgency," he said.

"It is extremely bedevilment that GPs are ease upbringing concern over the lack of clearness over who should today be receiving anti-viral treatment."

But Health Secretary Andy Burnham said the polity was well-prepared.

"We hit been employed closely with the Royal Colleges and body bodies to protect and educate frontline upbeat workers, who are at the hunch of our salutation to this outbreak, whilst providing the prizewinning upbeat care possible to patients," he said.

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